Deactivate a activated Button when a other one gets activated
Hi, when for example Button 2 is activated and I activate Button 5 the second one should be deactivated and so on. is there another way to do this? because since I'm using this code I've many problems with the functions of my script. on init declare $i declare ui_button $button0 declare ui_button $button1 declare ui_button…
Bypass Button function
Hi, I have a button ($reverbonoff) that activates my reverb1 and leaves reverb2 bypassed. I have another button ($revswitch) to choose between the 2 different reverbs. If I deactivate the $reverbonoff button, the $revswitch should no longer work only when $reverbonoff is active $revswitch should work. can anyone help me…
Limit Keyrange
I am trying to replicate the kontakt script "limit keyrange", but with 4 independent voices and ranges... I understand that the problem is in "$EVENT_NOTE" since it modifies the range in the 4 voices... I need to know if there is another way to do it, can you help me? on note if ($voice_1 = 1) if ($learn_keyrange = 1) if…
Hi _ Appreciating this new effect, I see in the KSP manual, the following code: $ENGINE_PAR_DIRT_BLEND Can you figure out what this means ?
Hi there, is it possible to reset my ui_slider to its default value with a double click? For example, I have a ui_slider mapped to speed which is 100% at frame 50, when I turn it up it is at 100 frames and the effect is at 800%. So that I don't have to turn it back to the 100% (50 FRAME), I would like to add the…
Help needed with Monophonic script with Chord detection
Is it possible to make a mono script that disables itself when three or more notes are played together. So, when playing melody (mostly two consecutive notes overlapping) it will cut the last one off and keep the instrument mono. But if at any time three (or more) notes are played together, it shall let them pass through…
Using scripts to control other instruments
Okay, I'm a total newbie to kontakt scripting (though I have decades of general programming experience). I've read the ksp scripting manual (okay, I skimmed some parts), but I couldn't figure this out. Is it possible for a script (either a script in an instrument, or a multi script) to affect events (not just midi events,…
Round Robin in Single Group?
Hello friends, I need your help! I've set up a group in Kontakt named "SCT" with samples for 127 velocity layers. Each layer has 9 round robin samples. The sample names look like this: 'SCT_C3_109_109_rr9' - where 'SCT' is the group, 'C3' is the note, '109' is the velocity layer, and 'rr9' indicates its position in the…
How to click a label, or area of UI, to select group?
I want to be able to place some things on the UI, and by clicking on one a specific group gets selected to be able to sound. The simplest way to get started I think is to just use labels. I haven't been able to find and or understand a way to do this, but I know it is done. Help! :) Thanks.
Drop Down Menu Custom Graphics
Hi, Is it possible to change the background colour of a Drop Down Menu? I tried commands like below but had no luck. I simply want to change the colour to a light grey with black text. $CONTROL_PAR_BG_ALPHA $CONTROL_PAR_BG_COLOR I saw a post that stated to use ui_button commands to skin the menu but nothing about changing…
"change_tune is not Allowed in this callback type" but the script is fine!
hey, im trying to "program" an neighbor round robin script, i had some help in a different forum but its still not working, here is the script: "on init declare $NewNoteID declare $RandResult end on on note ignore_event($EVENT_ID) $RandResult := random(1,3) select ($RandResult) case 1 play_note($EVENT_NOTE,…
Play button for Midi Files not working
Hy, I try to make an instrument where I can play my midi files. I tried and found some code and testet it but I had no luck. Here is a code I found but if I press the play button nothing happens. The midi files are loaded. on ui_control ($play) if ($play = 1) end if end on on listener $cur_listener_id := $NI_CALLBACK_ID if…
Routing and Control for Multichannel .WAV Files : Creating a Multi-Miced Drums Library in Kontakt
Hello everyone, I'm looking to load a multichannel .wav file that contains 6 channels into Kontakt, and I'm wondering if there's a way to route each of these 6 channels to separate mono channels inside Kontakt and individually control their pan and volume. My ultimate goal is to create a multi-miced drums library. The idea…
Key Sensitivity + Random Tune Confusion
Hi, I have 2 small On Note scripts which work individually but not together. I simply want to execute both but have run into some confusion. In the 1st block (Key Sensitivity) - $EVENT_ID is ignored which is preventing the Random Tune script from working obviously but I have no idea how to get around this. I have tried…
Explanation of DFD vs Sampler modes
Hi, I'm new at KSP and just getting the basics down. Can someone explain to me the difference between DFD and Sampler modes (and/or any of the other modes)? I'm only using the old Kontakt3 PDF lol. Thanks.
How to have multiple groups refer to the same sample
I have 5 groups that all use the same sample, but different regions of the sample. The sample file is about 22kb in size, but when I load the nki file Kontakt shows the memory usage is 310 kb. If I purge all and then just activate one group the used memory size is reported is about 62 kb. 62 * 5 = 310 I thought that if the…
Filter midi input in the same instance of Kontakt?
Hello, I have 2 instruments in 1 instance of Kontakt. Can I set the MIDI input of each instrument in the instance to only accept a certain range of MIDI channels? Why, you ask? I'm trying to setup Orb Composer with the given DAW template, but it's not working so well. When I open the template, it's just a DAW full of empty…
Instrument Bank Multiscript
I just saw a multiscript where it is possible to activate more than one instrument at the same time within the same instrument bank... does anyone know how to achieve this???
Edit Values
Is it possible to make a control remember a value and return automatically? For example: If (%CC[3] = 0) Change values like these $switch_1 := 1 $knob_1 := 6 $value_edit_1 := 87 And if (%CC[3] = 1) All values return to 0 to edit again and do the same with (%CC[3] = 2) etc. But when returning to (%CC[3] = 0) Return the…
Need help with preset %array saving and setting engine parameter
I'm stuck on this :- I have an %array to save and load the gain parameter of a gainer in slot 1 of instrument insert fx. The full script below loads and saves the $gain ui_knob value but does not load / set the gain parameter value in the engine. set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_GN_GAIN,$gain,-1,0,1) I have tried several options…