Request for Komplete Kontrol Smart Play improvements

The P.O.T.Y
The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

First, glad to see the added Inversions feature to MK Smart Play. Coming in the next update. I questioned the integration between MK and KK as well as Maschine SW and KK SW before, and got bombarded with opinions.

KOMPLETE KONTROL customers will already be familiar with this feature. Says it all

I bought the KK keyboard for its Smart Play features to use in Maschine SW and did not know the Smart Play features are dedicated to the KK SW. Where as the Light Guide feature is KK keyboard dedicated. And can be changed while in use with Maschine SW

I would like if ALL Smart Play features from KK SW were added...since Maschine HW came first.

Another Familiar is KK SW (plugin) is not available in Maschine, only a KK Browser window. Leaving the option of KK standalone or KK plugin inside another DAW. Also ONLY the MK HW can set Smart Play (hence, the inversion addition to HW in the coming Maschine SW update). Theres no SCALE or ARP settings like KK SW or plugin.

Please improve HW x SW integration When Smart Play or Light Guide (SCALE) is not enabled on the KK keyboard. The playback of a MIDI note not within the scale, will playback the sound of the out scale note. After enabling SCALE on KK keyboard, only clicking thru the notes on the Piano Roll or watching the Light Guide (and KK keyboard has to be set to GUIDE or MAPPED) to realize the MIDI notes in the Piano Roll are out of scale...Point being Smart Play is aimed at non music theory ppl, who don't know what key they are playing or played. Alone the MK can only trigger Chromatic until SCALE is changed, and user never records out of scale notes and no Light Guide needed. With a KK keyboard in use the Light Guide can be changed. Making it able to record incorrect MIDI in GUIDE mode. And having users record only in MAPPED for correct record and playback of MIDI and sound in Maschines Piano Roll. For the newbie like I was please make a note.

I think mixing some of that MK HW VARIATION and KK keyboard Light guide tech will make a great SCALE NOTES feature for the out of scale and drag n drop MIDI.

Please No...Why would you want to use KK SW if you got Maschine..(the keyboard, didn't know Smart Play was SW only) or You can use KK SW with Maschine..(no, only the keyboard). or This post should be in Komplete Kontrol forum.

This is for the➡️ KOMPLETE KONTROL customers will already be familiar with this....If you USE with Maschine Software⬅️


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    KK is mostly built-in inside of Maschine.

    Theres no SCALE or ARP settings like KK SW or plugin.

    There is, I use it all the time; it's just not visible in MAS-SW like it is on KK's top bar but you can activate it from the KK-Keyboard.

    If you activate it from a MAS-Controller then just press SCALE on KK-Keyboard it will use whatever scale you have selected in the MAS-Controller. Not auto-locking both controllers gives users more freedom to use Smart Play only in one device if they choose to.

    Please improve HW x SW integration When Smart Play or Light Guide (SCALE) is not enabled on the KK keyboard. The playback of a MIDI note not within the scale, will playback the sound of the out scale note. After enabling SCALE on KK keyboard, only clicking thru the notes on the Piano Roll or watching the Light Guide (and KK keyboard has to be set to GUIDE or MAPPED) to realize the MIDI notes in the Piano Roll are out of scale...Point being Smart Play is aimed at non music theory ppl, who don't know what key they are playing or played.

    Not sure I fully understand what you're trying to say here. Are you requesting that the active scale should be highlighted in the piano roll? If so, this has been requested many times.

    Or are you asking that once a Scale mode is selected the Piano Roll should automatically force notes outside the Scale into Scale? I guess this could be a function but never by default, as there are tons of composition/playing techniques that require off-scale notes.

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member

    Yea, D One that's what I meant by no Scale, Arp settings in Maschine SW only accessed via HW. Also correct in KK the settings are visible in its SW. With owning MK HW since first Mikro, the first impression of KK HW Smart Play,Scale,Arp promotion will suggest its a HW dedicated feature aside from the SW. Just off Maschine experience. Because not until a Maschine user installed KK, they then realized the Scale and Arp settings you visually seen in the ads are not available to use with Maschine. Which was no big bummer, as long as I van use keys with Maschine now. But with out the visible settings like inside KK SW, the inversions, root change etc. are not in the keyboard.

    I like the freedom of no auto locking. And think that might be minor reason for HW relation.

    Far as second part, not exactly. Not suggesting added guides, but both of them will blend a gap. Like you said about scale and arp use in Maschine is from the controller. Only Maschine HW controls or triggers Maschine Piano Roll, unless there was something before KK keyboard. But no generic MIDI at the beginning could play Maschine unless HW was found also, update me if there is something new. I am saying with KK keyboard by its self has the ability to trigger and omit data sent to the piano roll. Now yea all the things that make the scale, arp, light guide do what it they do to omit. Maschine HW triggers and SW playback the piano roll inside Maschine. Example. Without out KK keyboard ON or Scale enabled click thru Maschine piano roll with Maschine in Keyboard,Chords,Arp or whatever and every key will lit or trigger sound if speaker is enabled. Turn on or enable Scale on KK keyboard, click thru piano roll and see lit incorrect and correct key in piano roll. And based on KK keyboard settings you will HEAR incorrect or correct sound playback.

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member

    Hey D One, while watching a scaler vid where one of the creators mentioned how MK plays default in chromatic (which we know is only able to change in Scale section). Then showing in the settings of scaler how to set correct key triggers. I say that to say I may be using the term integration the wrong way. A better term to use may be, bind. When it comes to MK and KK together. Preciate all your insight and info over the years

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member

    Well after the update and others sharing their insights. Exactly what I was speaking on and hoping to shine light on, happened. Since the added Inversions on MK Smart Play those options are not available on KK keyboard when in use with Maschine SW or HW. So is it safe to say Komplete Kontrol Smart Play controls are dedicated to its SW control not HW. Even with the added page on MK HW for inversions there is not one on KK keyboard.

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