Mapping something (e.g. loop size/out) to jog wheel



  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    This is not hacking but modding, NI purposly left the QML folder open for coders to edit it.

    If you are willing to contiribute by testing the S4 mapping then be our gest, otherwise this is not a thread for Traktor issues.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,207 mod

    You still have the screen-disabled file in your qml folder from before. This is the one with S4MK3Side.qml in it's natural form (re-enabled screen):

    And yes, all is the same as before with the white JogFX LED. But now with a screen overlay when active. And look what happens when you touch the platter in JogFX. It's small but should be directly useful. Additonal cosmetics are always an option.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    This fixes the screen. And you managed to implement the new indicator on the screen and looks and works great! Beautiful work.

    I did some test and have some new thoughts.

    -The indicator pops when I press the GRID button and not on Jog Touch. Which I do prefer after all.

    -Can we assign Sample Slot modifier (A and B) the text in the pop-up to display currently selected slot? Would be nice touch.

    Slot 1 is represented as "JogFX 1: 0%"

    -Can we have the Loop Size to blink here? (I have this feature in a different S4 MK3 mod).

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    The Dimmed/Solid setting on the indicator is also nice bonus. Thank you for thinking about it.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,207 mod

    -The indicator pops when I press the GRID button and not on Jog Touch. Which I do prefer after all.

    Of course. It was my original intention, but i wanted to show off the colours changing.

    -Can we assign Sample Slot modifier (A and B) the text in the pop-up to display currently selected slot? Would be nice touch.

    Slot 1 is represented as "JogFX 1: 0%"

    Done. Good idea. We can also use a different text string description ('Sweep Hall', 'Ramp Reverb' or something else) instead of numbers 1 thru 4. And/or a different text/display background colour.

    -Can we have the Loop Size to blink here? (I have this feature in a different S4 MK3 mod).

    Yes. Always?. When in active loop?


  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    Got it. Ultimately this mapping is going to have more than 4 fx presets so numbering 1-4 works best for my use case. Three smaller browser buttons will be my page seelctors as follow.

    Page 1 will be 4 different Beatmashers.

    Page 2 will be Reverbs and Delays.

    Page 3 will be my Pattern Player mode.

    Glad to hear that Loop Size can be remapped. So instead of solid Green I would like to have blinking Green and please remove the blinking state from the GRID button which is no longer needed now that we have cool new screen indicator for JogFX! Only thing that is blinks on the controller will be my Loop Size display.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,207 mod
    edited July 2023

    Got it. Ultimately this mapping is going to have more than 4 fx presets so numbering 1-4 works best for my use case.

    • Cool, nice to hear you will expand it even more.

    -The indicator pops when I press the GRID button and not on Jog Touch. Which I do prefer after all.

    • Hm, to avoid misunderstanding. Explicitly: Pop-Up on JogFX active (GRID Button) (1) or Pop-Up on JogFX active + JogTouch (1)+(2)?

    Glad to hear that Loop Size can be remapped. So instead of solid Green I would like to have blinking Green and please remove the blinking state from the GRID button which is no longer needed now that we have cool new screen indicator for JogFX! Only thing that is blinks on the controller will be my Loop Size display.

    • It'll blink just like the TrackEndWarning, but in green instead of red.
    • Right now the GRID button only blinks when the track is playing to compensate for the jogwheel LED turning. You don't want to keep this?


  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    Sent my custom screen for you to check it out. Check you inbox.

    It has to the beat blinking Loop Size display. Pop-Up for JogFX is looking cool already, it only needs to be linked to Slot modifier :)

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,207 mod
    edited July 2023
    • RemixPage# shown in display. Format: "Jog FX (Page#) : (Value0-100) %"
    • GRID blink removed for JogFX mode. It still blinks when you hold the button (for seeking).
    • Loop Display: Solid green (Loop Active), blinking green (Loop Active & Looping); exactly like your custom display you sent me.

