Traktor Pro 4 problem & requests

I bought Traktor Pro 4 and I encountered a problem and I have some requests:

  1. About stems:
    a) You can create Stems one track at a time.. This is very inconvenient because it wastes a lot of time.. it would be better to be able to select several tracks at a time and process them together.
    b) It would be useful to be able to switch the 5-8 hotcues from Hotcues to Stem buttons, to be able to use them as desired, in the "Control manager" settings
    c) It would be convenient to have a single command to immediately create the "acapella" version instead of having to exclude the other 3 stems.

I hope it can be useful for other DJs too..
Have a nice day



  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 366 mod


    We appreciate the feedback, thanks for sharing with us.

  • Massimo Rossini
    Massimo Rossini Member Posts: 5 Member

    In the message I sent previously, point 1 is missing..
    In addition to using the Traktor S4 Mk2 Controller, I also use Traktor F1. Since I installed Traktor Pro 4, I have encountered problems with Traktor F1: some samples are not heard. They are there and can be seen but the audio is not heard, especially the samples that are not in loop. I think there is a "Bug" that creates this problem. In fact, with Traktor Pro 3 everything works correctly.
    Check and try to solve.

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 366 mod

    Does this happen with remix decks? Its a known issue at the moment with Traktor Pro 4, once we have more information about it I will let you know.

  • T.Side
    T.Side Member Posts: 10 Member

    Feature Request: Enhanced BAR Marker Visualization in Traktor Pro 4

    I would like to suggest an enhancement to the Beatgrid visualization in Traktor Pro 4 by adding more visible BAR markers. Specifically, I propose implementing red BAR markers every 4 beats, similar to how it's done in Rekordbox. This would greatly improve track alignment and beat matching, making it easier to identify the start of a new BAR visually.

    As a minimum, having BAR markers highlighted in red every 4 beats would be extremely helpful. However, it would be even better if this feature could be more sophisticated, allowing for customization. For example, it would be ideal if users could:

    • Customize the colors of the BAR and Phrase markers.
    • Configure how many beats are in a BAR and how many BARs are in a Phrase.
    • Clearly distinguish Phrase markers from regular BAR markers.

    While I would be thrilled with just the basic implementation of BAR markers similar to Rekordbox, as you can see in the attached picture, the added flexibility of customization would make this feature even more valuable.

    Thank you for considering this enhancement. I believe it would greatly benefit users who rely on visual cues for mixing and beat matching.

  • Cvarlievxo
    Cvarlievxo Member Posts: 22 Member

    Traktor pro

    I I have two improvement and one question:

    1 It would be nice to search Which songs you made stems on.

    2. Change the graphic So you in a normal 17" PC could see 2 parallel players much bigger, Let's say 90% of the screen.


    When you are having a stem song But you want to show it like a normal waveorm in track deck that doesn't work for me to switch between stem and track deck.

    Best regards,


  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 366 mod

    Thank you for the feedback guys! I'll make sure to pass it on!

  • Massimo Rossini
    Massimo Rossini Member Posts: 5 Member

    Yes the problem is precisely for the Remix Decks.. Even if there are samples you can't hear the audio.. Some audio is heard and a lot of it isn't.. There is definitely a bag that causes a conflict.

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 366 mod

    Yes, is a known issue! I will let you know once we have more info.

  • DJ Bobby Tables
    DJ Bobby Tables Member Posts: 22 Helper

    There is a DAW view that you can map to your controller to switch views on your stems to make them look like regular tracks without having to unload the stem. Can't remember exactly where it is but I have used it.

  • Toulis13
    Toulis13 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Yesterday I upgraded from Traktor 3 to 4 and when I right to a song there is no option "generate stems" any advice about it? I have new MacBook Air m2

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,065 mod

    Here is your answer:

    No need to post your gripes in more than one dedicated thread.

  • Cvarlievxo
    Cvarlievxo Member Posts: 22 Member

    Are you know about the issue and Is there any Fix coming this week? 
    This Is A Nightmare sound still Stop when playing, the sound disapear. And not able to go on. 
    I am playing songs any just quit and it quit after one hour or so I thought it was some Energy alternative but no.
    I jave been doing everything you send me and also switching of the root hub power, han put the energy Alternative to balansed etc.
    I think There is something in Windows updates that start the mess. hard to find Which Windows update and in 11 it's hard to take away old update
    What a Must do It's Go back to older version for example 3.8
    A version before pro4.
    I read that 3.8 is stable...
    As a working as a pro DJ this cant go on for me now.
    I also Red Somewhere that something with a Power In The controller was little bad?
    Please here can i find 3.8 version? 
    Or do u have another Solution? 




  • Cvarlievxo
    Cvarlievxo Member Posts: 22 Member

    Is it possible solving the problem using w a s a p i exlusive instead of Asio sound?

    Yes I know the different but wasapi maybe just care about traktor...asio maybe have hard time to get in windows sometimes...

  • Cvarlievxo
    Cvarlievxo Member Posts: 22 Member

    I working as a pro DJ 3-4 Times A Week And it have been A Nightmare since Month ago ..but I found the solution for me:

    I downloaded to pro3 3.11, every tests I'm in doing Show me that I am back in business again as it was before pro4. Running it on Windows 11. Hp pc.

    No high latency and NO sounddrops etc.🙏🤜

    So when Native Instruments are ready for all Fix for pro 4 in Windows 11, I am ready too.

  • Allanf
    Allanf Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Upgraded to TP4 (4.0.2 13) this week and played out for 4 hours last night.

    1. Stems are too slow to create. Obviously would prefer live, but will accept manual creation if it wasn't so painfully slow (1-2 mins on M1 Mac mini 8gb. 5-6 mins on 202 i5 macbook pro).

    2. Loading of tracks has a 2-3 second delay, compared to virtually instant loading on TP3 (happens on both platforms).

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