Mapping something (e.g. loop size/out) to jog wheel



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod


    That fixed the "sticky Jog Touch" and it feels snappier now as well so it looks like that other adapter helped big time. I was overriding this setting by outputing the signal from the Midi Knob itself which I removed from the mapping now.

    Great news!

    I added new BETA section in which I will be uploading mappings that are work in progress.

    Version 1.0 can de downloaded from there but I also attached here for quick reference.

    Good addition of the new section, and nice MacroKnob-FX settings in your mapping. Very enjoyable results. The jogwheel is simply awesome for the fine control. 😁

    Yeah, I figured those might be just red LED's there... It was worth a shot. Thanks for looking. Let's change the JOG FX color in that case - maybe assagn to white color instead of red?


    What is the exact problem with the Ring Indicator feedback by the way? You don't know exact path for this LED feedback or is ther some other issue? Would love to have the feedback for the "ammount" of the jog effect displayed as a cherry on the top.

    The RingIndicatorPosition has remained impervious to all my attempts of reading or adjusting it's value. The only thing i can directly adjust is the mode (0 = off, 1 = follow [standard], 2 = blink). To give you some options i added a bit of code so you can see for yourself.

    ➔When in JogFX mode, turn the browse encoder to switch through the colours. White is the last, so move it counter-clockwise initially, going from White, then Fuchsia towards Red (passing Blue, Green etc.). This should make it easier for you to decide which colour is best suited. JogFX and JogHoldFX can have different colours. The colour can also be different when JogTouch is active.

    ➔I also put in JogTouch = blink mode, so you can see if this is something you like.

    Happy testing.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    Thanks for making colors optional, that's awesome. I think that White works the best because it is same as effect buttons color and also easy to differentiate between Blue, Light Orange and Red.

    The blinking would be great for End Warning (blinking red to the beat). I haven't seen this LED state in default mapping. Please remove the blinking state from the Jog Touch control, it won't be needed.

    If it is possible to display Knobs 5-8 in the Master VU left and right then we can go with that. (displaying the Swing value like that in one of JAM mappings for Remix Decks).

    -If the left-side jog effect is activated then temporary display the Midi Knob value in the indicator on the left.

    -If the right-side jog effect is activated then temporary display the Midi Knob value in the indicator on the right.

    Some of these effects can increase the volume so I'm choosing the Master VU for this instead of the each individual channel VU.

    Must say I did not look into code yet but I will. I am doing this tests in my free time, sorry if my replies are slow sometimes.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    I set the colours to white and removed the blinking on touch and the colour change with the browse knob: 😃 ➔

    The blinking LED ring has a set rate and can't be changed. You still want me trigger it in red with track end warning?

    I'll explore the meters as a gauge for MIDI Knob (5-8) value, when active. This will require adjusting a second file, 'S4MK3Mixer.qml'. This is new territory for me, i haven't tried changing the meter outputs before.


  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    Thanks for the update. I will give it a go.

    Don't worry about the Master out if that's too much of experimenting for you. The "Track Name" part of the screen looks like it could represent a vertical slider when JogFX is activated.

    The blinking rate is fine but it is super bright. Let's also skip the end warning feedback since it is not possible to dim the brightness there.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    I'll continue with exploring the VU meter feedback, i am curious about what's going on in there.

    Anything being displayed (nicely) on the screen is a real bucketload of work, functions are distributed across the whole S4Mk3 subfolder of the screens folder. I recently did the customwavedisplay editor for the SupremeModEDIT, and after about a week getting the control structure right i had to fiddle in a thousand places for several weeks to get the screen display perfectly.

    I can still work on getting a pop-up display showing the MIDI Knob (5-8) values changing on the screens if you like. It'll just take a hard to assess amount of time. I can say that it can be done 100%. And there are several working styles to choose from.

    And don't feel hurried responding to anything i write. 🦋

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    The pop-up on the display is even better solution. Preferably not over the Loop Size value.

    What ever style looks closest to Traktor GUi knobs, let's go with that. Thank you.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    I'll start with this next week.

    I envision a small and centered pop-up overlay containing the value of MIDI-Knob (5-8) as a percentage, being visible only when you touch the top of the jog wheel while in JogFX mode, disappearing immediately when not touching or when exiting JogFX mode. This could be a rectangle or an oval shape, black background. The rim can have it's own colour just like the text. The whole thing would be big enough to be easily readable without totally obscuring the rest of the display.

    To be really extravagant would entail a complex reworking of the FX display used by D2/S5/S8 for use of the S4 screens. My guess is that would be a major project. To put it in perspective, what i have done so far was quick and comparably simple without any dependecies to other files. I would prefer to keep the display simple as well, and a number diplay should do the trick.

    What do you think?

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    The Indicator would be a 'nice to have feature' so don't put any extra efforts. Let's keep this a small project.

    I can now display those values on a Twister (or F1 display) and know that one full revolution of the jog wheel is the range for the MIDI knob. I can work with that.

    This would be more useful to other DJ's although there is no interest here in checking this mapping out.

    There's zero feedback from other members or NI haha.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    I used the F1 for displaying the MIDI values of all four decks as well.

    I wonder why having JogFX seems to not be very interesting. The Mk1/Mk2 downloads of the DJTT mapping was ranked at the top of the list. Maybe those past users never bothered to upgrade to Mk3 and the new users have different priorites like access, streaming and now stem seperation. Also DIY procedures seem to have been dropped in favour of plug-and-play, all-in-one and standalone capabilities. Where is the music in that?

    But as long as i can make a single user happy i consider the work a success. All it takes for NI to jump on the train (without much of an investment in money or time) is to visibly promote the basically unpaid work of the community members in order to present Traktor's versatility. Win-win. Someone smart in the right place making a phone call may encourage users to try something not quite standard.

    It must be hard to refrain from always going the 'new, bigger, better, flashy'-road and instead focus on keeping what's already there working and unlocking the full potential. It's funny, no matter what kind of software i am picking at, be it audio players, a video game or whatever; i always find in there code for really cool functions and great basic ideas abandonded before the final release.



  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    I guess that having more features also means more questions and issues for the support desk to solve so nobody cares. This is somewhat advanced feature though, remapping a jog wheel is like asking for a trouble if you don't keep the track of the JogFX mode being on or off. It is not something that newcomers are going to utilize and therefor not representing a selling point (especially for the S4 which offers FX Knobs and Buttons, so this might be better on S2 MK3 and S3).

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newcomer
    edited July 2023
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  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    Well, that's not me. I like to have gear and software i can adapt to my needs. And i love to tinker with it. 😁

    True, not easily a selling point. Newcomers may not be interested in it. I guess i am talking about longtime users.

    Anyway, here is something for you to test. Works for track decks and stem decks. Live and remix decks yet to be done. Just copy the qml folder into the resources folder. I am not giving a description so i'm not spoiling the surprise. 🦋

    There is only two files inside (including the S4MK3Deck.qml file i had to re-adjust).

  • [Deleted User]
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  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,209 mod

    They may find it helpful to fix the bugs themselves if their causes have been pinpointed by someone else even before they look into it. Maybe. I am personally more easily moved to fix something if i know what's wrong then by someone yelling '(curseword) controller/software X! Fix NOW!' or something along those lines. Of course it's possible the majority of programmers work better the other way around. Who knows?

    Anyway, what's your point? I pray it's not to crush my hopes: 😆

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,218 mod

    Thanks for the update. I tried both PC and Mac.

    Maybe the fact that you disabled the screens for my qml is resulting in disabled screens?

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