Kontrol S4 mk3 functionality in external mixing mode

palonoel Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hi, I´m currently using Traktor Pro 3 with a DENON DN MC6000 DJ controller. I have two questions:

Now I can use Traktor in external mixing mode, using DENON controller as an analog mixer. Can I do this with Kontrol S4 mk3?

Does Kontrol S4 mk3 have buttons or knobs or any way to bend the pitch during a live mix? And fast forward/fast rewind buttons or anything like this?

Hope somebody can clear this doubts for me, thanks in advance!



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,314 mod


    last question first: the S4 has 2 Pitch Faders and a big wheel for turntable FX/jog wheel. Why you want to use 2 controllers each with deck and mixer controlls side by side where you just use deck control on one and mixer on the other - i wouldn't do that and just use the S4 in this case, But anyway this should work, if you use on S4 main and booth out for deck A and B, or buy another interface (4 stereo outs) if you need all 4 decks. Maybe you have a reason why you wanna do that, maybe explaining it could help - but like i said just use the S4!!!!


  • palonoel
    palonoel Member Posts: 3 Member

    Thank you very much for your answer Uwe. Maybe I didn't explain myself clearly enough! I now have a Denon DN-MC 6000 controller, and I am thinking about switching to Kontrol S4 mk3, not using both controllers at the same time. I am just trying to understand if the Kontrol S4 mk3 has all the functionality I now use in my Denon, because I really like the design and layout in Kontrol S4, but wouldn't want to sacrifice functionality. My questions are oriented in this sense. Now in Denon I have two buttons which go forward or backwards inside each track, jumping 4 beats ahead or back during the mix. This is a great function I use a lot while mixing and I don't know if I'll be able to do this on Kontrol S4. The other thing I use a lot is the seamless mix fromo one deck to the other while not dancing, during cocktails or dinners where you just build a playlist and let it play. Now, in external mixing mode, I can set the volume in each fader and activate the function and the songs just load themaselves from one deck to the other and play in the order I established. I don't know if I can do this with Kontrol S4. Maybe you can answer this questions for me? Thanks again!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,314 mod

    You can beat jump with the move knob and set the jump step size with the loop knob, left and right from the screen. And what you mean with the second question is cruise mode (how it's called in traktor) - so everything you want should work as you expect. I also highly recommend to watch videos and read the manual (i know boring) before you buy it.



  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    @Blindeddie@Uwe303 is correct on both points. For the second question, we tested Traktor with the output routing in external mode and it does make the transitions in Cruise (mixing) Mode. 👍

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,213 mod

    If the S4 MK3 is not connected to the computer then you can only use it's mixer section. As a standalone mixer.

    All other controls buttons, jogs, pitch faders will be disabled unless the USB is connected.

    With USB connected and set to External mixing mode, all controls except for the mixer section will function normally. But you will need an external audio interface to rout the channels.

  • palonoel
    palonoel Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi, thank you all for your answers, I didn't receive notice of them so I wasn't aware. Think I'll be getting my Kontrol S4 mk3, thanks again!

  • SebastianE
    SebastianE Member Posts: 28 Member

    Hi everybody,

    I have a question similar to that topic: I work with the Traktor S4 MK3 and an Apple M1 Laptop since about nine months. During this period the software froze or crashed around four times in the middle of a party set. So I need a backup option to fill the 3- to 4-minute gap before the software is running again.

    It says that the S4 MK3 is a standalone controller, so it should operate without the software running, but it doesn't in my case (when the sotware is shut down, the external source is cut off too). How can I fix this?!?

    Is it that I have to change the settings to "external mode"? But in case of a crash I don't have acess to the settings and therefore cannot switch from internal to external mode.

    Thanx a lot for helping and best wishes from Berlin,


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    Only the mixer section (with external audio input in the back) works standalone, when not connected via usb with a computer.

This discussion has been closed.
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