How can I remove these locations from "FACTORY" in Battery 4?
I'm using Windows. I see Battery Expansions that I moved or deleted a long time ago listed under "FACTORY" in the Preferences on the standalone plugin. I do not want them in my list. I cannot removed them. I tried rescanning. It did not delete any of these items. This G:\BatteryExpansions folder doesn't exist. I tried…
Can anyone tell me how to get my old libraries set up with battery like i had before.
Hey Guys, After a little hiatus, i have come back and changed my personal workstation to mac set up, i have moved all my libraries and samples etc. One thing I can't seem to figure out is how to get my custom battery kits showing up quickly in the battery. I had a lot of kits from 3rd party purchases and custom kits etc, i…
When in Komplete Battery 4 update or Battery 5 coming ??
Native instruments, you keep sending me Komplete upgrade offers but you need to know I am not going to upgrade until you either update Battery 4 or roll out Battery 5 with a ton of new content and a user interface update (I can barely even see the tint font and buttons!) .
How do I know if I'm accessing the Battery factory library or the expansion libraries?
I have purchased many NI expansion libraries that show up just fine in Maschine.... I'm guessing they are also accessible thru the Battery 4 app. How do I know if I'm accessing the Battery factory library or the expansion libraries?
Battery 4 Stadium LE Kit - High hats not playing correctly
Hi, I am noticing something odd. I have a series of open and closed HH hits in my MIDI track. A#1 is open G#1 is closed. But as I watch the Battery 4 grid during playback, I see that when G#1 should be played, A#1 is being played instead, even though the MIDI track is sending the correct notes. I don't have any MIDI…
battery 4.2.0 not compatible with Protools 2021.12 (not 64 bit) on MAC
Battery 4 version 2.0 will not load in protools 2021.12 error not 64 bit on my MAC running OS X 10.15.7 This is the AXX plugin I am referring to. The stand alone app in the applications folder does work. Anyone else have this issue? Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Triggering (playing) all the cells in Battery 4?
I have figured out how to route outputs for each individual sample per cell to tracks (Logic Pro X). What I can't seem to figure out is how to play all the cells in Battery 4. I can click on each individual cell, but I want to play them all and record them playing simultaneously. Even when I load a kit that has all the…
Massive X style browser in Battery 4
I like the browser update Massive X got. I would like to see Battery get those same browser improvements.
M1 Native Timing
Is there any more clarity on the timing for native M1 versions of Battery, Komplete Kontrol, and the rest of the NI lineup? Thanks
Komplete Kontrol "Could Not Load Plugin" ( Battery )
HI guys , as the title suggests, I am starting KK in standalone and upon trying to Load Battery patches I get "Could not load Plugin" message I have followed all the steps here…
Battery 4.2 sliders not working
upgrade to cubase 12 and Monterey battery 4.2 will not let me move sliders with the mouse in cubase 12 they just glitch about, I have to type in values or use the mouse scroll wheel that can take ages. no issues when I run the stand alone app so I guess its cubase pro 12 any ideas?
Battery 4 NKS Compatible?
I just started using Battery 4 with the Maschine 2.0 / Mk 3 Controller, and noticed that there are no parameters mapped for any of the pages. It shows up with 16 pages of parameters, but all parameters are just "n/a" and numbered from #000, 001, 002, etc. Is Battery really not mapped out like all other Native Instruments…
Battery 4 Library not showing in application on Windows 11
I just installed Battery 4 on my Windows 11 PC and the Library is not showing up in the application even though the folder path seems correct in the settings. I can navigate to the library files and load kits but the library function is not working. You also don't have the option to modify the library path in the settings…
Add re-trigger feature to Battery 4
Dear powers that be at native instruments and sweet baby Jesus can I have the re-trigger feature back they we had in battery 3! It’s been years waiting on a. Update! I won’t upgrade my Mac to 10.15 or any other newer os. Battery 3 features are essential to my work flow!!!
Burnt Hues Expansion, I'm not seeing 59 Battery Kits?
Hello, I'm new to Battery 4 and do not have Maschine. I have the Burnt Hues Expansion. I have loaded up Battery 4 in stand-alone mode to make sure that it detects the new expansion. NI says Burnt Hues has 59 Battery kits. However, when I click on "Kits" and type "Burnt Hues" in the search field, I'm only seeing 11 kits,…
Drag and drop from Battery files window to logic
Is there a way to drag and drop files directly from the battery menu into logic without using the finder window?
Battery 4 and Logic Drummer Kick Mismatch
Whenever I apply Battery 4 to a Logic Drummer track, the kick note is not the same. I shouldn't have to drag and drop the kick to the proper spot in battery every time I change a kit. How do I get them to match each other every time?
Battery4 1xStereo 15xMono no longer supported?
Migrating my Logic plugins to a new Mac and ran into a nasty Battery 4 problem: I've been in the habit for years of using the "1xStereo 15xMono" version of the plugin, and this appears to have been removed from the required latest version (4.2.0) which means Logic can't load it. It says: The plug-in named "Battery 4" of…
Feature requests: Amp Env Decay as modulation target, sample trigger delay
Hi, two small feature requests that would add a lot more value to Battery for me: First, make a cell's AMP envelope parameters available as a modulation target for modulation by the LFOs. In particular, I'd love to be able to modulate the AMP Decay of a Hihat with a free-running LFO to add some movement. So far the AMP…
Loading Kits made with earlier versions of Battery
Hi. I'm new to this community and hope someone out there can help. I am trying to load older battery kits into battery 4 but I keep getting met with a message saying 'internal error kit can't load' I have tried all the methods people have posted - copying to user kits / batch resave / scanning / importing etc but nothing…