Traktor Pro 3: Issue Loading on to stopped deck

Hi all!

I'm prepping for a show tomorrow, and just this week starting having a glitch: I have my setting to "loading only on to stopped decks", which I definitely want to keep ON. However, a few times this week I get the error "can't load onto playing deck" even when the deck is stopped. I've tried everything to get it to reset, but the only workaround is to turn OFF the option to let me load onto playing decks.

I'm on an M1 MacBook air. Anyone have this glitch or know workarounds? Never had it the first 5 months I was using the software. Just this past week, and apparently others have as well (I can't post a link but if you Google reddit "Decks locked and won't allow new songs to load" on Traktor Pro subreddit it'll come up).

Apparently NI hasn't given any feedback support, at least to this user in the reddit post.


Best Answer

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro
    Answer ✓

    This is a known issue for a while now.

    Only work-around is to de-activate "only load into stopped deck".

    Although you don't want to disable this option, it is better to de-activating the option instead of running into the issue during a gig.



  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro
    Answer ✓

    This is a known issue for a while now.

    Only work-around is to de-activate "only load into stopped deck".

    Although you don't want to disable this option, it is better to de-activating the option instead of running into the issue during a gig.

  • DJDancinDave
    DJDancinDave Member Posts: 23 Member

    thanks for the quick reply!

    Sounds like there's no plans to patch the issue. Does anyone have any idea what situations cause it, or is it totally random?

    Yeah I'll just make sure my mouse is handy and turn off the option if I happens during a gig. too bad! Stability is / was one of Traktor's biggest assets...

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    Yeah, sadly it's a known bug. Luckely I only ran into it once while messing around at home.

    Iffy, but possible is to disable the setting. And in your controller mapping override the load to deck button to not do anything if a track is playing.

  • DJDancinDave
    DJDancinDave Member Posts: 23 Member

    thanks, and I didn't know that was a possible controller mapping!

    I guess that would be setting the load deck button to do what it's supposed to, but add a condition that the deck be stopped? I'll play aroudn with that sounds like a great work around!

  • Krump Cakes
    Krump Cakes Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    HAHAHA Happens on windows version also, completely locks deck. My solution was to.. be better xD Good to know I can make a mapping to disable load button while track playing but MEH one more thing I have to get accustomed to. not to mention the wasted few days it would take to dig through this multi thousand line mapping.

  • Prune
    Prune Member Posts: 7 Member

    First time getting this issue.

    I recorded a video... just in case it's needed.

    I tried changing the deck to stems or external and back, nothing changed.

    I tried turning off the feature then on again, but problem is still there... so I had to disable it for good...

    This kind of issue should be pretty easy to fix... what’s happening NI ?

    Now I won't be able to drink alcool on my next gig just to be sure I don't stop a running deck...

  • Prune
    Prune Member Posts: 7 Member

    funny thing is that even if Traktor thinks a deck is still running and prevent you tou load a new track, it does not show the "decks are running are you sure you want to quit" message...

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    I've got the feeling that what is actually happening is a miniscule level of stepless tempobend that is active, even if the deck is not playing. So the deck is not actually 'playing' (like when slowly turning the jogwheel in either direction), but IS considered blocked for loading (if so enabled) because there is at least some movement.

    I imagine a solution would be to set tempobend values to zero directly when stopping a deck, combining both functions into a single button press.

    If i am right, that is.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    All of smithsarah comment are just ChatGPT generated. Please bann.

  • Sasha Beep
    Sasha Beep Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited December 2023

    I've been hearing about this bug for years, and today I finally encountered it for the first time. I'm using the latest version 3.10.1. It's even funny that I've never experienced this problem before. Unloading the track from the deck by changing the type to live input and back again had no effect.

    I tried stopping the track with my controller or mouse with no effect. I was only able to load the track into the deck after unchecking the "loading only on to stopped decks" checkbox.

    As you can see in the screenshot, the deck is completely empty and stopped. After disabling the protection I was able to load the track, but interestingly, despite the fact that the deck was stopped, the track immediately started playing after loading(!) and, as far as I remember, not from the beginning of the track, which looks quite strange.

    PLUS! After the deck A was able to load track, it's still impossible to load another one track in it with protection enabled. Deck B C D was not affected by this glitch at the same time.

  • Sasha Beep
    Sasha Beep Member Posts: 8 Member

    +1 issue: after i tried to load physically removed track but which exists in database the same behavior occurs, deck is locked, then i disabled the protection again to load new track and enabled back

  • DJ Dart
    DJ Dart Member Posts: 21 Member


    This bug occurred during a gig yesterday 😟.

    I have been using Traktor Pro 2 for over a decade and never once had a single bug. Just upgraded to Pro 3 last week and immediately ran into this close-to-fatal bug. Fortunately, I was quick enough to consider turning off the corresponding setting in the preferences. But that's not a solution.

    I am shocked to read that this bug has been around for a while. This is an absolute no-go, this solution is used by professionals. Very bad for your reputation, NI.

  • DJDancinDave
    DJDancinDave Member Posts: 23 Member

    Has anyone opened a support ticket about this recently? Maybe if enough people do that will help push them. (maybe they don't know what causes it?!)

    I'm curious to try Sûlherokhh's solution above. i don't really want to have Play/Stop programmed to adjust tempo bend, though.

    It's happened to me once or maybe twice during practice. Yeah I'd be super pissed if it happeneed during a gig...!! That sucks but glad you got though it.

  • Babybear69
    Babybear69 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I had this problem during a massive gig and had to switch to CDJs. I have been on Traktor for about 10 years and. Ever seen a big this bad. Has it been resolved?

  • J-ROBO
    J-ROBO Member Posts: 1 Member

    Just happened to me for the first time ever. I always keep my phone hooked up to a channel with Spotify. I'm using a 2021 M1 and MK3. I turned off the load lock setting and was fine but not happy because I messed up aswell without the feature on. WE ALL NEED TO OPEN A TICKET ON THIS. On another note tracktor needs to be compatible with pioneer controllers it costing me money. ANY UPDTE ON THIS ISSUE LET ME KNOW PLEASE

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