Hardware and software need to be ported into iPadOS



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited March 2022

    There will not be touch screen control exclusively ... that will be just one control option.

    There are already multiple input options for iPad.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    @Mutis wrote:

    DjPlayer had dvs on iPad 1st generation. Ten years ago.

    I would translate it as: NI has came to conclusion, it is not profitable to develop for iPad.....

    NI wants and needs to sell the both, SW and HW that will be used with it. It is their ecosystem, flow and harmony. IPad does not fit that strategy and developing SW for it is not profitable.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited March 2022

    Decisions made in the past are in the past.

    Things are very different now.

    In this future scenario, NI would continue to sell both HW and SW.

    SW would likely be tiered-subscriptions.

    And NI would be in control of the flow and harmony of these elements.

    NI needs to distinguish themselves as offering high quality performance controllers that work in the most elegant manner with a superior user experience in all aspects of SW interaction.

    They need to be the premium brand among the competition.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    NI couldn’t make work S4mk3 with iPad (and barely with M1 without hiccups) but the problem is iOS… of course.

    Wrong decisions, too much beaurecracy… it remembers me to M-Audio.

    OTOH Serato is more focused onto Studio (like NI with Maschine/Komplete) due how Djs as target demographics are gone from niche to nichest meanwhile Pioneer/Denon got the “mixing slice of the cake” and saturated it. NI had some slices but did a poorly work in strategic terms and being to x86 centric missing the AS inception over those 10 years.

    I think NI should had released something like Sp404mk2 F1/D2 shaped and with Dvs/Hid support but after seen how M+ goes and its strategy it will be easy to ask Roland for that…

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    None of this so far has been "blue sky" thinking. It's pragmatic and urgent.

    To bring in some "blue sky" fun to this thread:

    Imagine how biosensors can be repurposed as performance controllers?

    Imagine how having speedy and reliable wireless near-field data exchange might alter a "jam" session?

    Imagine how realtime collection of data from audience devices might become an interactive component in a performance?

    More fun ideas that could be enabled within a 10 year window from this new direction?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newcomer
    edited March 2022
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  • wetdentist
    wetdentist Member Posts: 16 Member

    no, i would not be happy if NI spent more time with yet more Apple products, as these past couple years have been slow moving, development-wise. if Apple wants other companies to keep up with all their products, Apple should be in charge of that. don't they have, like, a trillion dollars?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    @HammyHavoc wrote:

    Do professionals want ten year old plugins, or do they want the cutting-edge?

    That is what I wanted explain "iPad guys". It may happen, they will be able in few years use pluguns that are now few years old.... So, they will be ten years old or so.... And new ones that need many times more CPU power will be used that time....

    CPU power rises say 10 times in ten year, 100 times in twenty years and 1000 times in thirty years....

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited March 2022

    Plug-ins for this new iPad ecosystem will be cutting edge, developed together with iZotope using machine learning to analyze spectral and dynamic content.

    machine learning will also analyze musical relationships of performance content to offer brand new approaches to assisted music creation.

    And this ecosystem includes the macOS devices as well when such extra oomph is needed.

  • [Deleted User]
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  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Just projecting what seems evident

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited March 2022

    Pushing for tablet/mobile and viewing it as the future is the same as pushing anything else like Music subscription services, particular features, platforms, attempts of standardization, etc... Some view those things as the future others hate it.

    Hard to imagine the Audio industry which already has a very hard time adapting to Hi-Res screens that have been around for more than a decade to offer support for tablets that need GUI's to be fully adaptable to several resolutions... Then there's VST3, AUV3, and in the case of NI and AKAI also Linux standalones to worry about.

    The Audio world moves slowly and really holds on to old standards... we are still on MIDI 1.0 which was created in 1983.

    @HammyHavoc said:

    Can you do surround sound production or post-production on an iPad? Is it Atmos? Can I use video game middleware? Can I play a video game picture-in-picture whilst simultaneously editing audio for it? Because this is what I've been doing on desktop computers for years at this point. Yes, work can be done on an iPad, but it's like trying to tell me I can do my job in Ableton Live, or GarageBand. It cannot be done, and given who the iPad and Ableton Live etc are aimed at, will likely never be possible in any meaningful capacity versus the experience elsewhere.

    Good to see you here again 👋. The thing is tablets don't try to replace desktops/laptops in such applications, we are talking about music but it could be anything else, say video editing, iPads are surprisingly good even at high-res with specific codecs but a video editor in a professional company is not about to use an iPad for a Hollywood movie anytime soon because just like working for video games it's a very demanding industry with it's own set of quirks and standards.

    As I see it, the premise of making music with a tablet is not for the "pro" working in those particularly demanding fields, it's for the average user who programs some drums and plays 5 or 7 instruments makes a simple arrangement, and moves on... That's like 90% of popular music.

    It's a possibility but it's not here yet. Given that NI and iZotope are partners now, if iZotope does it increases the chances of NI doing it as well. One thing is for certain tho, it's not a post on the forum that is gonna convince them to take on such a massive undertaking.

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  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    There’s room in these forums for all flavors of discussion.

    I happen to find projecting among the more interesting, especially when based on some degree of evidence.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    Segmentation is obvious in Apple products. The question maybe is if NI should target Pro segment or Prosumer. Actual products are aimed to Pro but also Traktor was rumoured being sold alongside adverts aiming prosumer target and iPads (S2mk3+Tdj2)

    Will NI keep these Pro segments or will they go the prosumer more and more?

    We will see.

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