Native Access Issue? Missing products

lachie1992 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hi i have recently gone into an issue of realising alot of products i have brought are not showing in native access and also after going to my acc on your website and making sure they are all authorised and i wasnt mistaken, Still nothing showing and also uninstalling & reinstalling i think this is a massive bug im missing my kontakt 7 im missing kontakt factory sounds 2 im missing all the things that come with komplete 14 standard as they are on my acc ive tried everything please i need assistance i cant even open old music projects cause of all the vsts not working 

Best Answer



  • LX World
    LX World Member Posts: 47 Member

    Mate I'm lucky if I can even log in. It's a game of chance and I'm at my wits end with Native Instruments' cavalier attitude to their customers. Once they've had your money we can all go to hell for all they care! I've messaged their CEO, not that he will care!

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor

    I would be curious : how did you message their CEO ?

    If by any chance you can get me his email (by PM if necessary) I’ve got few things to tell him…

  • LX World
    LX World Member Posts: 47 Member

    It's called X (formerly Twitter)

    Constantin Koehncke

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,645 mod
    edited May 2024

    The standard and most common resetting of Native Access is this one :

    resetting the Native Access XML file , look at section 8 here : My Product is Missing in Native Access

    Also there is this one :

    My Products Are Showing As DEMO in Native Access , especially '2. Your activation fails because of corrupted or missing
    activation tokens' and '3. You have corrupted XML files'

    If none of the above helps then please contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support

    At the page N.I. Native Access and Installation Support be sure to scroll down to page bottom to see if there is a log-in request , if there is then log-in , at next page again scroll down and small blue chat box ought occur within 15 seconds. Then write in chat box and when getting suggestions then select did not help when it didn't , that ought to bring you on to either chat with human or open a ticket.

    There has been introduced chat support for Native Access assistance (at least daytime on normal work days) :

    Please refer to the page : How to get in touch with our Customer Care or read my Support page functionality changes post here

    @LX World , (CC @Calagan) :

    If you then had been able to get your facts straight ! : (Please don't give me any inaccurate Wikipedia references !)

    Berlin, November 1 2021 : Mark Cattini named CEO as organizations take next steps in coming together

    So from November 1 2021 then Constantin Koehncke were no longer CEO.

    Then to make matters even more confusing and your claim even more inaccurate then Mark Cattini is not CEO anymore either !

    If you need support then please at least give N.I. a fair chance to assist you by contacting support rather than bugging people that are not even in charge anymore !

    Please refer to the page : How to get in touch with our Customer Care or read my Support page functionality changes post here

  • LX World
    LX World Member Posts: 47 Member
    edited May 2024

    @PoorFellow All of this has already been tried by me and none of it works! So are you saying N.I. are currently without a CEO?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,645 mod
    edited May 2024

    So are you saying N.I. are currently without a CEO?

    No , and there is actually existing a forum post referring to the new CEO. But forgive me if I do not just handle you it all on a silver platter when you appear to want to spam the person with X/Twitter messages if you can get away with it 🤔

    All of this has already been tried by me and none of it works!

    You don't know how to use the support interface ? Or the support suggestions do not work ? Do you have a forum thread describing your problem ? The problem when users say that support doesn't work more often that you would think is that user can not be bothered to go through all the steps that is needed to fault find.

  • LX World
    LX World Member Posts: 47 Member
    edited May 2024

    @PoorFellow You are on the offensive all the time. You are making all kinds of assumptions and you are getting my back up (which is what you want). If you can't be bothered to read my posts that is not my issue. You are not worth the stress. From what I can see you conduct yourself in an unprofessional, negative manner so why would anybody go to you for anything? Maybe you should ask yourself why I don't have download issues with Steinberg, Reason Studios, Tracktion etc and why so many users are complaining. Could it be because of the lack of support? The only support on the so-called support chat is AI based

    I have tried to contact the Support team via the chat window and they clearly don't want to engage! Nobody appears to be driving.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,645 mod

    I am not in a position to rule out if all support personnel have been busy when you have tried to use the 'chat' function but if so then you should have had the opportunity to open a ticket instead. So please do that !

    As for my interaction and manners then as a Moderator I am supposed to 'interact'. And also you are posting things that are factually wrong and then when you are being corrected you turn around and make claims like I am being negative, offensive, unprofessional and that I should be trying to get your back up. All of which is equally wrong.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,301 Expert
    edited May 2024

    @LX World May 9th is a holiday in Germany, and of course they will not be working at the weekend either.

    Nobody will be driving until Monday.

  • LX World
    LX World Member Posts: 47 Member
    edited May 2024

    Did not know it was a holiday - thanks for the heads up but it has been the case for weeks

  • gavinef
    gavinef Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Any word from NI? All my plugins has gone missing and keep asking to activate.

    Any clue?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,645 mod
    Answer ✓

    If you have a specific problem with Native Access then please open a thread of your own in the appropriate Native Access sub-forum and give all necessary information including computer type , OS version , Native Access version and any other info that might be of help including error messages, an eventual screenshot of problem and what you have done to troubleshoot so far. Or alternatively contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support right away instead.

  • Leijinderui
    Leijinderui Member Posts: 8 Member

    Me too! What you wonder is exaclty what I wonder!😭😭😭

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,011 Guru


    Hi i have recently gone into an issue of realising alot of products i have brought are not showing in native access and also after going to my acc on your website and making sure they are all authorised and i wasnt mistaken,

    Everytime I see something like this I can't help but wonder, "how did this person just accidentally discover this?" There's not a day that goes by that I don't open up Native Access and check for updates or anomoles that need to be addressed. That would be like driving a car and suddenly noticing the engine had a knocking sound because you never checked the oil, or your tires were flat because you never checked the air pressure. Would you then get mad at the car manufacturer because you didn't maintain your car the way you should?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,645 mod

    Don't get me wrong , I think that you generally are a great participant & contributor. But it's neither helpful nor productive to criticize when not needed or otherwise makes posts that invites to idle discussions on matters that is not on-topic.

    No matter if lachie1992 uses their products often or almost never then their product of course ought to be available to them when they want to use it which is the topic here.

    I appreciate that you are trying to help and I myself am trying to guide you in kindness here and would appreciate if we did not have to have any discussion on the matter 🙂

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