[Survey] Tell us what you think about MASCHINE



    VOLTAR Member Posts: 1 Member

    J’aimerai pour ma part avoir la possibilité de créer un fade in et fade out en début et fin de morceau voire sur une Tracks sans avoir à utiliser un filtre.

  • ManoVarunKumar
    ManoVarunKumar Member Posts: 19 Member

    Hello NI,

    I’ve been using maschine since last 7 years, here are some of the things that would help a lot of people (some of these are simple fixes),

    1. Ability to add round robin to each pad (currently we can already have multiple sample to a given pad, but having round robin would let us create some realistic drum sounds)
    2. Clear all button when typing in Maschine +, overall please create better typing experience.
    3. Audio track of ability to freeze a clip that spans across multiple scenes so audio tracks can be laid out.
    4. Ability to switch groups using midi program change.
    5. Ability to import and export scenes with midi data.

    I don’t want to make this list too long, I am sure there are some awesome suggestions from my fellow maschine enthusiasts. Keep up the good work NI, looking forward to future updates to see if any of this materializes.

  • drewhjava
    drewhjava Member Posts: 32 Helper

    It would be nice to have the Maschine file formats open. Everything is binary and has to be reversed-engineered to write tooling around. No way to convert from 1 format to the Maschine sound format, so Chicken Sys translator is useless. Group format is binary and groups can't be created outside the program. In MPC the drum program and keygroups are just text files. The project format is just text files.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2023

    I think Maschine uses msgpack, some fancier version of json... I think the guys over in the NKS side of things have reversed it all in case you wanna have a look. Stuff like this.

  • drewhjava
    drewhjava Member Posts: 32 Helper
    edited January 2023

    I was thinking more the mxgrp format mxsnd format, unfortunately. Appreciate that though

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2023

    AFAIK the way the data is stored in the chunks is precisely the same for all Maschine/KK formats. This is why there's stuff like kit-maker.com (does exactly what you want) or nimbank, etc out there I think, people have already done the most complex part so it might be worth checking out... If you can uncompile all the msgpack ****** then you can read it and then recompile to apply whatever changes you want. Kit-maker is not open source tho.

    Mind you that altho I keep an eye in this stuff I am not a dev so there's a chance I misunderstand some stuff here, take what I am saying with a big grain of salt.

  • MrVuvu
    MrVuvu Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2023

    It would be great to use Maschine mk3 as a controller for Komplete Kontrol vst. The KK keyboards are able to control both Maschine and Komplete. Feels like an unnecessary limitation

  • caramba
    caramba Member Posts: 15 Member
    • Internal MIDI routing. I just can't believe that it's not supported in 2023 and after all these years of constant requests!
    • multi midi in/outs as VST3 plugin
    • MPE
  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 405 Pro
    edited January 2023

    I would definitely investigate an Audiogridder set up with a Mini PC then, just to put the oldies but goodies at your fingertips still.

    Very cheap, very powerful, all non working NI (and others) still available as plugins in your current main rig.

  • bortraws
    bortraws Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited January 2023

    Filled in the Poll.

    I rather have better software than new hardware. The MK3 Maschine is already very good. I don't really need a touchscreen for example. Just make the software better.

    There were already many points in the poll that would be very welcome.

    The points that are missing in the poll and that I believe are important are:

    1. Quantization of audio loops in the audio module so we can get the beats within a loop (the groove) in the pocket.
    2. Plugin Delay compensation. Tracks get out of the groove now as soon as you use a 3rd party plugin that induces a large delay.
    3. Support for standard audio tracks to record for example a vocal track and be able to edit the track.

  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor

    I completed the survey but I'm a little worried because it looks like NI is preparing a new hardware version... :/

    why would we need new hardware when the previous one is not fully optimized?

    Honestly, Maschine+ would be a dream beast for me if they simply implement these points:

    1) Program change. Maschine+ is supposed to be the center of a setup and, if we work with midi devices, we NEED to send program change messages (PC/MSB/LSB messages more exactly…)

    2) Allow more inputs with external audio interfaces (for now is limited to 8x mono / 4x stereo)

    3) Aftertouch via Maschine+

    4) a real STOP button

    5) CC# automations for external midi (in step mode, as for internal instruments/effects)

    6) Step entry with external midi keyboard (hold a step, play a chord on the keyboard, and voila! -> The chord is recorded on this step)

    7) End-of-note quantization (when pressing and turning the 4D encoder or turning the "length" knob, the end of the note should snap to the grid. We already have the possibility to do shift+turn for non-quantized values)

    8) GuitarRig

    9) Absynth

    10) Bug fixes, performance and stability improvements

    I only see 8) and 9) which would eventually require new hardware...

    all the others are doable on the current hardware which would simply need more love from NI devs...

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,948 Expert

    @TheLoudest wrote

    I only see 8) and 9) which would eventually require new hardware...

    Absynth used to run on Macs about 25 years ago. I guess the current M+ should be more than sufficient…

  • TheLoudest
    TheLoudest Member Posts: 110 Advisor
    edited January 2023

    yes, I think so too. And that's also the reason why I'm talking about Absynth (and not the "Play series" for example ;) )

    Plus, Absynth seems to be "abandonware" now, right?

    So it would be really cool if they share it with the community of Maschine Standalone users.

    Just as they did with the "Poly Synth"

    which is also an old product I believe.. (NI Pro-53..?)

    For GuitarRig (even a lite version would be cool)

    I think all guitarists who work with Maschine+ would be interested to have a pedalboard embedded.

    What I meant is that points 8) and 9) are clearly wishful thinking...

    and they can always say: not possible.

    For other points, it's much more difficult to justify...

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru


    I completed the survey but I'm a little worried because it looks like NI is preparing a new hardware version...

    Let's sincerely hope not. I don't know of anyone who thinks the controller is the cause of Maschine's 'problems' other than nuking Jam.

    Two years ago in so many ways Maschine was much easier, faster to use than it is now. For nearly every debatable 'improvement' there have been more issues created than solved and most of the major call-outs on usability have been ignored. For me, the last few releases have been very flaky with freezes, lock-ups, crashes that I rarely ever used to experience. At the moment it's practically the Spinal Tap of music software. Arguably there's only NI who don't believe Maschine and it's users deserve so much better.

    You would think there would be some indication of work actually being done that addresses issues, but that seems far more noticeable by its absence.

    I guess there's a bright side to this in that the more the 'brand' is tarnished the more the likelihood that there'll be a realisation that you have to live up to it's previous reputation not just attempt to trade on it.

    Make Maschine Great Again!!!!! 😰

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