    If you are happy with this, i'll insert the JogFX routines into the display for remix decks and live decks as well. If there are any details you would like differently (colours, text size or style etc.), let me know. Best if you show me some examples if you do. We want to make this just right, eh? 😁

    Edit1: If you look closely you will see the corners of the JogFX display are slightly less round then before and when you activate JogFX the 'box' slides down fluidly from the top instead of just 'bam' appearing. 🦋

    Also i wasn't sure about the TrackEndWarning. Do you want it gone from the TimeBox and onto the bottom stripe? Do you want it to blink like the GUI stripe (~750ms) or like the TimeBox at the moment (500ms) or really fast (250ms)? I saw NI put in the code for the stripe as well but they did not activate it. ^^

    Edit2: For testing:

    Removed TimeBox blink. Added stripe blink (750ms). More subtle LoopSize blink.

    Edit3: Latest version. Exactly like 'MIDIJogWheelQML2' except that the LoopSize now pulses exactly to the beat instead of at a fixed interval. Instead of ~10 crashes until i works, i managed to code this one successfully in one go, which made me really happy. 😁

    Note: I had to refactor some states requiring an extra file to be modified, which is contained in this version. It has only additions, no changes, so this file (deckinfo.qml) works with all standard installations. 🦋

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    Screens are flickering badly so I could not notice the pulsating at all. Thanks for the update still!

    Blinking works best for this scenario really. (not just because of the screen flicker issue)

    If it is possible to have the following let's go with that otherwise retain back to default indicator.

    -If Loop is Set = blinking to the beat between green and gray color.

    -If loop is not Set = solid gray color (default light gray NI uses on the screen)

    Pulsating is not the type of indicator for loops, ideally it should blink fast like X1 MK2 display to to hold the attention.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,207 mod
    edited July 2023

    -If loop is not Set = solid gray color (default light gray NI uses on the screen)

    That's already in, or do you mean the gray of the box border, which is lighter than the gray background?

    -If Loop is Set = blinking to the beat between green and gray color.

    The pulsing (in the last file) is between 100% green and 50% green + 50% background (gray). It can easily blink between 100% green and 100% background (or any other ratio) with on/off character to a set rate, or to the bom (switching on at TempoPhase = 0 and switching off at TempoPhase = 0.5/-0.5 instead of pulsing no problem)

    I'll cook up a few variations (faster blink) for you to test.

    Question: ìs the TrackEndWarning on the stripe instead of TimeBox (like Traktor GUI) to your liking?

    Edit: The refresh rate of the the S4 screen can't keep up with large surfaces blinking fast. You can practically see how the large LoopSize display area is drawn line by line, the top becoming green while the bottom is still trying to become gray and vice versa. It may be necessary to just let the LoopSize text blink instead of the background, much like the 7seg display of the X1Mk2, to lighten the graphic load.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    That's already in, or do you mean the gray of the box border, which is lighter than the gray background?

    Sorry for confusion. The should be the same as default, no changes on the display when there is no loop set.

    The pulsing (in the last file) is between 100% green and 50% green + 50% background (gray). It can easily blink between 100% green and 100% background (or any other ratio) with on/off character to a set rate, or to the bom (switching on at TempoPhase = 0 and switching off at TempoPhase = 0.5/-0.5 instead of pulsing no problem)

    My unit has issue with the screen. It is somehow locked in to 15fps (somewhat) so there are artifacts when changing the brightness when creating pulse feedback anyway. (tested on mac)

    I think that the default rate on X1 MK2 display is 140 BPM (or /2 beat blink on 120 BPM).

    Blink between 100% green and 100% black (or background color) sounds great.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,207 mod
    edited July 2023

    I can work with that. I have two three versions for you to look at.

    The first is blinking the background between green and background (light gray).

    The second is blinking only the LoopSize text on 240bpm (half beat on 120bpm) [Edit: I think i counted ON and OFF each, so could be half of that]. Any faster and the blinking sometimes hangs for a moment. I lowered the background colour to dark gray and increased the text size a bit for the sake of contrast. This should have the feel of the X1Mk2.

    The third is like the second but blinks to the beat. In detail, from the beatphase range (-0.5 to +0.5) it will show the LoopSize number (green) in the range -0.25 to +0.25, which feels right. This is also just below the ceiling of blink rate that the S4 screen can handle somewhat.


  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,216 mod

    Yes, 240 BPM, it was a typo.

    The option #2 would be my preference if the Indicator was bigger and brighter like on X1. I'm thinking option #1 that blinks to the beat is probably the best solution for the screen size and it's default screen layout. Thanks for providing options to test once again! Awesome work.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,207 mod
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