SupremeEditionMod EDIT



  • flashero
    flashero Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2023

    Hi, i was referring to the bottom stripe (i attach screenshot of traktor gui) in the software you can see very well the structure of the song, but in the controllers, is diferent, perhaps cutting in half the stripe gives more range to show the peaks of the song on the controllers display. Im using traktor theme

    Best regards

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,210 mod
    edited April 2023

    Now i get it. I've seen it used on some controller screens. That is possible to do and relatively easy as well. Not sure if it would make the stripe more readable or 'nice' but i will test it.


    It works just fine, although cutting off the triangle base of cue markers. Try it out if this is the way you like it.

    Open the file '\Resources64\qml\Screens\Shared\Widgets\Stripe\StripeContainer.qml'. In line 28 change

       anchors.bottom: parent.bottom


       height: parent.height * 2 -1 //anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

    It's looking good. There now only remains adjustments of the position of the cue markers from (now)

    anchors.bottom: parent.bottom


    anchors.bottom: parent.verticalCenter //parent.bottom

    for the ActiveCue in the file '\Resources64\qml\Screens\Shared\Widgets\Stripe\Stripe.qml'. 😁

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,210 mod

    I'll put up the next version of the EDIT (still on old SupremeMod base) soon, with the new stripe in it to let you test it. Just need to update my documentation first.

  • flashero
    flashero Member Posts: 8 Member

    Wow thank you, it's more clear now. I'm using the cdj2000nx spectrum, trying to emulate the traktor gui. It's a pitty the d2's have a small screen, they're fine, but with larger ones (hope become available some time soon), they could display more data and be 100% headless.

    Best regards

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,210 mod

    Here is my latest, among other very small things it contains:

    • SYNC Button Vinyl Break Bugfix (yes there was a bug)
    • Half-size stripe. See if you like it.
    • Adjusted Loop Controls. Depending on wether on not Browse-on-touch is active and wether or not the Browse Knob (shifted) has the Move function (move 1 beat on shifted), both SHIFT+BROWS-ETURN and SHIFT+LOOP-TURN behave differently. Check it out.

    I also changed Shift + Screen Button 7 from 'scratch_with_touchstrip'-toggle to 'show_performance_control_on_touch'-toggle.

    You can change it back if you like in \Resources64\qml\CSI\Common\LegacyControllers\ScreenButtons.qml, line 123

    // Wire { from: "%surface%.display.buttons.7"; to: TogglePropertyAdapter { path: "mapping.settings.scratch_with_touchstrip" } enabled: isTraktorD2 && shift && hasDeckProperties && hasEditButton }
    Wire { from: "%surface%.display.buttons.7"; to: TogglePropertyAdapter { path: "mapping.settings.show_performance_control_on_touch" } enabled: isTraktorD2 && shift && hasDeckProperties && hasEditButton }

    Enjoy! 🦋


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,210 mod
    edited April 2023

    Mini Update:

    New SYNC Button finalized.

    • Single-Tap: TempoSYNC Trigger, also disable SYNC Toggle
    • Double-Tap: enable SYNC Toggle
    • Hold-Button (250ms): Reset Tempo (+/-0%), also disable SYNC Toggle

    Same link address. If you use it, tell me what you think.

    Edit: for those who are interested in the details...

    Edit2: new boolean doubleTapSync for cleaner Hold Button function.

    property bool doubleTapSync: false
    ButtonScriptAdapter {
        name: "SyncButton"
        onPress: {
            if (holdSync_countdown.running) {
                 doubleTapSync = true
                 // Double Tap functions:
                 isSyncEnabled.value = true
            else holdSync_countdown.restart()
        onRelease: {
            if (holdSync_countdown.running) {
            else if (!doubleTapSync) {
                // Hold Button functions:
                tempoAbsolute.value = 1
                isSyncEnabled.value = false
            else {
                doubleTapSync= false
    Timer { id: holdSync_countdown; interval: holdTimer.value
        onTriggered: {
            if (tapSync_countdown.running) {
                // Single Tap functions:
                isSyncEnabled.value = false 
                isSyncTriggered.value = !isSyncTriggered.value
    Timer { id: tapSync_countdown; interval: holdTimer.value}

  • Michael Niotakis
    Michael Niotakis Member Posts: 54 Helper
    edited April 2023

    I don't think this is covered anywhere @Sûlherokhh

    I'm proposing SHIFT and a FADER (I have D2s) to change tempo. Looking to replicate those outros where the BPM is rapidly reduced to 0 in combo with HPF/LPF.

