External Drum Kits with Maschine

Ryan Christman
Ryan Christman Member Posts: 47 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I recently was able to purchase and install the "Bounce Coming Up" drum kit and am trying to use this in Maschine.

I moved all of the files onto my external drive and am able to navigate to them just fine within the Maschine hardware, but the .wav files for the individual samples don't produce any sound when I load them onto a pad.

What am I missing here?


Best Answer

  • Ryan Christman
    Ryan Christman Member Posts: 47 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hey everyone, thanks for the answers. I had to re-scan the hard drive for some reason and that fixed the issue. Not sure what that was all about. Thank you!


  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    You're almost there. 😉

    Loading the WAV files into each pad is part one. Then you have to create a MIDI note to trigger that sound wherever you want it to play. So try double-clicking in one of the cells in the row where your file is loaded.

    By default it will create a MIDI note in whatever grid unit (probably 1/16) you have currently selected.

    Now if you just play your timeline you'll probably hear a bunch of notes kind of stacking up as they're repeatedly triggered each time the play had loops around. Obviously that's not what you want so next you need to set the polyphony of that sound to 1 from its default of 8. Now each time the notice triggered it should only play one copy of itself.

    Then follow this procedure and create a cell for each sound where you want it to play, either manually by double-clicking the pencil tool on those cells or by starting to record and playing each pad in live.

    Hope this helps.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,886 Expert
    edited April 2023

    I suppose the OP is talking about playing them live with the pads (he is talking about Maschine hardware).

    And the way he talks makes me believe he is talking about Maschine+ in standalone mode.

    First steps I would suggest is to check the audio routings of the individual pads and of the group where you loaded the sounds.

    Another thing you could do to be sure they loaded in the pads is pressing one pad and pressing the Sampling button and then Edit. Do you see a waveform there or is it empty?

    But…firstly…check in the mixer at the pads level (you can use the big encoder to move from the groups to the pads level by pushing it up or down) if when you press the pads you see a level meter moving, otherwise it means no sound is produced, not that is “simply” not coming out

    All these checking is valid also if you are talking about a MK3 connected to a computer

  • Ryan Christman
    Ryan Christman Member Posts: 47 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hey everyone, thanks for the answers. I had to re-scan the hard drive for some reason and that fixed the issue. Not sure what that was all about. Thank you!

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