Softube NKS
This topic is for discussion and sharing NKS for Softube plugins. Softube were early NKS Partners but seem to have lost interest sadly so none of their more recent plugins have NKS whereas the older ones that do have NKS these are not compatible with the VST3 versions. This folder contains both new NKS for plugins that…
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.
Pitch Innovations NKS
Pitch Innovations - Innovative AU, VST plugins for music production Download Created as the Instrument NKS, rather than FX plugin, because it's more fun.
Expressive E - Arche Collection NKS
NKS update for the recently updated VST3 version of Arche Collection: Download
Imaginando NKS
This thread is for NKS for Imaginando instruments and fx Folder here
NKS Compatible Reaktor ensembles
Sunborn has started to post some tutorials on prepping Reaktor ensembles for use in Komplete Kontrol but there are also quite a few ensembles already made compatible. These include most by myself or Sunborn. Also pretty much by everything by Goremall has been very expertly made compatible with NKS. And I worked with the…
Waldorf NKS
Download link: Waldorf NKS presets Plugins included: Largo Largo 2 Nave PPG Wave 3
EVA Instruments-Splash Sound NKS
Page for uploads about EVA Instruments / Splash Sounds NKS
Eventide and Newfangled Audio NKS
I'm putting these together as they are essentially all part of the same company. Folder for all H9 plugins plus a couple of others here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/u21n8nmxx5tw0yddrdhjo/h?rlkey=7hqpd9pwaboup0oe5kkggwupb&dl=0 Folder for Newfangled Audio here:…
Toybox Audio Plugin NKS
This is for sharing templates and presets for ToyBox Audio plugins - their Reaktor products are already NKS compatible So far they have released 3 plugins - Thump One (free), Buzz Zone and FM Zone I made full NKS for Thump One and, so far, templates for Buzz Zone and FM Zone, there are over 400 presets for these so I do…
Boz Digital Labs NKS
Download link: Boz Digital NKS Presets Plugins included: Recoil T-Bone 2
Dawesome NKS
This topic is for NKS and discussion related to Dawesome plugins There is a folder in the NKS User Library for Dawesome plugins containing full NKS for each instrument and effect - the templates were created by myself and patches generated by several forum members including Vagus and Christos Adamos: Kult Novum Abyss Love…
Virtual Pianist - Relic Got this on offer yesterday, and haven't seen it, so here's Virtual Pianist - Relic. Although UJAM has Virtual Pianist as a single plugin with banks, I've separated this into an individual, so you can have the banks of the instrument as banks - far more useful, especially considering KK3 can't do…
Madrona Labs NKS
Download link: Madrona Labs NKS presets Plugins included: Aaltoverb
Wave Alchemy NKS
Wave Alchemy NKS for Native (Non Kontakt) products.
Rhizomatic Software NKS
Download links: Plasmonic VST3 - Template & Resources by @Kymeia Plasmonic VST3 - Factory Presets & Resources by @Vagus Note: Maybe should be merged to one?
Klevgrand NKS
Download link: Klevgrand NKS presets
Noise Engineering NKS
This topic is for NKS and discussion for Noise Engineering instruments and fx. These are all 1:1 ports of NE's boutique Eurorack modules and a lot of fun to programme I created controller templates for all their synths and creative effects, but there were too many patches for me to convert to NKS but I did convert all my…
Decidedly Decent Sampler NKS
This thread is for NKS for Decidedly Decent Sampler plugin & instruments (and associated discussion).
Physical Audio NKS
This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library.