Traktor Pro 3 and Windows 11 compatibility?

djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hi my friends. I have a problem with Traktor Pro 3 and Windows 11. I think Traktor Pro 3 is not ready yet for Windows 11. Let me explain. The audio latency is way bigger than Windows 10 with a lot of drops and freezes for 2-3 seconds. Of course my laptop( Dell Alienware X17 R1 with i7 cpu, 32GB ram, 2 graphic cards, intel uhd graphics and Nvidia Geforce 3070 8GB on Samsung 990 Pro M2 SSD) is fully audio optimised. In Windows 10 Pro audio latency is too low but in Windows 11 Pro is way higher with a lot of problems. Both Windows same audio settings in Asio settings. Please see the attached photos. How is your experience with Traktor and Windows 11 on S4 MK3? Of course i checked with LatencyMon but i dont know why i have high audio latency.

Here is Windows 10 Pro latency:

Here is Windows 11 Pro latency:

Here is the problem i get:

And here are the settings i have in both Windows 10 and 11:

i tried 44100Hz and 48000Hz and 1024 samples. same audio problems.

Any help? Is there anything i can do? Thank you.



  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 284 Pro
    edited April 2023
  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    Thank you for the answer. I already done all the suggestions but the problem remains. In same laptop Windows 10 Pro works great with no problems.

    Are you using Windows 11 right now without problems? Which laptop? specs?

    Thank you for your help, be well. Spiros.

  • fivedive
    fivedive Member Posts: 12 Member

    Yes, I also think, there is a problem with the compability of windows 11 and traktor. Do you also have problems with volume fluctuations? See:

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    No i didnt noticed any volume fluctuations on my side. In compare to Windows 10 i have higher audio latency in Windows 11 as you can see in the photos with a lot of drops and freezes for 2-3 seconds. Definitely not full compatibility with Windows 11.

  • fivedive
    fivedive Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thank you for your answer and good luck with this issue. Best wishes :)

  • PZZO
    PZZO Member Posts: 18 Helper

    Updating to Windows 11 could update drivers or install different software on your laptop - even if it was optimized before, it might not be anymore.

    What does the results look like if you run LatencyMon during those drops? That might tell us what driver has bad performance and figure out what to do next.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    What intel generation do you have? If it is the one with big.little cores, try to switch off little cores or set afinity of cores for Traktor to big cores....

    One of the differences between Win10 and Win11 is, that they treat differently big.little Intels. Win11 should treat them better, but it is not for granted....

    The other reason for your problem might be some kind of application/process that runs time from time.

    Latency Monitor might help to identify such a case.

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper
    edited April 2023

    Hi and thanks both for your answers. I have Intel® Core™ i7-11800H Processor with 32GB Ram and Samsung ssd m2 990 Pro 2TB. Intel UHD Graphics 750 and Nvidia GeForce 3070 8GB. I tried everything, of course and a clean install of Windows 11 with only the needed drivers. I did all recommended audio optimizations both cards and one at the time. i played with the services(of course i know exactly what to tweak). For some unknown reason i have higher audio latency in Windows 11 compared to Windows 10 in the same laptop-specs. In LatencyMon i dont have any audio error. All seems fine. Something must be changed in Windows 11 from build 21H2 to 22H2. I had higher audio latency than Windows 10 but Traktor worked with S4MK3. You tell me to try to switch off little cores or set afinity of cores for Traktor to big cores. Which ones you recommend to? And with what program? Process Lasso maybe? Thanks again my friend. be well, Spiros-Greece.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    11th gen Intels are the last that are not big.little, so your problem cannot be caused by big.little.

    Try to run Latency Monitor while using Traktor. If the dropout occures LM should tell you where it has happened.

    Also, have you checked temperatures of individual CPU cores and frequency used of individual cores. Just to be sure that CPU does not overheat and because of that temporarily lowerin CPU clock.

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper
    edited April 2023

    When i run LatencyMon with Traktor running it doesnt give me error. I tried to also running together with Traktor control panel diagnostic. In Traktors control panel it gives me the error but in LatencyMon all is working fine. I dont know if Traktor control panel diagnostic works good with Windows 11. For you to understand i have a multiboot system with both Windows 10 and Windows 11. I also checked cpu temperatures, motherboard temps and all are in acceptable temps so the problem is not there. I tried also Traktor control panel diagnostic without Traktor running, only S4MK3 connected and power on. still high audio latency. I'll try Process Lasso to set afinity of cores for Traktor or switch off some of them to see if something different happens. The problem happens only in Windows 11. same drivers versions on Windows 10, audio latency is way lower than Win 11. you can see again the photos i posted in the beginning of the post.Thank you again my friend!!! be well, cu!!!

    Something is not good from Windows 11 part i think or something needs to change in Traktor to work better with Win 11.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    But, that is not problem of Traktor, IMHO. It may be problem of audiodriver. Maybe that just the diagnostic part does not work right....

    It is strange Latency Monitor does not show any problems. I would trust more to LM than to the audio driver.

    If you want to test, if Traktor is the problem, try different audio interface.

    Have you tried to contact NI Support?

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    I'm doing now again a clean Win 11 setup. this time i'll block drivers from windows update and i'll install only the nesessary drivers. if i'll have again the issue i'll try one more clean install but with only windows update drivers this time. i'll have news until the night. Its not a big problem to me because i'm playing with Windows 10 but i'm trying to find why this big problem happens in Windows 11. i didnt contacted to NI support yet. if i dont find solution i'll try also NI support. thank you my friend. we'll talk soon. cu!!!

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    please don't laugh but i made 3 times clean install of Windows 11. 1st install only windows update drivers. 2nd install only Dell nesessary drivers and 3rd install Dell nesessary drivers + windows update drivers. the first 2 installs i had the problem with audio latency. now the best part. in 3rd install even if i had 500-530ms in Traktors diagnostic tool i didnt have a problem in latency and didnt had freezes(music turns slow and sound as a robot) for about 3-4 seconds as i had before until now of course, needs more testing. now the crazy stuff. if when Traktor is playing and before i start the Traktors diagnostic tool i open and run LatencyMon and after i run Traktors diagnostic tool i get 25-35 ms latency. Really really weird behavor. why this is happening? I'm staying for now in Windows 10 in my rigs. i dont trust Windows 11 for now. Whats your opinion? cu my friend. be well, Spiros.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    1) It is not 500-530 ms, but 500-530 us, which is 0.5 ms...

    2) Probably some kind of problem with the audio interface driver... What about testing with different audio interface?

  • djspiros2012
    djspiros2012 Member Posts: 42 Helper

    i tried also wasapi but its worst than asio. something is different between Windows 10 and Windows 11.

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