Coming up next for MASCHINE and MASCHINE+



  • Syshfw
    Syshfw Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    No mention yet of entering values on the knobs for automation? I want to be able for example, to enter pitch values on the pitch knob for specific pitch modulations. Please make this a priority.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    You already may record values for knobs. All kind of modulation parameters.....

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 2022

    There used to be a separate manual PDF called "Hardware Control Reference" for older models, I think NI stopped making those when the MK3 was released (?), the one for the Studio still should be 80% relevant for MK3 owners, M+ in controller mode, and might even be helpful for M+ standalone (it does have lots of pics of the SW, but I guess that can also help make things more clear? Depends...)

    IDK why they stopped making those or if there's anything similar available.

    There's a lot of redundancy there like explaining that the "Duplicate" button will do what its name implies in a bunch of different menus, meaning there's a lot of explanation about things that are self-explanatory but lots of people liked to read it. Maybe for some less obvious things like how holding Rec for 1sec shows a temp menu it can also be usefull.

  • Staykool
    Staykool Member Posts: 78 Helper
    edited February 2022

    You da man D! This is incredibly helpful. Blessings.

  • Staykool
    Staykool Member Posts: 78 Helper

    This was very helpful. Thank you much.

  • coarsy
    coarsy Member Posts: 19 Member

    Cool, this is a nice update. I lost so many good ideas during much crashs in the last two years. Currently Maschine works very stable. I'm currently in the last steps with my first album, which was completely done in Maschine. During this long producing process over 200 days I missed only this features:

    • pinning of third party plugins (it's a mess, if you want to see in another plugin what happens and the focus is lost)
    • copy and paste of automations
    • possibility to drag and drop more than one scene at once!

    If only this things would be integrated asap I and of course many others would be very happy with the Maschine. I'm checking out Ableton at the moment and currently I must say, the Maschine software is absolutely clear and the workflow except the things I typed here in is perfect for me! But I'm waiting for about 2 years for this necessary 3 "little" things. Please make it happen! Please!

  • olafmol
    olafmol Member Posts: 217 Pro

    Just for my understanding, what's keeping you from manually sampling your gear now? To be fair, it's only a few clicks and you have a multi-sampled program going on. Am i missing something magical?

  • Schmapps1
    Schmapps1 Member Posts: 144 Pro
    edited February 2022

    I think it’s because sampling every note of your hardware synth, at various velocities, and then painstakingly mapping those notes and velocities to zones so you have a playable instrument, is a huge pain in the butt.

    An automatic and fast way to do it all will be most welcome!

  • Koltovich
    Koltovich Member Posts: 17 Member

    Rather, it is my poor English and google translator. Didn't mean to offend anyone.

    I did not write that Akai is better in everything! I've written constructive advice based on my experience on what to add to Maschine+.

    Your advice about switching to Akai or MK3 with synths is long gone and implemented :-). I have been using Machine and Akai for many years, as well as dozens of other instruments (synths, grooveboxes, drum machines, samplers, software, etc...). Come to visit me. Here is a link to my channel -

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro

    Try it and you will see it is allot more than a few clicks to sample even a single layer for every note for 5 or more octaves. I use MainStage now but I think an auto sampler in Maschine would be much better for my work flow.

  • olafmol
    olafmol Member Posts: 217 Pro

    Lol I guess I’m old skool then. Every note? Multiple velocity layers? I am from a time where we did about 3 samples to cover a few octaves. And velocity was something we ignored. I guess RAM was more expensive then ;)

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited February 2022

    Good to see communication again, and whilst it may not seem like it, I do actually appreciate the work now going into Maschine. I'm just finding it unbearably sad that Maschine got so behind where many think it could be by this time, especially considering its now unintentionally ironic tag line.

    Whilst it's great that we will get inversions, being able to make customisable and/ or assignable chord sets would be properly helpful, as would being able to use other sequencers inside Maschine without needing other software.

    As I repeatedly mention elsewhere, it seems like it's only users rather than developers that appreciated Maschine for where it is elegant, simple and quick to use. Something that gave it a definite edge over other systems. Sadly, this seems to be being rapidly eroded with some of the updates that have made it a lot harder and slower than might seem in any way beneficial. It's now far clunkier than previously, and readability is far worse. How can that be a gain in any way?

    No word on getting back the useful duplication behaviour that got destroyed for many recently.

    If any of your team actually use Maschine how could you even come up with destroying such a treasured and quick workflow, why do you ignore calls for legacy behaviour to be at least offered as an option?

    So many other developers now only issue VST3, and yet we still have no proper signs of when we will be able to use those wares within Maschine without having to use Patchwork, Metaplugin, or the like.

    Patchwork and Metaplugin have been able to make this workable for quite some time, but then I suppose they aren't being restrained by having to be The Future Of Sound. But seriously, this is looking pretty bad.

    Any sign of Automation being more than a sick joke yet? I know it was on the to-do list, though I don't see it being mentioned at the moment. Sorry If I missed it.

    It's great that NI are continuing to come up with new products but with already such a vast catalogue shouldn't perhaps more effort be being put into the usability of what is already there and bring the GUI's into the 21st Century.

    I really really really wish you would employ some UI designers and developers from the CGI companies because their interfaces were far more versatile and usable over 20 years ago.

    One area I do think is a step forward is in now pushing your products on Plugin Boutique and the like.

    A lot of the plugins like Replika (XT) don't really I think get considered outside Komplete whereas they are properly competitive with much of the stuff with a far higher public profile.

    I'm surprised Massive X isn't being pushed on there, or even Kontakt.

    Sorry If this seems negative, I can imagine that what you are trying to pursue is far more complicated than we can understand or give credit to, but even though we still love the products, like any user we'd love to love them rather a lot more.

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