Native Access not working

wk1630 Member Posts: 23 Member
edited November 2024 in Native Access

native access will not work

i have done all of the sugg things now it just hopless

is there any resolve in site


Best Answers

  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 748 mod
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    Hello wk1630, sorry for the issue.

    Normally this issue is caused by an outdated Native Access version.

    So , to solve that, I would kindly suggest to make sure that you are using the latest version of the Native Access (3.14.0). Here is the website from where you can download the latest version of it:

    Then please restart your computer afterwards.

    Also, here is the Knowledge Base Article that can help you with this case:

    Native Access Error: "Unable to log in"

    If the issue persists after these steps, please create a support ticket or open a chat support using this link below:

    So our team can help you to solve that issue as soon as possible.

    I hope this helps☺️

  • MHalloran
    MHalloran Member Posts: 35 Member
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓


    The problem turned out to be that macOS 14.7 and Sequoia changed Permissions on most of my Users folders and files. Native Access was among the least of my problems.

    Anyway, because of other problems I was having, I figured this out and started allowing myself "Read & Write / Apply to enclosed items" access on everything I could.

    I do not know which of the many folders allowed Native Access to work again but it was one of them.

    Hope this helps someone else.


  • wk1630
    wk1630 Member Posts: 23 Member

    cant log in

  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 748 mod
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    Hello wk1630, sorry for the issue.

    Normally this issue is caused by an outdated Native Access version.

    So , to solve that, I would kindly suggest to make sure that you are using the latest version of the Native Access (3.14.0). Here is the website from where you can download the latest version of it:

    Then please restart your computer afterwards.

    Also, here is the Knowledge Base Article that can help you with this case:

    Native Access Error: "Unable to log in"

    If the issue persists after these steps, please create a support ticket or open a chat support using this link below:

    So our team can help you to solve that issue as soon as possible.

    I hope this helps☺️

  • MHalloran
    MHalloran Member Posts: 35 Member
    edited November 2024

    NA 3.14.0 has been working fine—even installed my Komplete 15 Limited Edition upgrade day before yesterday.

    Today, I cannot log in. I've read all the support articles, reinstalled, went through security and accessibility etc. and tried all the solutions. I was finally able to open a support ticket after going round and round and round and round and round and round and round… with your AI chat bot answering the same questions over and over and over and over and over and over and over while continually asking for a support agent…

    It may look like I am exaggerating but I assure that it was more times than I listed. I've rebooted, shut down and restarted, opened in Safe Mode, reset Launch Services. Still nothing.

    macOS Sonoma 14.7

  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 748 mod
    edited November 2024

    Hello MHalloran, sorry for the continuing issue. And thank you for giving us a feedback about our chatbot, sorry for any inconvenience this issue may have been caused. It is happening if there is no free agent at the time that you are waiting, however we are working to improve it. I will also make sure that I share this with our team to improve our services for you.

    According to the issue, our team should get back to you as soon as possible to solve that issue as soon as possible.

    I hope this helps☺️

  • MHalloran
    MHalloran Member Posts: 35 Member
    edited November 2024

    Not yet.

    Support suggested I run the NI Support Tool. Unfortunately, I cannot open it on my Mac no matter what I try.

    In the meantime, I created a new APFS Volume and installed Native Access onto that. I was able to log in successfully and find my libraries installed onto an external drive. That does not mean anything except that my internet is good since I cannot log in on my System Drive where I do my work.

    Curiously, NA won't log me in but it does give an error if my email or password are wrong.

    I have asked Support for a complete list of files so that I may remove NA completely and reinstall.

    Thing is that it did work until last week. This is extremely frustrating.

  • MHalloran
    MHalloran Member Posts: 35 Member
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓


    The problem turned out to be that macOS 14.7 and Sequoia changed Permissions on most of my Users folders and files. Native Access was among the least of my problems.

    Anyway, because of other problems I was having, I figured this out and started allowing myself "Read & Write / Apply to enclosed items" access on everything I could.

    I do not know which of the many folders allowed Native Access to work again but it was one of them.

    Hope this helps someone else.

  • wk1630
    wk1630 Member Posts: 23 Member
    edited November 2024

    i am using windows thank you for your help

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    Nobody can answer a question like that where you give no usable information at all.

    You give no information about your computer type , no information about specific OS used , no information about what is the exact error and no information about what specific steps that you have taken to try to remedy the situation. (a vague report such as "i have done all of the sugg things" is not of any help at all).

    As is I will suggest that you contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support . In case that you need guidance contacting support : How to contact NI Support and How to get in touch with our Customer Care .

  • wk1630
    wk1630 Member Posts: 23 Member

    windows 10 komplete audio 6 no other eqmpmt.

    thank you hope this helps

    i have already done all of the useless thind native has suggedsted

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    We still do not even know what is the exact error or exact problem ? A screenshot of the problem or error would be of help. And again then "i have already done all of the useless thind native has suggedsted" does not tell exactly what you did , it only suggests that since you already did everything then there is nothing left to suggest other than please contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support . In case that you need guidance contacting support : How to contact NI Support and How to get in touch with our Customer Care.

    Which I /we would suggest anyway if you really have tried all there is to suggest.

  • wk1630
    wk1630 Member Posts: 23 Member

    i am not an idiot you dont need a screen shot of my login which will not work

  • wk1630
    wk1630 Member Posts: 23 Member

    as far as i know right now i will never purchase another product from native I

  • wk1630
    wk1630 Member Posts: 23 Member

    horrible customer service in every way

    thank you for trying

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited November 2024

    It's never nice if and when things do not work. However as far as I know then usually then if people work with N.I. Native Access and Installation Support then they get their stuff to work.

    Incidentally then I don't know what just happened here , but it looks like if someone merged two discussions because now suddenly here is a lot of posts that were not there before and some comments from two months ago while your first post for me says being from today.

    So I really have to leave this to whoever the editor is.

    Best of luck getting things fixed.

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