Sending Traktor decks into Ableton for returning effects

EXVRCH Member Posts: 26 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

At first, sorry for bad English. I tried this feature with Jack2 setup but unsuccesfully. Setup: MSI laptop with Ryzen 5 5625U, Windows 10 22H2;

Traktor A10: 2 main inputs and outputs set to be used for send/return FX's (PSP42 plugin and reverb), all remaining outputs goes for Traktor decks;

DJM 800: 3 Traktor decks + 1 Ableton for drums and 2 mono mic returns for FX's (2 RCA to 2 TS jacks), also using MIDI cable connected from DJM midi out to midi in of A10 and mixer turns into MIDI controller;

Xone K2 (ch15, all layers) which I setup with controlling 50/50 Traktor and Ableton using 2 applications: loopMIDI and MIDI-OX;

Launchpad S with LP95 script;

Two programs synced by Ableton Link function.

The problem is that Jack crashes and loopMIDI mute channels when I start sending MIDI signals from whatever I have its instantly crashes Jack and makes loopMIDI mute his virtual ports

When even a midi cable is connected from the card to the mixer, the jack does not start

I looked in patchbay jack and tried to create connections in midi client but i don't understand how. Maybe certain client launch options is needed, or even another 3rd party app to implement this, maybe I'm wrong. Please help!



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,220 mod


    in my opinion this will never run well on windows with virtual cables. Best would be to have 2 audio interfaces, one for traktor decks out, the a10 for send out, ableton master out and decks in. I also would not use send/return on the DJM 800, it's too limited.. Then you write you use mic in as FX return? With RCA to 2 TS jacks, the mic in is mono and not made for line in signal's! I would mix the FX within ableton, maybe then send it to another channel where the send FX are mixed together this you then can send to the proper FX return input of the DJM 800. The midi part seems complicated and it's hard to tell from your description, but i would, for example, try to use a controller for one application, like the K2 then only for ableton or traktor. This would make things much easier and better to handle.

    EXVRCH Member Posts: 26 Member

    Hey! I though we had discussion That's why I using mic inputs for returns. About what I actually trying to do that I want to send my Traktor decks into Ableton separately. 2nd audio interface with many outs is expensive for me but I know that is possible to realise all this stuff via Jack2. And the problem is that when I using MIDI cable connected from mixer's midi out to midi in audiocard's and engaging MIDI-OX midi bus - all this stuff Jack not letting me start the server. I need to solve it.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,220 mod
    edited June 2023

    You need to set it into send return mode in order to work, i mean the return, it's the selector where you set the effect in the internal fx mode, but you need to turn it all the way to the right to and/rtn or something like that.

    EXVRCH Member Posts: 26 Member

    Man, 100 times was checked and said in thread that linked above. It doesnt work

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor

    Information about Your configuration is vague and it would be nice to see at least the image how You have connected Your mixer, Traktor Pro, A10 and Ableton.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,220 mod

    No you did not confirm that you have the FX selector set to send return, you wrote about the return knob but that's another thing - good luck

    EXVRCH Member Posts: 26 Member

    Sorry! In linked thread I made wrong conclusion and described the false result In that thread at the same time, on another forum, I discussed the same topic, but this one was not edited. snd / rtn works but not as I need, because it outputs sound only to the same channel from which it takes and its unusable for me

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,220 mod

    really a complex thing, maybe try another virtual cable, like vb audio stuff. Voice meter banana or just one of the virtual audio cables they offer. And start a bit easier, not with all the midi stuff like midi ox and loop midi running. Try first audio, then you can build on that.

    EXVRCH Member Posts: 26 Member

    Starting Jack2 only with audio is no problem even with all this channels setup. Now I stuck with midi problem and while its difficult for me to do something about it. My limited knowledge is not enough on this matter

    EXVRCH Member Posts: 26 Member

    from ableton

    EXVRCH Member Posts: 26 Member

    and last one from traktor

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,220 mod

    Build it step by step, start with K2 for example to ableton and traktor, ableton to k2, for example. If that works add more.

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor
    edited June 2023

    OK, that's a very nice presentation! :)

    First question, why You are using loopmidi and midiox? Ableton and Traktor - both can catch midi CC/NOTE commands directly.

    And from what I see in the pictures. You just want to send/return master (or select one channel with a knob on your pioneer) channel to Ableton when needed and add some effects to it? And You are out of one stereo input port? That's why You are trying to use jackaudio? I'm asking because I don't know how A10 audio interface works. From the pictures it looks like it has 10 inputs and 10 stereo RCA outputs.

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 213 Advisor
    edited June 2023

    Maybe I', wrong, but looks like A10 is a very powerful audio interface. At least according to manual.

    It has 10 input AND 10 outputs. So there is no point for jackaudio. Just connect everything with RCA cables and select IN and OUT ports in Ableton for send/return usage. Later I will add a picture how You can connect everything.

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