[v1.6.1] MASCHINE PLUS/MK3/MIKRO MK3 Ableton Live 11+ & 12.1+ MIDI Remote Script



  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor

    Hi everyone,

    The long awaited User Manual is finally published and you should've received an email by now.

    A new v1.5.1 release has also been published to all customers.

    This forum thread has been updated too, Installation guide (pdf), Changelog (pdf) and User Manuals (for MK3 and MIKRO MK3) are published in this thread (also available on v1.5.1 and future releases' zip file over at Gumroad).

    The interactive web-based User Manual is now live at: https://elton47.github.io/MMMk3-User-Manual/

    Please let me know about your suggestions and questions :)



  • Cadian
    Cadian Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2022

    Hello all!

    I absolutely love this script, bought it a few months ago and it's only got more useful with time. Barely ever use my maschine mikro in normal mode any more! Just updated to 1.51 and all going very smooth

    Would be really cool if arpeggiator could be somehow implemented, but for all i know that might be impossible. Either way its ridiculously useful and has made my maschine mikro the centre of my portable setup.

    Thanks Elton, it's super!

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor
    edited February 2022


    Thank you so much for your kind appreciation!

    Chords, Arp and Step modes are considered to be for future releases.

    Maybe SHIFT + NOTE REPEAT could enable "Arp".

    Some controllers offer Arp and Chords functionalities from the Hardware level. I have to do more research.

    For example, Ableton Push 2, does not have arp and chord modes, I fear it is a limitation of Live's Python API but I have to confirm this during my research for it.

    Step sequencer could be possible, but I am still struggling with Fixed Velocity must-have functionality.

    I will let everyone know about future plans, as I have listed (to myself :D) some issues many time ago about v1.6.0 release.

    Please stay hyped about further updates.

    Thank you for your suggestions :)

  • Cool Dre
    Cool Dre Member Posts: 2 Member

    Hey Elton,

    So I have 2 slight issues that i cannot figure out how to resolve. #1. for some reason I cant get my mikro mk3 controller to play the sounds in my drum rack in Ableton. For some reason (see the attached pdf file) when i try to play the pads, the drum pads are stuck on the the red section of the drum rack and i cant get the controller to transpose down to get to the yellow section where the actual drum sounds are for me to play it with the mk3 controller. #2 when i use the "mute" or "solo" hot key on the controller, it seems to be stuck that way in Ableton and i cant get the controller to get out of that particular state and every pad i hit seems to only mute or solo the sounds and not actually play the sounds. if you could help me with this, i would greatly appreciate it.

  • DeepThumb
    DeepThumb Member Posts: 172 Advisor

    Hello Elton,

    I just updated from 1.50 to 1.51. Perfect documentation! Again: I appreciate your hard work.

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor


    I'm sorry to hear that you are facing some issues, I will try to reproduce these issues as soon as possible today and will let you know about resolving them.

    Thank you for your in-detail report!

  • Mattk
    Mattk Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks for taking the time and replying to everyone.

    I am having similar issues.

    The script works when I open a new project. But also then, once I for example mute something, I can only mute and not play anymore until I restart Ableton.

    When I open a pre existing I can't trigger drum pads.

    The only way to solve it is to transpose the buttons in the controller editor, but then the colours get stuck on the colours I last used on a working drum pad in a new project.

    Would be amazing if you could fix this somehow!

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor

    Thank you everyone about in detail bug reports, I will try to reproduce and fix the issues within this week.

    I became very ill these days and not getting improvements, I will let you all know as soon as I start the script development and bug fixing.

    I am sorry for this inconvenience :(,


  • Mattk
    Mattk Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Get well soon! Take time for your recovery and don't apologize for it, everyone here appreciates your work.

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor
    edited February 2022

    Hello @Cool Dre and @Mattk

    I tried to reproduce the problems, they are similar, related to DRUM mode, problems on MUTE / SOLO state and also triggering drum pads, using Live v11.1 and this script's v1.5.1 version, but I couldn't manage to reproduce the problems.

    I tried to mute the drum pads using MUTE + PAD 1-16 and then still can play the (other unmuted) pads after letting go of "MUTE" button, I can unmute them and still play pads. Same for SOLO.

