Latest Maschine Update has make my 2013 Macbook Pro useless

Paul Derrington
Paul Derrington Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Before this latest update I had no issues with MAschine unless I really started adding a bunch of heavy processing plugins. However, now I can be running five groups and my CPU spikes and I get crazy crackling and dropouts. In adding M1 support what did you guys at Native Instruments do to break Maschine from working well with older computers. It's not like a 2.3 GHz Quad Core Intel Core i7 with 16 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3 is really that bad. Regression Testing was not done properly here. No reason to make everything I have done no longer work just to add additional features.



  • Dstep ATL
    Dstep ATL Member Posts: 95 Helper

    I feel your frustration, but we are talking a nearly 10 year old computer.

  • Paul Derrington
    Paul Derrington Member Posts: 11 Member

    The nearly 10 year old computer was working just fine and running many plug-ins and tracks prior to the update. The age of the computer has zero to do with Native Instruments ability to make their software function properly. An update to make it compatible with a new processor should not render old processors useless. That is an optimization issue where a robust regression test to make sure new code did not affect current code was obviously not done. I love Native Instruments and my MAschine MK3 as well as my Jam. I also intend to buy a Keyboard from them soon so I am not trying to beat up the company because I am a fan. However, as an engineer myself I know how important it is to optimise and not break what works in order to implement new things. I would rather buy one of their new keyboards than spend that money on a new Mac right now. Also, there are probably a lot of folks out there having similar issues. A company like Native Instruments depends on repeat customers. Breaking the tools those customers use will only make them lose customers and I am certain NI does not want to lose anyone who has bought into their ecosystem. My main hope here is that someone is monitoring this page and is taking notes so they can go back to engineering and see where the problem is.

  • Dstep ATL
    Dstep ATL Member Posts: 95 Helper

    If NI cared about their customers, or optimization, the last two M+ updates wouldn’t have been the disasters they have been. I shouldn’t have been so quick and dismissive, I truly feel your pain.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    again and again we see Mac stuff not working....

    It works at one end... and breaks at the other... poor ole Native instruments always having to do extra, cos Apple want to continually change their OS.

    makes you wonder why some Apple users havent clicked yet...

    those who have, probably have both an apple system and a PC.. so when one system has issues... you have a fallback.

    better to rely on dual systems and anticipate AppleOS to break something LOL

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru

    As much as I'd like to jump on this anti apple bandwagon; let's not forget that the software has had issues with midi dropping out on windows for ages. The previous update completely broke the ability to use Maschine+ with the software if using a Windows computer.

    It's not all roses on this side.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I use current Maschine on quadcore i5 (passively cooled!!!!) tablet/hyperultrabook. It runs OK, it does not seem, something went wrong since last version. I am on Win10.

    So, it might be Mac thing....

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    Homw many cores do you need to feel robbed ?

    When with a 6 core cpu you won't be able to browse internet you'll realise there is something wrong ?

    All those bugs are coded on purpose and those machines are perfectly capable, there is many proofs out there.

    They probably do the opposite of what is required to save the planet to save it right ? good luck to all of us

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Easy explanation. Programmers have strong computers, no need for them to optimize code (in most cases), if it runs just great even on their older computer. And maybe on one very old - say 5 years old....

    10 years old computer is simply outdated. Computers became roughly ten times stronger... I remember computers that were 10 000 weaker than current ones. Computer that run Apollo landing module would be too weak to run current washing maschine....

    To have more optimized programs, managers would have to allocate more money to development. Why would they do it? It is cheaper and easie to buy a new computer...

  • Paul Derrington
    Paul Derrington Member Posts: 11 Member

    Kubrak, the software and plugins ran fine prior to the update. They are not breaking new ground here. My i5 2.3 Ghz Quad Core Macbook Pro was fine a few weeks ago and some lazy programmers update should not make it outdated today. Sorry, but that is an excuse. It is definitely not cheaper to buy a new computer since I have to buy it and not NI. Maybe I should use that language when I try to convince my wife that I need to buy a new computer instead of all the other stuff we have to purchase for our three kids. I am sure she will say "Damn, why are you still using that old ass computer that worked fine last week!" lol I get it that it is old but it is not like I am trying to use one of my Atari's or C64's here.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2022

    4 cores from 10 years ago are not equivalent to 4 cores from the current gen, it's miles apart.

    That's not an excuse for an update to make a working software unusable tho, maybe there's a specific bug that applies to something on your system but the more outdated it is the less likely it will get fixed. Maschine isn't very CPU efficient to begin with.

    In your shoes I'd time machine the mac, do a clean OS install to make sure there's not some other app or driver causing issues. Thats quite a bit of work tho... :(

    Generally, Apple + very old stuff = very bad, sooner or later you gonna run into a big problem... To be on this camp you kind of have to accept to update your computer every 7 years or so. Anyone not OK with that should move to Windows IMO, for their own sanity.

    What about the broken M+ updates? That's Apple's fault as well? They sure make things difficult for devs, no doubt, especially those working on a decade-old codebase but not everything is their fault.

    I have both Mac and PC and never used my PC for redundancy, never had any drastic issue with an NI or OS update that kept me from using Maschine or making music as I take the steps required to prevent it.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro

    @D-one , @darkwaves

    i dont recall any mention of Maschine+ being the issue??

    either from myself or the OP,..

    or should we play the whos more to blame song? we all know how that song ends.

    Or perhaps its better to anticipate any issues from either party, and create better fail-safe measures!!

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2022


    i dont recall any mention of Maschine+ being the issue??

    either from myself or the OP,..

    Exactly. Your post was generalised, "NI has issues because Apple changes the OS" so i replied specifically to that separately from OP's actual issue. If it's due to Apple that NI's updates breaks things they why do they also break other OS's like the M+ ?

    I generally only engage in threads like this if I have a suggestion to fix OP's issue, which I did + some advice that might not be great to hear but true... And my post wasn't meant to be confrontational towards you btw, just casual conversation.


    or should we play the whos more to blame song? we all know how that song ends.

    Personally, If a software I bought with my hard earned money does not work I blame the company who made it and no one else, seems logical and I couldn't care less how hard it is to keep up with my OS, its that company that chose to support/sell it. High lvl devs are very well paid.

    Users with everything working fine don't came to the forum and flood it with posts saying "hey it's all good", people mostly came here to solve issues, thats 95% of the content here so naturally sometimes it appears as if things are constantly breaking but for the most part it's either for folks who randomly update the OS without checking 1st and with no way to get back or folks who stay for years in old OS versions / computers.

  • Kahtnipp
    Kahtnipp Member Posts: 10 Member

    These photos are Maschine 2 enabled (and idle) and disabled in Bitwig.

    This latest update is gonna cause me to damage my computer. Keep an eye on your heat levels folks.

  • Kahtnipp
    Kahtnipp Member Posts: 10 Member

    I need to add that I'm on Windows 10 and it was working fine before this last update.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    You can go back a version of maschine if it worked better. Is there something in the new update that you really can’t live without? I backed an update recently bcs the M+ update was buggy, meaning I “sacrificed” maschine running natively on my M1. I honestly don’t feel the difference since I need to run Logic in Rosetta anyway bcs if other plugins so to me it doesn’t make a difference. However on my old MacBook I had to stay on a certain version to not get the problems you mention, suddenly running one or two instances of massive and the laptop would get hot.

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