Maschine studio in 2024?

Nickalexpoole Member Posts: 31 Member

Hi all. Does anyone have any experience with maschine studio? I wondered if it would be a good or bad idea to buy one used as I have maschine 2 software. Would it be compatable with the newer software? And how would the features stack up against the MK3?


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited March 2024

    My opinion (as an owner of all Maschine models and types):

    Have a look at the Studio ONLY if you think that big flat wheel will change your workflow. (Or if someone sells you one for 50 bucks ☺️)

    That’s the only real difference (if we can call it like this, since other models knobs will make you have access to the same functionality) with other models (apart from a couple more buttons that in any case also have their counterparts on other models).

    On the other hand, MK3 does have a REAL plus: it has an internal audio interface with ins and outs on its back.

    Therefore, if in some occasions you want to move your Maschine from your studio, e.g. to go outside, to a friend,…or just to use it with another computer (maybe a laptop making music on your couch), it’s not only its more compact (and in my opinion more suited) size that matters, but also the fact that with a single (more transportable) device, and a single cable connecting your controller AND a built in audio interface to your computer (occupying btw a single usb port on it), you’ll be able to be up and running without even having to think too much.

    Only for this reason (the built in audio interface) MK3 is imo waaaaay superior than a Studio. And it also have other features not available on the Studio (like the touch strip).

    Add to this that it is a more recent, not abandoned device (Studio is out of production and also out of support…practically a “not officially but in any case EOL” device)…and the decision imo is easy.

    That said…if the bigger size for just a couple of features (the flat wheel and a couple of level meters plus 4-6 buttons allowing to access some functionalities without using Shift) for you is a plus, go for it.

    But be aware that you are trading the mobility (as I said, not too much for the size, but for the audio interface) and you won’t get anything too “game changer” in exchange (the pads are the same size, the screens are the same size, the buttons are the same size,…)

    Even for an “only in the studio” use I would chose the MK3 over the Studio all my life (specially now that the Studio is, as said, practically abandoned and used MK3 prices are almost on pair with the ones of the old device).

    Oh…I forgot…in any case, YES, the Studio would be compatible with Maschine 2 software

  • Nickalexpoole
    Nickalexpoole Member Posts: 31 Member

    Thanks for the response that was super helpful! Ive gone for the MK3 now and it's a beast. makes songwriting sooo much easier! I bought a couple of NI keyboards before and one made the plug ins crash, and one was registered to another customer and not labelled b stock on the website I got it from. before that, I had an MK3 Mikro and had no idea what it was all about so I sent all of them back. I did a bit more research and realised the Maschine and all the plug ins NI have to offer is actually amazingly powerful. Got the MK3 and an Arturia key lab MK2 61 now and there's soo many possibilities. I spent yesterday with all my gear turned on and plugged in (guitar, bass, Keylab, MK3, Mininova) and I made 6 songs. anything is easy when you have the right tools! Also with the instruments that come with the MK3 and a subscription to Komplete now, it's so easy to get inspired. This sounds like a native instruments advert but I am genuinely amazed with the possibilities of this gear.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    Have fun making music 😉

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru

    I would pretty much immediately buy a new version of the Studio if it included the touch strip and the biggish screen like the one on the KK MK3 keyboard. Oh hell, let's throw on a mod wheel and pitch wheel too, while we're thinking about it, and let's add 4 foot controller inputs to it!

    But even with all that, I still don't need an audio interface in my MIDI controllers. Having one was a hassle on the Rig Kontrol, and when Kore 2 came out without an audio interface, well that was awesome. Because of this, I'm not thrilled with the idea of having a Maschine that has to be plugged into my studio monitors, which are already plugged in way over at my 5 O'Clock position where my audio interface is ALREADY plugged into them. The same thing applies to the Ableton Push. For that reason, I'm thinking of getting the one WITHOUT the standalone components.

    Given the progression of the Komplete Kontrol MK3 keyboard controllers, I wouldn't be surprised if NI made Maschine transition to being a smarter device with its own on-board processing capabilities. That's fine, but I've gotta say, I'm not thrilled about making them standalone. I spent a lot of money on my UAD interfaces. Standalone devices would just complicate matters.

    Plus, with a "Komplete Kontrol Standalone" version of Maschine, NI would just need to be careful that they're not making the 2020s version of the 1999 Korg Electribe, lol.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Feature set is very similar, 98% I'd say... In some ways the Studio has stuff that the MK3 does not, the Master/Input LED meter or the whole section to the right gives you faster/direct access to some stuff so it's still a very valid and supported by the SW.

    An Mk3 is worth about 300-350$ used, IMO the Studio should be less but folks tend to try to sell them for unreasonable prices since the Studio original price was much higher than the MK3. I'd pay 200$ for it, no more.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I have the both MK3 and Studio. I prefer to use Studio at home and MK3 when on the move. I cannot imagine to carry Studio and also audio interface of MK3 is handy in that case.

    So, it is more about workflow used, space available, and so. Sort of compromises to do.

    I would love if NI has made "Studio expansion unit" to convert MK3 into Studio "MK2". Something like D-One has morphed years ago and presented here on forum.

    In that case there would be the both portability (one would carry just MK3) and user experience of Studio with refreshed feel....

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert
    edited March 2024

    You are a little late to the party guys…he already bought an MK3.

    In any case…having a built in audio interface doesn’t mean it “HAS to be plugged into my studio monitors”…it can if you wish, as you can use another audio interface of your choice. And it’s very useful in many occasions…unless you never move from your studio where you already have another (preferred) audio interface.

    For the same price of its predecessor (which didn’t even have the screens) or way less than the price of the Studio (when released)…or practically the same price of used units…well…imo is a big plus. Or at least something difficult to complain about

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    We could have had an Tablet or phone app complementing the devices bringing screen to the game too in the meantime 😌

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,095 Expert

    …if only NI wouldn’t have this bad relationship with tablets and phones…

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 339 Pro

    Out of all the models, I still prefer the Maschine Studio. I feel like its pads were the best.Effortlessly programming beats, and I like the Big layout vs the smaller devices. The jog wheel is another great advantage vs the others.

  • PeterB49
    PeterB49 Member Posts: 41 Member

    i would like to see Machine Studio+ with 64 Pads Standalone.

    with the edit options and jogwheel of course.

    alongside Maschine 3 to bring polyAftertouch recording, MidiFx and a extra Lockstate-lane in Pattern/Clip.


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