[v1.6.1] MASCHINE PLUS/MK3/MIKRO MK3 Ableton Live 11+ & 12.1+ MIDI Remote Script



  • nima
    nima Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited August 2022

    Hey Elton,

    This is freaking awesome... I love it. When I got my Maschine Mikro MK3 I was so disappointed that I couldn't use it with Ableton Live 11 as a MIDI. This is exactly what I wanted. Well worth the $30. I bet it took you hours to develop it. And it fairly does exactly what you mention in the manual. I found a limitation on my Mac Ableton 11. So thought to note it here:

    • In Scene Mode, the scrolling with the knob works, but it doesn't change the "Blue" rectangle on the UI to indicate where you are in scene range. Probably a limitation in the tool, but could really nice to have the MIDI selection range (the Blue rectangle) change as you scroll.
    • ^^ in the manual you mention you have to hold "Shift" to scroll, but with/without it works!!

    Also one cool feature for drumpad coloring:

    • Make the colors dependent on a format of RGB Hex code after a hashtag
    • For example: Shaker #800000 --> would make the color of this shaker pad Maroon RGB(128,0,0)
    • OR make it RGB based... For example: Shaker (128,0,0) would mean the same
  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor


    Thank you for your great appreciation and feedback!

    I will try to reproduce the issue you mentioned, for scrolling in SCENE mode and will come back to you soon.

    As for the RGB, unfortunately, the colors of the pads can only be set to predefined colors from MASCHINE (3 types of red, light, normal, bright, and so on for other colors).

    These are all the available colors that I can use:

  • nima
    nima Member Posts: 11 Member

    Do you have a “keyword” to “pads color” mapping? Or a reference that has that documented. I figured out some of the colors, like kick = red, hit = pink, noise = white. But don’t have all of it.

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor


    Please refer to my old post on the old forum, link:

    I will also paste the image here for easy access, too.

    It would be a nice idea to add this documentation to the user manual as well, I will consider adding it.

  • jive01
    jive01 Member Posts: 4 Member


    My hats off to you man. Once upon a time, I was mainly a Maschine user, but I moved over to Ableton and all of my maschine hardware. (I own a bunch of them) was collecting dust. This is exactly what I needed. Really great job here. At first I thought the price was way to steep and after using it for some time I realize it is WORTH EVERY PENNY. Your script is incredibly intuative, and the manual is also very well done.

    A few things of note:

    1 - Note repeat does not lock when hitting shift + note repea

    2 - I would love a way to be able to scroll through and browse/audition my sounds (collections favorites) Perhaps when you hit the browse button and start scrolling through your sounds and folders with the job wheel and or the arrow buttons

    3 - Fixed Velocity (which I've seen that you are working on)

    4 - For the Maschine MK3 being able to use groups to select your tracks would be really nice.

    5 - Have you considered doing something similar for the Presonus Atom? The current Ableton script done by presonus is sorely lacking.

  • jive01
    jive01 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Also, I should add that shift + tap/metro is NOT turning off and on the metronome.

  • jive01
    jive01 Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2022

    So, after using this for a bit, it looks like your v 1.60 shift functions do not work... @Elton Memishaj

    update: just read in the documentation that shift = restart/loop. Works great!

  • jive01
    jive01 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Another request is more accurate color assignments. Currently a yellow track is a orange pad....

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor

    Hello @jive01

    My apologizes for getting back to you late.

    I am glad to hear that you sorted out the issue about SHIFT functions and thank you for letting me know about it :)

    Regarding to more accurate color assignments, I will consider improving them in future releases.

    Thanks again!


  • Blancoverde
    Blancoverde Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi mate ! First, thank you so much for your work 🙏

    Just a little question : I use your script on my Mikro only for Drum Use and I have APC40 on side to control tracks. Is it possible to attach the mikro on a specific track ? Because when I'm changing track selection on my APC40 it changes the selected track for the Mikro so that I can't manage drums on Mikro and Instruments' track on APC40.

    Best regards,

    Thanks again !

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor


    I apologize for my big delay in getting back to you about this issue.

    Unfortunately, as of now, it is not possible to lock the selected track to specific track.

    I might consider it for a future update, will need to see if there's any limitation from Live's API about this, because so many things (in this script and many popular scripts for other devices) depend on the selected track and it's state/params changes.

    I will let everyone know about new update and specifically about this topic.

    In case this is a limitation for your workflow, please feel free to ask me for a full refund, you will still be notified if this feature comes live in the future.

    Thank you again, this is a great and important suggestion that I took notes for future features :)


  • Sjodin77
    Sjodin77 Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi ! I love the app and it works great. But is there a way to automap the 8 knobs on the maschine to Abletons macro knobs? Can´t seem to work it out, I can get it to work on a specific instrument by pressing the midi button in Live but it`s not mapping automatically to the macro knobs when opening up another instrument with macro knobs. Hope you understand what i mean.


  • mareckiee
    mareckiee Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi Elton!

    First of all - I appreciate your hard work and the way this script works and how intuitive it is is incredible. I produce music for a long time now, Last year I tried to switch from FL Studio to Ableton and bought Ableton Push 2 (which is a phenomenal piece of hardware) but right now I thought about switching to smaller MIDI pads but with some controls of Ableton and your script did the work 100%. I'm not sure if I'm going to switch to MIKRO only, but it's nice to have options.

    Now the thing I wanted to report:

    • I found a little bug, that when I switch to the track mode by pressing SHIFT + GROUP and then add new midi or audio track - shift options don't work no more and also I can't turn off the track mode by pressing SHIFT + GROUP. I have to go to other mode to escape this state.

    Beside that fixed velocity mode would be very useful (I've seen that you already work on that).

    I don't really understand how metering mode works and also have some issues with using events mode, maybe I just didn't figure it out yet.

  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor


    Unfortunately, that is a feature currently not available in this script.

    I've planned a "RACK" mode feature for Makros, for future releases, but this is exclusive for MASCHINE MK3.

    I'm trying to figure out how I can utilize the 1x jog wheel that MIKRO MK3 has, in order to adjust up to 16 makro knobs of the selected device, still I'm trying to design a way for these new features.

    Critical for now, for this script are features like Fixed Velocity, which I'm trying to solve from time to time, to prepare it for the next release.

    I've also considered of separating this script and create a new one (based off this script) for MASCHINE MK3/PLUS, as these two hardware offer much more buttons, 2x screens, 8x knobs, etc.

    I will let everyone know about news and announcements for future releases.


  • Elton Memishaj
    Elton Memishaj Member Posts: 145 Advisor


    Thank you so much for the appreciation and for your reports on some issues!

    I will try to reproduce this issue and will let you know about it within this upcoming week.



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