Z2 Discontinued? Alternatives?

Nathan Russell
Nathan Russell Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Has the Z2 been discontinued? None of the usual (UK) vendors list it anymore, and one says its discontinued. Is this true?

Assuming so, any suggestions for a decent alternative? I quite like the look of the Pioneer DJM-S7 though not sure my budget can stretch quite that far. Mixars Duo MkII looks pretty good?

Or if I don't want the sample/hotcue trigger buttons etc (I have an X1 which would do) then I'm looking at the Xone 23C or DJM-250




  • TeLLy
    TeLLy Member Posts: 71 Advisor

    I think the Z2 is still available directly from NI's own site. It still works with the new Mac and Windows OS plus the new Apple M chips, so I wouldn't hesitate to buy a used one today (in fact I am hunting). Once the faders are swapped out it's nearly the perfect mixer for a basic 2-channel wannabe hip hop DJ like myself.

    If you have any flexibility on time I'd wait to see what new stuff comes down from the big names including NI, but IMO you can't go wrong with the Pioneer or any of the fancy new-gen Ranes.

    The thing is even brand new you could buy two Z2s for the price of a single S7....

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Confirming Z2 is still up for grabs: TRAKTOR KONTROL Z2

    If you're in the US that is. Looks like it's sold out already from our EUR/UK warehouse. Can't see if we'll restock any time soon either. 😕

  • TeLLy
    TeLLy Member Posts: 71 Advisor

    You know @Kaiwan_NI , if there was a fancy new shiny thing coming from NI to upgrade my Z2, this thread would be the place to put a strategically-angled, slightly obscure "stay tuned" pic....

  • Scratch-E Con
    Scratch-E Con Member Posts: 102 Advisor

    A Z3 would be nice but I'm afraid it is wishful thinking. I decided to buy a RANE Seventy and I am very happy with it. It comes with Serato Pro included so now I am using both Serato (with Phase) and Traktor (with good old control vinyl).

  • TeLLy
    TeLLy Member Posts: 71 Advisor

    I really loved my Vestax 37 and the Rane Empath so I'm with you there. I've gotten along by either living with the C and D channel volume knobs on the Z2, or in my weaker moments mapping my F1's faders to run C and D volumes. I've grown into the mixer so much the only thing I would really want is 4 more cue pads per channel.

  • Scratch-E Con
    Scratch-E Con Member Posts: 102 Advisor

    I hardly ever use C and D decks in Traktor. I have mapped them to the same channels as A(C} and B(D). When I first bought Traktor early 2015 I got myself an A6 audio interface where I used this mapping as well for my good old HAK360 #legend

  • TeLLy
    TeLLy Member Posts: 71 Advisor
    edited February 2022

    HAK is on my grail list. Love the Ecler mixers truly the Rane from Spain, they felt and looked better built than the TTMs.

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    The Z2 is about 10 years old and still being supported.

    There's not much going on in the 2ch mixer department other than from $"pioneer and rane"$ and those mixer are specialized button boxes.

    Xone 23c - 4in/out sound card, dvs mode or playback with recording (not both), external s/r.

    Pioneer djm 250mk11 - 8in/out sound card, dvs, post-fade effects rekorkbox only, playback and recording.

    Numark scratch seems alright can't find a block diagram to give an opinion for it.

    I'm waiting for a 2ch mixer similar to my Dn-x600 in function. Denon (with only one current mixer) is long overdue for a 2ch prime mixer. It doesn't need to be fancy. Something like the djm450 but with external s/r would be perfect. Pioneer needs to update the mixer too.

  • jeljms
    jeljms Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited February 2022

    Will NI ever support the Z2 with Traktor DJ or Traktor DJ2?

  • Karlos Santos
    Karlos Santos Member Posts: 136 Pro

    Welcome To The Forum.

    The Z2 can be used as a sound card for Traktor DJ but it cannot be used as a controller. This isn't something that can be added. As I recall (it's been sometime since this was discussed) the Z2 is not an Apple MFi device (Made For iPad/iPhone). Only devices made in conjunction with Apple's MFi program can be used as control surfaces.

    This knowledge base article explains the differences between NI devices and iOS compatibility:



  • milan8888
    milan8888 Member Posts: 19 Member

    Seems its still not available, neither at the major online-stores nor here. So either they discontinued it and dont want to tell there is no successor yet or they have issues getting new ones due to all those corona shutdowns in china.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Indeed Z2 has been discontinued. Once the US stock has gone down to zero we won't restock again unfortunately.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    IDK which microcontroller has but audio10/6dj got firmware update to make them class compliant (also S2mk3 seems working in midi mode with Djay Pro) so could it be possible make Z2 class compliant by firmware update too? Could you ask please?

    That will make mfi policy unnecessary but will require another approach for Traktor Dj on iPad allowing regular midi class compliant support instead only NI HID which requires mfi (dedicated driver inside the app instead standard format). Any class compliant device can work with midi apps in iPad, only NI is limiting themselves being a closed garden. Look at Novation Launchpad and ampify apps (like Launchpad app). These work with handshake over midi and not mfi required (afaik) but also ready for use with any third party app and even allowing for advanced use like Loopy Pro or grooverider16.

  • Karlos Santos
    Karlos Santos Member Posts: 136 Pro
    edited May 2022

    The difference is that the Audio 10 & 6 were not developed in the Apple MFi program so it was within the remit to make them Class Compliant. NI signed up to various commitments and restrictions in the MFi program and no-one knows if these restrictions are still binding after a product is discontinued.

    Maybe @Kaiwan_NI can clarify because NI have been adamant that they cannot and will not break the rules of the MFi program - I mean, why would they spoil a relationship with Apple over a 10 year old mixer?

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