    @Cool Dre helped me with the pdf file, thanks for that, which made me realize that the controller pads might be stuck on C3 up to C#4 notes (for the "red circle" section drawn in the image from the pdf), on DRUM mode due to a possible script crash.

    If you could reproduce this problem again and then send me the Log.txt file, that would be greatly appreciated.

    Live's log file can be found here:

    • Windows - \Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live x.x.x\Preferences\Log.txt
    • Mac - /Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live x.x.x/Log.txt

    Thank you in advance into solving this issue together,


  • s44j4n
    s44j4n Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2022

    Maschine Plus Users - Good News, MK3 Script Works for Plus

    Hi Elton,

    I really admire all the work you have done on this from looking on the old thread especially.

    For those looking to use the MK3 script for their Maschine Plus, I am happy to report that it works well - I am very pleased with the note repeat function in particular. I haven't tested all the functions yet so your mileage may vary...but initial impressions are good!

    To get it working (Live 11 only), follow the instructions per the manual, with the following deviations to steps 4 and 5:

    A) At step 4 of the manual, select device as Maschine Plus in Controller Editor instead.

    B) Instead of step 5 of the manual, right click on 'template 1' on the Maschine Plus template side bar and export it somewhere you'll remember. If you don't have template 1 listed just load up any of the factory templates by clicking on them under the 'factory templates' drop down menu, and then export it. This is so we have a .ncmp file to edit, rather than the .ncm3 or .ncmm3 files that correspond to the mk3 and mikro respectively, as Controller Editor won't allow us to load those extensions for our Maschine Plus. It simpy won't recognise them in explorer.

    C) Go to the extracted folder provided by Elton and open the "Maschine Mk3 Ableton Unofficial.ncm3" file in notepad (Right click -> open in -> notepad).

    D) Select all from "Maschine Mk3 Ableton Unofficial.ncm3" and hit copy.

    E) Open up the .ncmp file you just exported (in step B), in notepad. Select all, delete everything and hit paste.

    F) Third line down, change 'midi-map type="MaschineMK3"' to 'midi-map type="MaschinePlus"'. The functionality is a not quite right if you don't do this - the note repeat button acts as a toggle rather than its usual gate for example.

    G) Hit save. Now point Controller Editor to this .ncmp file (don't think the filename matters) in a similar manner to step 5 of the manual. Continue with step 6 and onward...

    I'm sure there is a better way of doing this but this was my quick hack lol. Couldn't find anything on the internet about using MK3 scripts in Plus either. Until Elton gets time to include the Maschine Plus integration this is a workaround..I am very happy as this has been doing my head in and no help from NI.

    Keep up the great work!

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor


    Thank you so much for letting us know about it!!

    I was wondering to create a separate NI Controller Editor template for MASCHINE+ for this script, but, unfortunately, I couldn't test if it would work or not, as I only have the MIKRO MK3 hardware.

    I am so glad that it seems to be working!

    For the next release, which I am currently working on (v1.6.0), I will provide a template file for MASCHINE+ as well and will update the installation guide and user manuals if that is alright from your side.

    I hope everything goes as planned about the v1.6.0 upcoming release, to also include MASCHINE+ integration/support.

    Thank you a lot for your appreciation, for the hack and for letting us know about it! :)

  • Pilapsio
    Pilapsio Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hello there,

    I have some issues when using the template on live 11. the thing is that I mainly produce using maschine as a vst in live, so I am constantly changing between maschine as slave and maschine as a midi controller for vst in live itself and everything is cool except when my midi controller got kind of stucked and I have to close live and open it again so the controller can work again. It happens a lot between sessions and I ve noticed it happens mainly when I combine maschine as a vst.

    All of my software is original, updated to the last version available on my laptop and I use the controller straight to a usb port, no hubs in between so I would like know if another person has suffered this type of issues when producing and how to avoid it so that its not necessary to restart live when you are in the middle of a production.


  • Pilapsio
    Pilapsio Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Ok sorry, I just realized im using 1.5.0 version of the template and there is already a 1.5.1 xd My bad, I will upload and see if the problem is still there!

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor
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