NI products and partner products ALL via Native Access

DynaMaltee Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 22 in Other Software & Hardware

I'd very much love if all of the NI products of partners would be available via Native Access. Just as Ozone 10 already is available in Native Access. And it works fine.

For the new VEA plugin you obviously need an iZotope account again. And now I have seen the interesting UVI Bundle but there you need a UVI account plus iLok protection software.

Can you tell if there are plans to make more partner products available over Native Access?

Best Regards


  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    As I've been thinning out all my music production software over the past several months, whether or not a plugin can be managed in NA is factor in my decisions what to keep or purchase.

    I'll make exceptions ..... but I have greatly simplified my music rig "maintenance" and the kludge of "too many choices".

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,940 mod
    edited January 21

    Izotope (Ozone) is now a NI company together with Plugin Alliance and and as far as I know then NI is working on an account unification of those companies with NI, which suggests that in the future you might be able to download the products from those companies in Native Access. However then to my knowledge then UVI is not a NI company and as such then even if considered 'Partner' still is to be considered 'third party' and it would be quite unrealistic to expect products from such partners to be native Native Instruments downloads ! Partnering as seen is generally used as promotional tool by at least one of the partners. That of course does not exclude the possibility that e.g. UVI will later become part of NI !

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,018 Guru

    I agree with that.

    I even made a comment about how Izotope is basically the property of NI because a dude needed to contact Izotope support, then Jeremy said about my comment that I created a confusion with my comment or something...

    Of course, people at NI know what they are doing with the aquired things, unlike EA...for now.

  • DynaMaltee
    DynaMaltee Member Posts: 11 Member

    @PoorFellow Thank you for clarification. Then there is a valid chance that it will be merged in NI Access.

    A hint are the iZotope plugins that come with KONTROL S MK3 keyboard. They all are available from Native Access. The do not need iZotope Portal anymore. That is great.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,940 mod

    Thank you very much for your kind appreciation ! 🙂

    For your information I will post the newest quote on the topic that I know of :

    Quote Hayo_NI, Product Team, February 12 :

    Hey, good question. iZotope product migration is very much in the works. We're working towards making sure iZotope and Native Instruments accounts can both log into Native Access, and after that, iZotope users should be able to make full use of Native Access. That's slated for late May/early June, but there's loads that still needs unpacking. There's other amazing stuff in the works soon, so keep your eyes out for that this year.

    Regarding PABX, similar story there, but while we have some iZotope products already available in Native Access, we have no PABX products. Problem blocking us there is installer technology differences, the kinks of which we're ironing out right now and throughout the rest of the year. We plan to have a few made available in Native Access this year, but cannot give an exact ETA at this stage.

    The experience will be very much Native Access oriented by the end of this quarter for the products that are supported in Native Access. But we need to navigate a lot of topics (such as iLok) as we continue to make Native Access a better home for all NI products from all of our brands. Firmly committed here, but it's an ongoing journey.

    Think by the start of next quarter I'll be able to give better updates on this topic.

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