    EDIT: usually after getting to a 1/32 loop.

    For whatever reason I cannot find an example right this second so I hope you've heard/seen it before.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,210 mod

    Have you tried the vinyl break settings on the PLAY (or SHIFT+PLAY) button set to a large number (of beats or seconds)? Either way, i haven't heard or seen what you mean, but i have 1 F1 as an add-on controller using the faders as tempo faders for 4 decks with variable percentage (2-100%) buttons. I have played with manually fading the tempo down to -100% (i.e. track pauses) with FX on top and maybe that is what you mean?

  • Michael Niotakis
    Michael Niotakis Member Posts: 54 Helper

    I still can't find an example but I now know my original description was missing the 1/32 loop part🤦‍♂️. Am sure I have seen with and without rapid volume/cross fader movement which leads me to think James Hype uses it at some stage in his sets.

    I think it's like what you're describing here in "I have played with manually fading the tempo down to -100% (i.e. track pauses) with FX on top"

    Following your response I've extended the Vinyl Break way out. It originally felt too linear but I played with the Xone HPF/LPF + Mild-Wild knob and get (maybe even) a more enjoyable effect. Lots going on but that's okay.


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,210 mod
    edited May 2023

    I just uploaded V5. This includes the LoopOut modification for set loops. It also supports fractional values like 7/8th or 2+1/2 in case you like to set you loops manually to something other that 4 to 4.

    Enjoy. 🦋


    Edit: I fixed a small coding assignment error. Link is the same.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,210 mod
    edited June 2023

    Upload of V6

    Waveform Zoom buttons now have a very small step (80 in total), but continue to zoom in/out if you hold down the button (D2, S5, S8). No more hammering the buttons. 😁

    Enjoy. 🦋

    SupremeModEdit V6

    EDIT: slightly adjusted values for zoom. PADFX now only ever use FX Units 3 and 4, never 1 or 2. Same link.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,210 mod

    Another project coming up: Custom Waveforms

    I have successfully implemented the adjustment of a custom waveform using S8/D2 underscreen knobs. You can see on screen every single change made to the RGBA values in real-time. The only major thing still left to do is a custom pop-up like i did for the channel filter controls as well as button switches for the 6 different segments of the wave display.


  • enoversum
    enoversum Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited June 2023

    Hello @Sûlherokhh , fellow S5 and Traktor 3.9 user here. Just came in to ask if there is any ETA on a version that is working with Traktor 3.9? The current mod produces an instant crash for me. I have a regular, vanilla Traktor installation, nothing fancy or much customised ;). I haven't touched QML mods in years, but recently got back to DJing and wanted to re-explore them.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,210 mod

    No. 3.9 doesn't work with the EDIT, even when changing the same lines that make it work with 3.8. There are other problems (for me) as well, which makes me not want to use the latest R.C. So, i will update when there is a working 3.10 beta that has updated its graphics interface to address these issues. I am still happily sitting on 3.5.2 for work and modding, being patient since my setup remains sufficient and enjoyable.

    Have you played with the EDIT in previous versions?

  • enoversum
    enoversum Member Posts: 29 Member

    Hi there,

    it's been years since I've applied a QML mod, and I don't even know what it was called back then. So no, haven't had my way with your Edit. Does it require the subscription-only SupremeEditionMod, and you'd install the EDIT on top of it? And what is the last know working version of Traktor that supports either the Mod or its Edit? Sorry to ask, I'm again very new to the QML business, and thanks for getting back!

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