How can I setup to sample into Maschine from Studio One 6?

mtamayo Member Posts: 39 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I'm using the Maschine VST3 plugin in Studio One 6 and trying to figure out how to record a sample into Maschine from an external track coming from Studio One.

I know with Ableton I use the sidechain inputs to get audio into Maschine, but I can't seem to locate a way to do so in Studio One. I do see a sidechain option with other 3rd party plugins like compressors, but for whatever reason, that is not showing up for Maschine.

Is this some sort of bug with the Maschine vst not making its inputs discoverable by Studio One 6? Or could I be overlooking something?


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,316 mod


    you could try to insert a maschinefx instance as insert fx, sample there, save it as pad or group and load it then where you need it.

  • mtamayo
    mtamayo Member Posts: 39 Member

    I was looking to use the Maschine VST3, since I’ve seen that FX is no longer in the plans to be updated

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited July 2023

    Try Side-chaining a Studio One Audio Track using whatever method they (SO) use for it. It's usually the workaround to sample to plugins.

  • mtamayo
    mtamayo Member Posts: 39 Member

    Thank for the suggestion @D-One, but for whatever reason the side-chain option does not work for the Maschine VST3. It works fine for all other virtual instruments or effects, and Maschine VST3 is the only one that does not show up. I suspect it is a problem on NI side because the same issue also exists in Bitwig 5 while all other plugins side-chain options work fine except for Maschine. I submitted a support ticket, so hopefully they can have a resolution.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,316 mod
    edited July 2023

    I found an older article about vst3i and side chain, back then (2yrs) only cubase supported it, maybe developers don't think it's important to have side chain on vsti's and haven't implemented it for instruments on their daws. So like I said, load one instance as insert to sample then save and open it where you want to.

    P.S. i tested with cubase and there it works with vst3i - so its really up to the daw.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited July 2023

    That's very odd...

    VST3 side-chaining into Maschine-Plug works fine for me in both Ableton Live and Reaper.

    What about Sends? Can Studio One send audio from a Audio Track into a Plugin? (Not quite sure what the difference is from side-chaining but some DAW's have that option.)

    Also, consider if this is worth the effort, if the Audio is already in Studio One you could just drag-and-drop it into a Pad instead of sampling, if that doesn't work there should be an easy way to click an audio file and select "Show in Finder (or whatever the file browser is called in windows)"

  • mtamayo
    mtamayo Member Posts: 39 Member

    Like I mentioned, all other plugins with side-chain do work as expected in Studio One. Studio One does support it. The only plugin that doesn't work is Maschine vst3. Even all the other Native Instruments plugins with side-chain work fine.

    @D-One It's the same issue with Sends. All other plugins work as expected and I'm able to send to other plugins that receive side-chain except for Maschine vst3.

    I could drag and drop audio from Studio One into Maschine, but I was wanting to use the different recording modes that Maschine has, which then defeats the purpose.

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions, but I think hopefully someone from NI support can give me a definitive answer.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,316 mod

    But you mentioned only FX where it works there is a difference between vsti (instruments) or vstfx as far as I know. The article I found (even if old) explicitly is about vst3i for example. So you could try, just for research, to insert one instance of maschine FX and see if it works then.

  • Way~D
    Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member

    im curious too, my work around has always been to bounce out of studio one into a folder, then input that into maschine and use the sampling feature from there. you can drag from maschine to studio one but not the other way around. which i always thought was odd. I have a dedicated folder just for these situations

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  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,316 mod

    i played a bit around with fl studio, there is a tab where you can see all in and outputs, and if i load maschine as instrument i don´t see any inputs (no matter if vst 2 or 3), but if i load it as insert fx i can see in and outputs (also no matter if vst 2 or 3). Really strange cause it definitely works in other daw´s with vsti´s.

    if there is a demo for S1 i can download and play a bit with it maybe.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,316 mod
    edited July 2023

    Can you please show me an example, I installed the demo and found no way to side chain into an instrument loaded in an instrument track, I tried with maschine and with reaktor. As far as I found out the only new thing in 6 was an easier way of side chaining but with FX in inserts only. The only way I found was to create an audio track insert maschine FX there as insert them you can easily switch the input from any track or physical input, and sample but then you only have stereo out not all the channels you have if you load maschine in an instrument track. I think it's really up to the daw, they did not implemented it for instruments loaded in an instrument track

    P.S. I found it on the artiria website, they write about the implementation for side chain for instruments, so I think there is an issue with the inputs names or whatever, maschine inputs are just inputs not marked as side chain inputs, so maybe the DAW then don't know that it can use the inputs as side chain inputs. I'm of course not an expert about vsts and the naming/tagging/ whatever of the inputs and outputs but that seems to be the issue. So native has to tag(whatever) one input as side chain input, then it should work. Or S1 just sees every input on an instrument as potential side chain input - like with cubase. So both could fix it.

  • mtamayo
    mtamayo Member Posts: 39 Member

    Thanks for looking into it and trying it out. As far as an example, your example is right there because that is the problem. There Is no way to side chain into the Maschine instrument loaded into an instrument track. That's exactly what I'm trying to do but it's not possible, even though they note that it is one of the new features in Studio One 6. I reached out to PreSonus about this issue but their customer service is a piece of trash and are of no use to solve anything most of the times. I also opened a ticket with NI but can't say they have the best customer support either. There's more support in these forums than from the actual technical support group.

  • mtamayo
    mtamayo Member Posts: 39 Member

    Yeah, even though they're advertising it as a new feature for SO6 (and one of the main reasons I upgraded versions), their support is useless and they don't want to test it out because they don't have a copy of the Maschine software. Neither PreSonus nor NI can give me an answer. At least it works in Ableton.

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