Reaktor 6.5.0: Beta phase has started



  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor
    edited March 2023

    I will send some complain to Ableton, but at the same time I never had any similar hassle with any other dev in order to migrate from old to new versions of a plugin.

    I mean, I just need some numerical view of the Reaktor's output volume, exactly like in Guitar Rig 6 for exemple, and then I can manage the time passed on migration.

  • Jon Watte
    Jon Watte Member Posts: 79 Advisor

    If you're a person who uses glasses, or who uses high-resolution screens, your priorities may update.

    The US may have many shortcomings, but the Americans with Disabilities Act makes it the law that you should accommodate people with disabilities as a matter of course -- not as a second thought or an optional item. This really does improve the ability of the society to be good for everyone, not just those who haven't yet had some particular challenge pop up in their life.

    The EU, as of 2022, has similar accessibility rules, too. In practice, it's not yet enforced. So, even if you think "I only aim for people who are 15-30 years old and in perfect health with no eye issues," the EU law thinks differently, and chances are, enforcement will step up.

    So, step 1: Scale up (zoom) UIs/windows.

    Step 2: Make those zoomed UIs/windows able to use sharp typography, line art, and images.

    Step 3: Make the built-in widgets automatically do that.

    ARM is good, too. Usually, though, the people who are actually good at UI/UX, aren't the same people who are actually good at JIT assembly code generation, so there's some chance they could work on both for whatever the next iteration is.

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    If you're a person who uses glasses, or who uses high-resolution screens, your priorities may update.

    Yes I wear glasses at the screen, but don't work with high-resolution screens.

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 289 Pro

    I’ve had the VST2 deleted for a while and they’ve been working like that.

    The same line is in patch notes going back several months.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,329 mod
    edited March 2023

    The point is the 9.2 release is the one that had the NKS VST3 fix. It wasn't in earlier releases. Before that you could load the VST3 from the plugin menu but not by clicking on NKS patches.

  • Freddie Star
    Freddie Star Member Posts: 26 Member

    + 1.billion

    VST3 and scale" options in the preferences/menus by fixed amounts and up to 200%.

  • Noisewreck
    Noisewreck Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2023

    Reading all the excuses is tiring.

    Resizable UI has been something that’s been asked for for years, yet it keeps falling on deaf ears. Yes, there are the gotchas that the people who made ensembles will need to update the UI elements for this to work properly. Personally, I don’t mind updating stuff that I’ve uploaded to the library. I am sure, many others would be ok with this too. But if the tools aren’t even there to support this, then that’s on NI.

    And the entire hierarchy management system is still idiotic when it comes to having settings saved with a project within a DAW.

    These are basic usability issues that need to be addressed, can be addressed, and should be addressed. We are not in the 90s anymore.

  • steampumper
    steampumper Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Is Reakor 6.5.0 (PC) only VST3 , or is there 64bit vst2.4 available ?

    My favorite DAW not supporting VST3 yet.

  • Georg_NI
    Georg_NI Product Team Posts: 20 mod

    For exactly reasons like the one you pointed to, we will provide a VST2 with the 6.5.0 release too.

  • dysamoria
    dysamoria Member Posts: 6 Member

    I stopped buying Reason for years because the GUI was stuck at tiny 800x600 era resolution and hard to look at on displays released over the last ten years. They finally redid the GUI and I bought the upgrade happily, for that alone. It was great and that was not even on a Retina display… and now I have one of those too, and it looks spectacular. Everything at proper resolution looks spectacular. I don’t know how anyone can stand low resolution UIs and text, especially after using a mobile device with high-PPI displays. Blurry text and graphics have been bothering me for well over a decade and I was wondering about this issue LONG before Apple released their first Retina display device, so I’m not buying into “no one could’ve expected…”

    I’m 47, I already wore glasses, and my eyes are getting worse at sitting close to things. Large SHARP UIs are extremely important to me and have been since before my eyes started getting middle aged. Even when I’m at proper distance for my eyes, non-retina resolution text hurts my eyes/head.

    I can only assume all the people who proclaim how unimportant this is have never actually worked with a high-PPI setup. I didn’t want to look at text on anything else after I got my iPhone 4, and that was SO LONG AGO.

    Also, yeah, get things working on Apple Silicon. That’s important too. But really, it’s the thing that should’ve come after high-PPI graphics, since high-PPI tech has been on the market since 2013.

  • timmytimkins
    timmytimkins Member Posts: 4 Member

    I would like Reaktor to be able to have multi-instance communication. I will use multiple instances of an ensemble and when I save a snapshot, I will have to save the snapshot in one instance, and then reopen my project so the snaps are recognised in the other instances. This becomes tiresome and tricky when needing to save snapshots in the other open instances.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,029 Guru

    I’m 47, I already wore glasses, and my eyes are getting worse at sitting close to things...

    I'm 52, I've worn glasses for many years. Support for high PPI displays is way down my list of priorities when it comes to Reaktor feature requests... WAAAAY down. Sure, it would be nice, definitely add it to the list, but there are so many more important things that still need fixing/adding that we've been asking for for a lot longer than folks have been asking for high PPI support!

  • dysamoria
    dysamoria Member Posts: 6 Member

    I'm certainly not out to compete. If you have a list of priorities that doesn't include HD graphics, that's fine. Different people, different priorities. I just care for some of the "fancy graphics don't matter" comments I've seen around forums for years whenever someone brings up high-PPI support as a request.

  • mickeyl
    mickeyl Member Posts: 62 Helper

    With two months in the beta phase… how's it going?

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