Traktor 3.9 Randomly Freezing and losing audio output

When Traktor freezes and you have to force close, does it still keep a traktor log to help figure out why it happened?

I submitted a ticket but wanted to try here too. I've been with traktor for 6 years and never had a freezing problem like this before. I've been on 3.9 since the official release and haven't had any issues until last month. Now, every event at some random time I will lose all audio, waveforms are frozen, s4 mk3 controller doesn't respond and the program is stuck. The only way to close out is a force close and restart traktor. It officially happens at every single gig at least once and I never know when it will happen. Any suggestions?

Best Answer



  • OliverGross
    OliverGross Member Posts: 60 Helper
    edited September 2023


    are you using a MacBook?

    I had the same with my new MacBook with M2.

    Then I saw that I had forgotten to disable the Sleep Mode of the HD.

    Also disable all the WiFi, Bluetooth etc. and all the energy saving settings.

    I use 512 / 48 as Samplerate and I never experienced it since these changes.

    Hope this helps you.

  • tac0cat
    tac0cat Member Posts: 27 Member

    No dice, I tried all of those settings and last night it froze out of nowhere and lost all audio. I wasn’t touching the controller or computer and it just froze. I have to force close so I can restart Traktor.

  • ChrisMadem
    ChrisMadem Member Posts: 18 Member

    @tac0cat at first i have the same problem with macbook m2 chip and 3.8...blurry waveform almost every time and no sound..

    I play from may till now with 3.9 every day and this phenomenon happened to me 3 times all the summer till now...i think that this happen when i import tracks from my finder in the traktor without analyze and check consistency.. every time that i create new playlists with new songs with analyze and check consistency all works fine.. i am not sure but .... NI never asked to any message and about this.. many users have the same issue

  • tac0cat
    tac0cat Member Posts: 27 Member

    Interesting I do the consistency check at start up but I know i have several tracks imported but not analyzed. I’ll try that out! I’ve never had a problem with Traktor support team in the past but I still haven’t heard back yet so I appreciate your input.

  • tac0cat
    tac0cat Member Posts: 27 Member

    I have now analyzed all of my songs in my library. I found some other posts in this group about people having the same issues, but no workaround since there isn't an easy way to recreate the problem. It's just happening now every single gig at a random time that the "trust and pray it doesn't happen" method isn't working anymore for me.

  • ChrisMadem
    ChrisMadem Member Posts: 18 Member

    @tac0cat you did check consistency and after some minutes of playing blurry wafeform appears again?

  • punyesh
    punyesh Member Posts: 13 Member

    I can agree with the problem.

    Just last night there was another failure like that.

    I already had a ticket with Traktor because of it.


    Latency on 512, bluetooth off, wifi off. I also left out the USB hub for an external hard drive. Then I had no more misfires for 1-2 months.

    Now I stream Beatport in Traktor. I need WiFi for that... maybe that's why?

    I will report...

    Small note:

    If Native recommends turning off WiFi to ensure smooth operation, how can they advocate streaming?

  • Dj Ash Sydney
    Dj Ash Sydney Member Posts: 8 Member

    I’ve started having the same problem now. Any work around it? It’s happens at every single gig. I’m just worried it might happen during first dance at a wedding 😓

  • OliverGross
    OliverGross Member Posts: 60 Helper
    edited October 2023


    yes, me too.

    I has hoping it was due to the settings in MacOS Ventura…..but no.

    Unfortunaley I didn‘t get a crashlog because I have to force Traktor to shut down every Time to start it new.

    It also seems to happen randomly. Traktor freezes out of the Blue and then lost output. It‘s really really unpleasant, you have the whole Night worrying that it will happen.

    All Tracks are analyzed and so on. I don‘t know what the Problem could be. Maybe with the new M2? On my Old MacBook I never had this.

    I‘m on a New MacBook Pro M2 with Ventura 13.6 and the official released 10.0 of Traktor.

    I have no Wifi or Bluetooth activated.

  • punyesh
    punyesh Member Posts: 13 Member

    It's also happening on my "2,4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5" from 2019 , Ventura, Traktor 3.8.

    Did you guys ask NI for support on that problem?

  • Alice
    Alice Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    The same problem happened to me with my i5 7th Gen. on Windows yesterday. I've never had an issue with Traktor before, and I've tried all the solutions I could find. I couldn't resolve the problem with anything and contacted customer support.

    I believe this is a software bug that crept in with the last update.🤔

    If it's a software issue, I hope Native Instruments can fix it quickly with an update.

    It definitely isn't related to the Apple Silicon, or else I wouldn't have encountered the issue as well......

  • Quade
    Quade Member Posts: 242 Advisor

    NI team won't reply to any of the threads.


  • tac0cat
    tac0cat Member Posts: 27 Member

    So dumb. I upgraded to 3.10 and no longer using the supreme mod since it wasn’t released yet. I was hoping this would fix the issue. Tonight it happened again twice. Traktor loses audio, nothing in the led meter levels. Waveforms freeze and then it completely drops out and I have to force close to start all over.

    I have wifi off, Bluetooth off, energy savings to never sleep, full disk access, and only Traktor open.

    m1 MacBook Pro, 32gb ram

  • OliverGross
    OliverGross Member Posts: 60 Helper
    edited October 2023

    Have you „Only Loading into stopped Deck“ enabled?

    I have a suspicion….since I disabled this, I didn‘t get such a crash again.

    I‘m on a M2 MacBook Pro with latest Ventura and using Traktor 3.10.0

    I also restart the MacBook every time right before I open Traktor.

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