Detailed Music Analysis

Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

Music contains more information than our community uses. this information can be used to help us be more creative. Our playlists could be more accurate and detailed. I am sharing the analysis list that I think to come with you; (please don't make jokes we agree with the flexible grid feature, we are all very nervous ;) )

analyze the parts of the song

analyze the cuepoints of the song

analyze the instruments of the song

analyze the rhythm scales of the song

analyze the energy of the song

analyze the language of the lyrics

the genre of the song Analyzing

Most of these features are available in other programs and utilities. Everyone uses it, we see it in advertisements. they should now be in tractor pro. This path is imperative for a better future.

Note: New ideas will be added as they come out.

8 votes

Closed · Last Updated

This idea did not receive enough support from the community.


  • Lybimchik Pashka
    Lybimchik Pashka Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hello, there are a couple of innovations that are in other programs, but not in the tractor, if you add them to the Tractor, they will make the tractor a program that you could only dream of before.

    If you add an energy field tag to a Tractor, such as lexicondj, it will make it easier to find a track in the playlist that is suitable for dynamics.

    Of course, it would be even better if the Tractor could set the energy field scale to the tracks when analyzing.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,911 admin

    Hi @Lybimchik Pashka thanks for the suggestion. I've merged your idea to a similar one we have here.

This discussion has been closed.
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