Difference between one shots and loops

JRGariano Member Posts: 22 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I use Machine+ exclusively in stand alone mode. I've created numerous projects over the last couple of years I've owned the device.

Looking in the browser with the "user" setting highlighted, I notice that some of my project sample files show up under the loops menu, and others show up under the one shots menu.

When does the Maschine+ browser decide to treat a WAV file as a one shot and when does it decide to treat it as a loop?

Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,629 mod
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    It's a browser tag.

    When does the Maschine+ browser decide to treat a WAV file as a one shot and when does it decide to treat it as a loop?

    Assuming you're recording the audio and not just loading pre-existing ones Maschine decides it based on how you record:

    • Detect and Sync Mode will use the Sampler, so it will be tagged as a "One-Shot".
    • Loop Mode will use the Audio-Plugin so it will be tagged as a "Loop".

    The distinction is so that Maschine knows with what instrument the audio will be loaded, a Sampler or an Audio-Plug.

    There's no way to change tags on an M+ tho, only in Maschine desktop.

    Annoyingly, when there's no "Content Type" tag, it defaults to being under "Loops" afaik in the case of adding user content by putting external pre-existing audio in your SD card.


  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 473 Pro

    Whether it's considered a loop is a function of whether the loop attribute is set in the browsing system. And the advantage of a loop properly defined that way is that Maschine will automatically adjust its tempo to your project's even when previewing. Super handy!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,629 mod
    edited April 2023 Answer ✓

    It's a browser tag.

    When does the Maschine+ browser decide to treat a WAV file as a one shot and when does it decide to treat it as a loop?

    Assuming you're recording the audio and not just loading pre-existing ones Maschine decides it based on how you record:

    • Detect and Sync Mode will use the Sampler, so it will be tagged as a "One-Shot".
    • Loop Mode will use the Audio-Plugin so it will be tagged as a "Loop".

    The distinction is so that Maschine knows with what instrument the audio will be loaded, a Sampler or an Audio-Plug.

    There's no way to change tags on an M+ tho, only in Maschine desktop.

    Annoyingly, when there's no "Content Type" tag, it defaults to being under "Loops" afaik in the case of adding user content by putting external pre-existing audio in your SD card.

  • JRGariano
    JRGariano Member Posts: 22 Member

    Thanks D-One for explaining how Maschine+ tags the files differently based on your recording method.

    Based on my experience, when I load pre-existing audio onto my SD card, it shows up under the one-shot menu (not the loop menu), and it stays that way even after I load the pre-existing audio into a clip using the audio plug-in.

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 473 Pro

    If you want to switch the tags from one shot to loop, especially in batches, this tool is a lifesaver. Maschine AutoTagger was created by an enterprising independent developer and I think D-one even help to test it, right? IMHO worth every penny!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,629 mod

    Yeah, haven't done much, just ran it a few times and made sure it worked. It def worth it if you have a lot of stuff.

    Oh, interesting... Yeah just using the module won't change the tag data or add any in case there isn't any.

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