password issues

Old Feller
Old Feller Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 22 in Native Access

Neither Native Access or the website will accept my saved password. This has been going on for months. Most of my interaction is launching Native Access about once a month to install any updates that have come out. Every time I do so it rejects my password (saved in my Mac keychain from the prior month), I go to the website and try to sign in there and also get rejected, then I have to put in a password change request. I mean I pretty literally have to change my password every time I sign in to NI.

I'm on a Mac, Safari browser. That shouldn't matter but….

Obviously a completely unacceptable situation and the fact that it continues unabated and that I can't find any place on the NI website to email support makes me think they are driving this ship into an iceberg, in slow motion.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,894 mod

    You need to contact N.I. Account Support

    All issues regarding serials and registration are handled exclusively by N.I. Account Support

    The "resolution that works" is the click through make the right choices to open a ticket : N.I. Account Support

    (You need to use browser with Cookie , Security and Extensions settings that will allow for log-in on the page for the page to work)

    Scroll down to bottom of page N.I. Account Support and log in

    Then click the Contact support

    Then again scroll down and click the Contact N.I. support that shows

    Then yes , damn it ! , then you have to click the Contact N.I. support again

    1: Do you need help with the activation or installation of a product?


    2: Is your question about License Transfers / 2nd hand purchases?


    3 Do you have 2 NI accounts and want to merge them?


    4 Are you experiencing problems with your email address or password for your NI account?

    I have password issues

    5 Please select

    My password is invalid

    6 If your password is invalid, please try the following

    That doesn't help

    7 OK! Let's gather some information specific to your issue

    Describe issue here in ONE input line , that will be the opening of your ticket !

    Please refer to the page : How to get in touch with our Customer Care or read my Support page functionality changes post here

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