SupremeEditionMod EDIT



  • Michael Niotakis
    Michael Niotakis Member Posts: 54 Helper

    I've experienced issues on the D2 with the Stems filter too but have not had a chance to check my settings to eliminate that as a possible cause.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod
  • Michael Niotakis
    Michael Niotakis Member Posts: 54 Helper

    yeah @Sûlherokhh so mine was nothingness on the D2 but found it was due to playing around with MixerFX a while back. Deleted the entries in Controller Manager and restored it. @billie, have you tried to map something in the past?

  • billie
    billie Member Posts: 7 Member

    Holding down the slot selector and turning the loop move/ size encoders just causes beatjump/ loop size change.

    It seemed to me that the issues were in S4MK3LoopMoveEncoder/ S4MK3LoopSizeEncoder, slotNSelected seemed to be true, but either footerControlled or one of the other enabled conditions is never true. I tried fiddling around a bit deeper but I was getting a bit lost

  • billie
    billie Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited July 2023

    i briefly tried mapping something but all the entries are deleted, the problem was happening before i tried any mappings too

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    Do the problems appear when you use SupremeEditionMod with S4Mk3? Do they appear when you use SupremeEditionMod EDIT? Or do they appear when you use the unmodified original files?

    What edition of Traktor are you using?

  • billie
    billie Member Posts: 7 Member

    they exist with the vanilla version of the supreme mod, I'm on traktor 3.9, I hadn't tried the supreme mod prior to updating to 3.9 so I can't comment on whether or not the problems exist on other versions.

    I haven't installed the edit (as i'm on 3.9), but i had a peek through the code of the changes the edit was making & couldn't see anything obvious that would fix the issue

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    I'll have a look and try to reproduce the problem. On first glance, the very first WiresGroup containing the stock commands looks like this:

    1a) Move Encoder:

      WiresGroup {
        enabled: active

    1b) Loop Encoder:

      WiresGroup {
        enabled: active && !deck.focusedSlotstate

    The WiresGroup containing the stem/sample volume/filter commands looks like this:

    2a+b) Move & Loop Encoder:

      WiresGroup {
        enabled: deck.footerControlled

    I would attempt to replace the first ones (1a and 1b) with the the following code and see what happens:

       WiresGroup {
        enabled: active && !deck.footerControlled


    WiresGroup {
        enabled: active && !deck.focusedSlotstate

    If you do this before i do, tell us what happens.

  • billie
    billie Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited August 2023

    Hey:) thanks again for your help

    I've just tried with these settings.


    enabled: active && !deck.footerControlled

    Both loop encoders stop working entirely, whether a stem selector slot is selected or not.

    and for:

    enabled: active && !deck.focusedSlotstate

    encoders move loop/ change loop size whether stem slot is selected or not

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    The two files need a comprehensive overhaul. I have taken a good look and tried a few things. All that is needed to make the Loop/Move control switch off at the right time is this in the topmost section:

       WiresGroup {
           enabled: active && !slotState.value

    slotState.value is true as soon as any of the 4 slotbuttons are toggled or held while in legacy-remix-pad-mode or in stems-pad-mode (the volume/filter controls are then visible on the screen). So this switches off the standard controls. But the encoders don't yet activate the volume/filter controls, even when using the following code in the lower section:

     WiresGroup {
           enabled: slotState.value

    I also saw that the whole padmode section needs a good overhaul. It's a bit confused looking and contains references to control elements that the S4Mk3 doesn't even have, as well as problems making the LED's show at all and in the right colour. I will try to get this working, as i am sure there are important variables either not triggered, not defined or not read correctly. I'll post the reworked sections of all three files for you once i got it working. This is a real spider's web. ^^

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    I've gotten distracted with coding S3/S4 jogwheel things. I am in the process of updating some S4 browser functionality so i may have a dip into controlling the stems and remix slot parameters as well, just to let you know.

  • billie
    billie Member Posts: 7 Member

    no worries:) i appreciate all your help so far, no rush

  • mg_1978
    mg_1978 Member Posts: 32 Helper

    Hi! no news in this “modern improvement” about Aleix Supreme Edition? For example…i have S4 Mk3..could you map colorfx buttons for Loop Recorder? Or have a screen popup like ColorFx for Loop Recorder? Thanks!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    I haven't updated the EDIT to current versions of Traktor or SupremeMod and won't do so in the short term (until i hit a version of Traktor that is stable and bug-free in the areas that are important to me).

    Also the qml code provides no handle for any Loop Recorder functions or screen feedback that depends on said missing functions. This will only work by mapping via the controller manager (including LED).

  • mg_1978
    mg_1978 Member Posts: 32 Helper

    thanks for answer..i have seen this forum page:

    is your, correct? for your .qml mapping help i could write here or better in “mapping sonething” page?

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