
carl uru
carl uru Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

Hola no se como va este chat .mi pregunta es tenía la tarjeta TARJETA DE SONIDO TRAKTOR AUDIO 6 pero se me rompió. Tengo el Traktor 2 y vinilos de código de tiempo pero no tengo tarjeta, ya que ustedes la sacaron del mercado., y yo ya hace muchos años que uso Traktor 2 y estoy muy acostumbrado a él . Mi pregunta es tenéis alguna tarjeta que me sirva para seguir utilizando el Traktor 2 y con mis código de tempo en vinilo. Si la tenéis por favor mandarme el enlace para comprarla. Ya que no fabricáis más TARJETA DE SONIDO TRAKTOR AUDIO 6 y no sé cuál usar. Desde ya un cordial saludo.


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,395 Expert

    This is an English forum, you can use deepl.com or similar sites to translate for you.

  • carl uru
    carl uru Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I had the TRAKTOR AUDIO 6 SOUND CARD card but it broke. I have Traktor 2 and timecode vinyl but I don't have a card since you guys took it off the market, and I've been using Traktor 2 for many years now and I'm very used to it. My question is, do you have a card that will help me to continue using Traktor 2 and with my tempo codes on vinyl? If you have it please send me the link to buy it. Since you don't make any more TRAKTOR AUDIO 6 SOUND CARD and I don't know which one to use. From already a cordial greeting.Tengo Traktor 2 y

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,395 Expert

    At least on the German market quite a few are getting sold used for around 90 - 150 EUR.

    But for traktor any audio card will work. You don't need a Native Instrument card for it to work with traktor. Just needs as many inputs (phono) and line out as you need.

  • carl uru
    carl uru Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks for answering me. I don't usually buy on the used market, since here in Spain they don't usually take care of it, and if you buy it may or may not work for you. I usually buy new. Could you recommend one to me, since I always use the NI one. And I'm not up to date. ????? I would appreciate

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,395 Expert

    Reloop Flux maybe? But I don't have personal experience with it.

    Here are multiple people using it with Traktor Pro 3. But I guess it should work with TP2 as well.

  • carl uru
    carl uru Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    ok thank you very much for your help it is greatly appreciated. And forgive my English, I know very little and poorly. Thank you.

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