Modifying Transport Control buttons?

kyvalin Member Posts: 6 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Is there a possibility to modify transport control buttons for Mikro MK3? The problem is that when Transport Control is on, the "Erase" and "Tap" buttons stop working. But I need them. Is it possible to leave only "Play" and "Stop" buttons in this mode? Thanks.

Best Answers

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    Answer ✓


    unfortunately no, you can just switch all those buttons for host control mode or not. You could use midi mode, then you could use even more controls for your daw. But if you just need play/stop you will have to add it somehow, use the computer keyboard or another midi controller, even a footswitch.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    any control button that is within the green lines(seen in your pic)... can be made to work within your daw, provided you use the same channel/cc that is assigned to the buttons in the controller editor...

    as this aspect works with the Maschine Jam/maschinemk2 so long as Host control is ticked... i suspect it should be no different with all other controllers that have the green lines around them

    Do note: that if you are in plugin/mode and have both controller&maschine plugin focussed... the button will activate whatever action you have assigned within your Daw, essentially the buttons operate on 2 levels... the DAW level & maschine level

    alternatively if you have the "host transport" unticked... then the controller will behave as per normal in full maschine plugin mode..

    so whats occurring with "host transport" ticked.... is you have a dual layer of transport controls.. that operate on the DAW level...

    if "host transport" is unticked then you are operating the controller in maschine plugin mode only


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    Answer ✓


    unfortunately no, you can just switch all those buttons for host control mode or not. You could use midi mode, then you could use even more controls for your daw. But if you just need play/stop you will have to add it somehow, use the computer keyboard or another midi controller, even a footswitch.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited September 2023 Answer ✓

    any control button that is within the green lines(seen in your pic)... can be made to work within your daw, provided you use the same channel/cc that is assigned to the buttons in the controller editor...

    as this aspect works with the Maschine Jam/maschinemk2 so long as Host control is ticked... i suspect it should be no different with all other controllers that have the green lines around them

    Do note: that if you are in plugin/mode and have both controller&maschine plugin focussed... the button will activate whatever action you have assigned within your Daw, essentially the buttons operate on 2 levels... the DAW level & maschine level

    alternatively if you have the "host transport" unticked... then the controller will behave as per normal in full maschine plugin mode..

    so whats occurring with "host transport" ticked.... is you have a dual layer of transport controls.. that operate on the DAW level...

    if "host transport" is unticked then you are operating the controller in maschine plugin mode only

  • kyvalin
    kyvalin Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you for such a detailed explanation, I understand how it works, but it would be great to exclude Erase and Tap buttons from this DAW layer in order for them to perform their standard functions in the Maschine plug-in. And leave at the same time Play and Stop buttons to control DAW. But unfortunately it’s impossible.

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