Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 137 Advisor

    no you’re right, clearly i underestimated the number of people who wanted this. Who knows what the sales the numbers outside NI.. but, i FEEL like it has been even more successful than Mk III based on the amount of discussion i’ve seen about it.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited February 2022

    You don't get it. M+ isn't inferior to Maschine desktop & MK3, it is more than that, because you can still use M+ exactly like you use an MK3 but also with added standalone functionality on top.

    I don't mind using a computer when I'm in the studio, but whenever I do gigs or band rehearsals/jams, go on vacation etc the standalone functionality is a godsend. Now granted, I don't feel like M+ is gigworthy just yet, but I can see that being a viable option sooner or later.

    There's also something to be said about being without the distractions of the computer when you're writing new ideas.

    But if you prefer only having the MK3 and do not need standalone functionality, well, you do you.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2022

    Why all the snarky sarcasm in reply to me helping out a friend !? Chill out... We all agree quoting sucks here but at least things can evolve, it will just take some time.

    This is about the Updates, there's another thread for forum feedback.

    I'm on your camp as far as not needing a standalone, but I recognize why other people like them, I personally only use the M+ in live shows, at home it's always tethered.

    For a long time "Make a standalone" was a top comment on socials, up there with "where's 3.0" but I seriously doubt all those people asking really went out and actually bought a 1300$ device; I assume the sales are pretty low, probably lower than Jam. I don't mean to offend any users tho, it's just what I observe. The amount of discussion is related to it being the latest model, the MK3/Studio was the talk of the town when it was released too...

    Also, controller users tend to just discuss "Maschine" as a whole while the M+ userbase tends to only talk about the M+, even when it's about something that affects both platforms.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    Maybe I did not understand the translation correctly (my native language is Russian), but there is no problem of duplication. You can make a choice in the settings. When creating a new scene, you can duplicate the same patterns there. This is useful if you need to make changes to a duplicate without affecting previous scenes that use the same pattern. You may not do this. In the settings there is a choice of 2 options (only scene and scene + pattern). Did I understand correctly that you wanted this?

    Sorry, you are completely missing the point. The option there is for where you either duplicate the scene or the scene and the pattern. What happened is that they changed the duplication numbering.

    Previously, if I duplicated Pattern 1, it duplicated as Pattern 1

    If I duplicated Scene 1 it duplicated as the next free number ...hence... Scene 2

    This was a long-established procedure which worked well for me and many others

    Now Pattern 1 duplicates as Pattern 1 (1), Patten 1 (2) etc

    Now Scene duplicates as Scene 1 (1), Scene 1 (2) etc

    which some of us find counterproductive and a complete PITA because to work in the way we would like means renaming everything, which is slow and incredibly annoying.

    It's also somewhat callous to change it in such a manner without considering its impact on users.

    The seeming reluctance to try to accommodate users by offering optional legacy behaviour is also pretty offensive.

    Users IMHO should not be seen as a necessary inconvenience.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    Great!!!! That what has taken one click (fraction of second) in old forum, now takes several seconds. And pretty much effort, like coppying the name, which people do seldomly, being naturally lazy. If they find the way to make the citation.... So far, most fail to.

    They are doing the same thing to Maschine...****** is going on? Were they giving out free lobotomies one lunchtime and everyone thought it was a bargain not to be missed?

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    It's completely possible to work as you suggest as it was, but I had the option to change if I want to.

    If I want to use a new pattern I simply do, and it is instantly readable

    If I want to repeat the pattern, then I want it to have the same name. I don't have Dyscalculia, so I can see that I've repeated it x number of times.

    If I want my scenes to be sequential then I should be able to without having to renumber them every time

    Maschine used to be quick and easy to use, now it's a PITA and for what benefit??????????????

    Especially since the new *cough* 'improved' colour scheme, there are already more than enough problems reading the interface, why make it even harder.

    LOL Let's make Maschine great again!!!!!!

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    Why all the snarky sarcasm in reply to me helping out a friend !? Chill out... We all agree quoting sucks here but at least things can evolve, it will just take some time.

    I don't think that was aimed at you at all, D-One, but rather at how ridiculously nonfunctional the board software is. It really so far is a huge step backwards over the old board IMHO. 🙂

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2022

    As far as I'm concerned it's a WIP. Change is always hard especially at the start but staying in that 16yr+ platform for eternity wasn't really a feasible possibility.

    Some things are worst for sure, if some things are annoying for the typical user can you imagine how annoying it is for people like me and EvilDragon who have an insane post count? I mean ED has more than 20k posts on the old forum, most helping out people with KSP code... so we hear ya and share some of the same opinions; for now, I am trusting that things will get better since I am more "on the inside" and see the effort that is taking place behind the scenes.

    Other things are much better tho, the Unanswered thing works extremely well, people get answers so fast even I am rarely the first to offer help. Leave feedback here if you want to keep this thread on topic pls:

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    As far as I'm concerned it's a WIP. Change is always hard especially at the start but staying in that 16yr+ platform for eternity wasn't really a feasible possibility.

    Yeah, I guess with all the elongated build up to the move, there is / was kind of an expectation of hitting the ground running.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    @D-One , yes it was not aimed at you, at all. Your visualisaton is great and informative. Just the fact, it had to be created, says a lot.

    I like Maschine. I will not have use for multisampling. Autosave never does hurt, but Maschine does not crash me much, anyway. Once in a year or so....

  • olafmol
    olafmol Member Posts: 217 Pro

    M+ = DAWless trend bandwagon

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 137 Advisor

    that was exactly my thought.. driven by youtube/instagram influencers

  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member

    I don't see this as a problem at all. On the contrary, it’s convenient for me that I see in the name from which scene the clone was made. There are many real problems that are more important in my opinion.

  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member

    😂👍. More than once I caught myself thinking that looking through old photos with fashionable clothes and hairstyles, I laugh at how stupid these things look and how fleeting and cyclical fashion is.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    I would have killed back in 1995 for a M+

    Get off my lawn

    (What's DAWless?)

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