NA download paused, cannot restart

scardanelli Member Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

There has got be a better way than this! NA Download of Kontakt 28GB library paused after 6GB and I cannot restart. Limited downloads on a rural France 4g connection so I'm not happy if I have to restart the whole process (which was already estimating 6 hours...) and use up valuable data allowance. A download of this size should have automatic re-start from dropped point, most other systems do.

Any suggestions?


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,008 mod

    Any suggestions?

    Most likely nothing that would not require a restart of download that you would not want to do !

    So you can ask support for alternatives or assistance to minimize number of times that you have to re-download. For some downloads then support sometimes have provided manual downloads of e.g. libraries. But I neither know what your download is nor do I know policies so you will have to ask support ! :

    There has just been introduced chat support for Native Access assistance (at least daytime on normal work days) :

    Quote : For assistance with purchases, accounts, and Native Access, you'll have an option to initiate a chat session. Simply click on the chat icon located at the bottom right corner, and you'll be assisted by a virtual assistant. If your issue remains unresolved after consulting our help articles, a human chat agent will be available to assist you.

    Please refer to the page : How to get in touch with our Customer Care or read my Support page functionality changes post here !

  • scardanelli
    scardanelli Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thanks for the advice, finally sorted it (well, still not completed but a solution) of course it's the famous completely illogical ergonomics that NI use in their software.

    So the multi-function button that serves to "download" or "install" or show "installed" or "update" is NOT the button to click when it greys out to "paused" - why? Only NI know this deep secret, passed down from generations of illogical logistic seeking coders. No, let's put a TINY little "up" arrow at the foot of the page, and when you click on this - Voila! A proper download progress window opens, to your utter amazement! Wow, how ingenious to hide it away it so securely - or rather - let's do what we did on Kontakt - ya know, when you want to close an instrument you'll find the finest, smallest "x" known to typographers, and when you can get your mouse exactly over it..... - remember Space Invaders and the magic pixel? I think the same person graduated to Music software - or their ****** off-spring with Escher...

    I only have Kontakt because for some bizarre reason they became the go-to sample library host for a lot of third party libraries that I use, otherwise I'd have left that universe years ago. I don't like the company, don't like the support (often almost bot like and generally never read the support request thoroughly) , don't like the faux K in every word that should have a C, (down wiv the kidz an' groove-makkers 'int we?) and I don't like abandonware. .

    Rant over, hope I won't be back here for a while - mind you - it's still "calculating time remaining"...20GB so far over two days, not bad NI, not bad 😂 so ya never know.

    Ah well, time to get back to playing with the latest version of Mixbus Pro V10, now that's real ergonomics in action.

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