Tidal Integration



  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    you're right. but looking at the current road map for the q3, i don't expect that we will get such features in the future. the beatport and beatsource integration probably came out of another strategy. At this point in time, NI announced that there would be no payment model in the near future...

    but you are absolutely right. I just wanted to express that it would be the only selling point for me at the moment.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    And yes, you're also right. But it seems to be only working in this way atm.

  • dj_estrela
    dj_estrela Member Posts: 167 Pro


    This would be the next developer distraction.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru

    No, that would probably not be too much of a hassle. they already know how to do it with Beatport and Beatsource.

    From this point of view, one could also say that Flexible Beatgrids are unnecessary because it keeps the developers from more important things. I can also mix well without it, for example. Nevertheless, many users want it and i see the benefit for it.

    Tidal would be a big winner for a lot of users!

  • 73Stan
    73Stan Member Posts: 2 Member

    Tidal integration is the main thing I find traktor lacking.

  • Slothfuxx
    Slothfuxx Member Posts: 2 Member

    Adding my voice to the crowd here; streaming integration for mainstream services (i.e. Spotify, Tidal) has been at the top of my wish list since the competition introduced the concept. Obviously Spotify is off the cards, but every other platform has had Tidal for a while now.

    I know a lot of you experienced long time DJs deride the idea of streaming, but look... we all have our own style, audience, and workflow; enough with the gatekeeping already. Personally I need to be able to take requests in a pinch, and the Beatsource back catalogue is severely lacking. You know what I do now? I have a Reloop Ready running DJay Pro AI going into Deck D on my S4MK3, just so I can handle requests via Tidal. Before that it was a phone with DJay for Android.

    I've been a Traktor user since 2015. Loved my S4MK2, bought the D2s and was amazed at how they opened up remix decks / sample playback, loved the design intelligence of the MK3 generation, got the S2MK3 and was so excited for a simpler, smarter workflow, I sold my S4MK2 beforehand.

    Much disappointment, the quality control was way below previous generations, and the line level output forced me to get an external audio interface (did that just get fixed after 4 years? Yikes). Then I got the crossfader issue within two months of light use (you know the one), essentially rendering my desired workflow completely useless. So got rid of it and bought the S4MK3 when it came out. Guess what? It worked sloppily with the D2s, with heavy lag and frame skips on the display. So I had to get rid of those as well.

    So much money spent, so many disappointments, so much waiting for Traktor to catch up, so much cutting of losses. So many workarounds. So many ups and downs.

    Why do I stick with you guys?

    Because Traktor is amazing for producer DJs.

    The Traktor team obviously got ****** during the buyout, and though the initial Gen 3 release was clearly sabotaged by upper management (e.g. awful QC and downgraded components on the S2MK3), you gave us the S4 MK3... and that beast is a work of art.

    After all this time, in many ways the software, though lacking some features (flexible beat grids, did I mention Tidal?), at its core has so much more to offer the more technical minded DJ, and is way above the competition in this area.

    You easily have the best hardware UX, and the upcoming features (izotope stems, pattern player) all look really promising. It warms my heart to see you guys gaining momentum and internal support again after so much hardship and perseverance.

    I'm optimistically awaiting the next roadmap. I really appreciate your renewed efforts to keep us committed users in the loop (haha). Just hope Tidal is mentioned there somewhere soon. Hanging by a thread here.

    Thanks for reading this Team Traktor.

  • mayth
    mayth Member Posts: 4 Member

    yes tidal is really needed, thats why use also serato at the moment

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Tidal integration is a must

  • coreli
    coreli Member Posts: 6 Member

    bumping this again. go tidal!

  • GebbDub
    GebbDub Member Posts: 2 Member

    upvote from me. I'm an old school DJ using timecode vinyl on my trusty 1200s and having Tidal will be great for Traktor.

  • Solgudinnan
    Solgudinnan Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Agree! I love Tidal more then traktor, whit next upgrade I will chose hardware that integrates whit tidal! Its not so hard for you to fix this! Its 2022!

  • Tellmeaboutit123
    Tellmeaboutit123 Member Posts: 493 Guru

    Tidal integration is a must for 2022. Lots of djs asking for this. Unless native went into some weird contract with beatport, Tidal should be relatively easy to implement. No clue what’s holding this up.

  • Alexander Uez RD
    Alexander Uez RD Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi there, not having Tidal and not having Stem Separation is the reason why i very very intense think about changing to Serato. I use Traktor since Version 1 PLEASE - bring it on. And if so please let us know WHEN. Thank you!

  • NoName69
    NoName69 Member Posts: 27 Helper

    This would be awesome!

    The izotope stems feature would blast with this!! Traktor would be above Serato and other software.

    Definetly will buy Plus on ai stems release

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