Quantization and Note Length improvements

Kai_NI Product Team Posts: 60 mod
edited November 2024 in Sequencer & Pattern Editor

As a user,

I want to find more convenient ways to 

  • Quantize MIDI notes to a set scale
  • Automatically adjust note length to the nearest neighboring note of the same pitch (legato)
  • Have better means to more conveniently quantize note timing at smaller increments

in order to

more quickly achieve the desired result without performing repetitive user interactions.

This feature may include considerations to visualize Smart Play / NKS specific features, such as Kontakt Key Switches and / or notes relevant to the chosen key / scale to be highlighted in the piano roll.

58 votes

Collecting Upvotes · Last Updated

Please share your comments about the idea below and let us know if you have any specific feedback about your use case or how you would like to see this implemented.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    The “may include” is the most interesting part

    (btw: about “visualize Smart Play”…I would even hope for RECORDING the effectively played note instead of the pressed key)

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    @tetsuneko explained

    Currently, my most used workflow is realtime recording stuff in unquantized, and then using freeform nudging for fixing individual "bum" notes/trigs into place by ear. If we had nondestructive quantize with adjustable strenght, I could forego manual nudging in many cases.

    Interesting, I use a similar approach but use 50% Quantize iteratively, either on everything or the most out of place notes, until it sounds tight.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    I used to do dialogue editing at one point in my life, and got into the habit of nudging syllables around manually until phrases/edits sounded fluent. Turned out learning that skill also translated to nudging individual drum hits into place ;)

    BLOCK WAS HERE Member Posts: 6 Member

    show the key scales in the piano roll and a strumming feature.

  • jakubpatok
    jakubpatok Member Posts: 67 Advisor

    For me this would be one of the priorities, especially the 'legato' function. I've wanted this option for years!

  • b-righteous
    b-righteous Member Posts: 26 Helper

    First post in a long while. Funny things have not changed much.

    Agreed. The biggest issue to me is that grid, swing and quantize are in three different places. We need all these combined on one screen. Strength should be the last order of operations after quantize grid and swing. And yes, we need an apply render option too. Look at how Ableton Push 3 implements this on the controller.

    Quantize to scale would be great too. But I feel the above is more pertinent.

  • Rikk Show
    Rikk Show Member Posts: 111 Helper

    Besides quantize or snap to scale as suggested above, same but to the chords from another track.

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    Plenty of space in Stepmode Menu to add a legato button in the top row (also the term is often confusing)

  • eclipxe
    eclipxe Member Posts: 3 Member

    100% yea yes to quantize to scale or lock to scale on entry. Let me filter where I can click in notes in the software also to a key/scale

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