When we can expect Traktor Pro 4.0 ?



  • Scratch-E Con
    Scratch-E Con Member Posts: 102 Advisor
    edited April 2023

    Traktor 4 needs some killer features for the 'Base' version if NI expects people to lay down 50 bucks.

    Looking at what 3.x versions have delivered (too little to mention IMO) I don't think it's coming any day soon.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    They may give it STEM separation, few more effects, updated interface, ... More of this or that. Also online services. Or some cloud things....

    I guess that STEM separation and few online services would do. And flexible beatgrids on top.

  • Aquadics
    Aquadics Member Posts: 61 Helper

    My opinion too. Only problem STEM will be subscription only. So what it will be worth to pay another 50 bucks to update from 3.x to 4.x. Maybe 4.0 will be subscription only and no requirement to update.

    Let us hope that 4.0 beta will be ready before the summer holidays.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    STEMs may be subscription in TP3, and for everyone in TP4. We will see...

  • Dius Lucrii
    Dius Lucrii Member Posts: 18 Member

    I think its about time Traktor team show wy is the Nr1 best dj software

    Better effects we have too many and half arent need ,better similar what pioneer have (but we have some good ones on Color effects

    Delay´s echo out/ if have a background effects that affect echo out will be awsome,right now only RMX-1000 can underlay a echo out,in traktor you cant do that with any effect if delay active.

    Playlist by coulor right now dont have enouth options to have a good organized playlist even with coulors

    We need use the 8 effects on Coulor filter mixer not only 4 ,that makes no sence for me.

    But traktor still is the best out there just need mark the position with good and usefull stuff

  • Aquadics
    Aquadics Member Posts: 61 Helper

    I agree with this but it could be even much much better.

  • Deejayenzo
    Deejayenzo Member Posts: 42 Helper

    traktor is still the best program but if new hardware doesn't come out, soon we won't be able to use it anymore. It is very difficult to do the mappings and many times you can't get 100% of the functionality of other hardware. The z2 mixer is no longer on the market and all DJ turnablists or record lovers have switched to serato. The s4mk3 console is now old and outdated and the next updates (stem) will make it difficult to use. NATIVE MAYBE THE TIME HAS COME TO CREATE A NEW AND COMPETITIVE BATTLE MIXER and a new and competitive console.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    What makes the s4 mk3 outdated?

    It already has stem mappings.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    @Deejayenzo Yes, because of discontued Pro S8 and Z2 (and S5, D2 time ago) I guess new Pro HW shoul come soon. If NI wants to stay in game.

    With new Pro HW might come also TP4. STEM separation should come ASAP.

  • Deejayenzo
    Deejayenzo Member Posts: 42 Helper
    edited April 2023

    time makes it old. I've had a s4 mk3 for 4 years, she's been overworked and worn on the keys. it should be changed. but I'm not going to buy another one because I have to spend 800 dollars for a product that will be 8 in 4 years and very old. moreover the rotating jogs are absolutely useless. they are too small to scratch .

    also the audio output is not that powerful. maybe it's good for bedroom DJs but not enough for clubs or festivals. it has now been surpassed by the competition. as you can see pioneer releases a console every 2 months while native hasn't released anything for years. The whole community is clamoring for a new z2 ... it is clear that there is a need for new HW

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    Old does not mean outdated. You can put on new knobs and keys. The rotatings jogs where already a gimmick on release.

    Also pioneer does not release a new controller every 2 month.

  • Deejayenzo
    Deejayenzo Member Posts: 42 Helper
    edited April 2023

    has released opus quad and flx 10 in the last 2 months. the s4 jog might be innovative 4 years ago, then came out rane one and rev 7 and they buried the s4 jog.

    we can go on and on but by now the whole world agrees that new HW is needed and I agree too.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    Just because you release 2 controllers within the last two month it does not mean they release a new controller every 2 month :P

    Yes, new hardware would be great. I still don't think the s4 is outdated.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    The same with S5/D2 that are EOL for many years... Still work just fine. I agree with you that the world should not go Apple way - new model every year or so.... HW should "update" only when needed, once 5-7 years (or even more) seems to me just fine.

  • Aquadics
    Aquadics Member Posts: 61 Helper
    edited April 2023

    Agree S4 MK3 is a perfect device for what it is. For this price tag the best what you can get in my opinion.

    There are other NI devices (F1, Z1, X1 ) which will need an update more urgent.

    Look at Thomann. S4 MK3 is most of the time one of the top selling DJ Controller and this not without a reason.

    The biggest problem with older Kontrol hardware is that you can not use it as a MIDI controller and it still has this old design.

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