Thank You Native Instruments

kb420 Member Posts: 26 Helper
edited 11:48AM in Maschine

Thank you for finally giving us Native VST3 support. It's been a long time, but better late than never. Keep up the good work.



  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    Yes it's a great day for maschine and us! :))

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 366 Pro

    Please put the Native instrument plugin list back in the upper menu instead of the VST and VST3 sub menus please, thanks.

  • Jo.
    Jo. Member Posts: 33 Advisor

    I am personally not happy with that because it seems these updates drop macOS 10.14 (Mojave).

    These updates (AS, VST..) have been requested for years so, yeah ok cool we finally have host VST3 support, but NI is now forcing me to make an OS update for a Maschine (or Komplete) version that is not very "major" for me. I mean they just catch up their late.

    I would be pretty happy to try to update my "old" OS for a *you can even dream_Maschine 3 Major version* or modernized Komplete Kontrol software.

    Maschine (and so Komplete Kontrol) supports now only 3 OS versions. Only 3 OS versions. (of course softwares can't be supported ad vitam eternam, but seriously.) These updates expected by everyone are now only available for macOS 11, 12 and the brand new 13.

    Mojave is "only" 4 years old, and still running fine on my production Mac Pro. I hate to feel that hardwares that still work perfectly, are pushed to the trash with mandatory OS updates that will eventually slow and break things down after all.

    Yeah I may update to macOS 11 for starter, but I know this is the beginning of the end for my Mac if I want to keep working with NI stuff. I don't need fancy features on a new OS every f****** year. I want my hardware to be stable and reliable.

    Not happy with that planned obsolescence driven by apple and followed religiously by NI that is not even capable to update his stuff in time with apple (more than 2 years for AS, great job !)

    And then when NI finally give support for new Apple Silicon hardware users, they just give up the users with old hardware in the end. Haha.

    I never complain on this forum but I'm really bored with NI these days. C'est la vie.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
    edited November 2022

    VST3 support sounds great, but are 2.16 Maschine projects compatible with M+ standalone? I'm never updating anything related to Maschine again, unless version parity with M+ standalone is guaranteed..

    What I mean is, is M+ standalone OS update coming which will offer project compatibility with 2.16?

  • Jaheid19
    Jaheid19 Member Posts: 36 Member

    I'd hope this isn't so. Running with Catalina over here. All i want to do is have my Maschine stop crashing when browsing certain sounds.( Which started with 2.15) I've been waiting 4-6 months for a simple fix. I definitely dont want to lose all my hard work because I don't want to update.

    P.S. This is my first year owning a 2012 Macbook. If I were to update my OS what would happen? Switched from Windows to Mac for a performance standpoint. (RAM,CPU, Stoarage)

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    I think people don’t really appreciate just how hard it must have been for NI to not only transition their product line to Apple Arm (or most of it anyway) but also to VST3 given how deeply NKS was dependent upon VST2. To be able to pull this off, and ensure that for all their plugins that are now VST3 there is a seamless migration, and even more that this also works for many third party plugins (and they have created a framework to enable most to migrate if developers implement it) is an impressive feat. Well done NI!

  • kb420
    kb420 Member Posts: 26 Helper

    While I appreciate the work that they have done, there are still many improvements that I would like to see. The piano roll and automation can definitely be improved. I would also like to see scalable UI's on ALL of their software. Also, the vst3 support is lacking in some areas, for instance, I can't seem to get Reason's Players to transmit midi data to Maschine at all.

    All in all, 2.16 is a step in the right direction, but I hope that development of the Maschine software continues to improve.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited November 2022

    Well obviously - there’s always more to be done - just wanted to show some appreciation for what has been accomplished - no mean feat

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 135 Advisor

    It seems that Maschine is in a stable compatibility oriented 2 updates per year mode now and i assume they consider it ‘complete’ now - don’t expect any more major features.. maybe instruments..

  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    There is bound to be a major update if they plan to release new hardware. Maybe a whole new software. Do you really think NI can leave the maschine range to be abandoned? I don't really believe it

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 674 Guru
  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor
    edited November 2022

    No rumors, just that maschine mk3 has been out for more than five years now. The rate of new hardware releases is within that time frame. Just an assumption.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,252 mod

    @Jo. said:

    Maschine (and so Komplete Kontrol) supports now only 3 OS versions. Only 3 OS versions. (of course softwares can't be supported ad vitam eternam, but seriously.) These updates expected by everyone are now only available for macOS 11, 12 and the brand new 13.

    This has been the case for many years now, the latest 3 versions are 'officially supported' but that does not mean it doesn't work on versions a bit older... Or are you saying NA2 doesn't let you install the updates for MAS/KK?

    @Jo. said:

    Mojave is "only" 4 years old, and still running fine on my production Mac Pro. I hate to feel that hardwares that still work perfectly, are pushed to the trash with mandatory OS updates that will eventually slow and break things down after all.

    If all the HW you have is what is listed on your profile then I have the same stuff (except the Traktor S4) and none of my hardware is in the trash, I am on Ventura right now. Some updates are very problematic and you do have to wait a while but others not really but... the bigger the OS jump the more likely you are to have issues.

    By updating every year I only have to research if the latest version has big problems, in this case it doesn't, if you have to research 3 versions that it becomes a bit of a snowball effect.

    Apple doesn't concern itself with backward compatibility the way Windows does for example, they move forward fast so if you choose Mac you kind of inevitably have to deal with the fact that you gotta pick between taking some risks if you want to use the latest SW or play it safe and stay with older SW forever... Companies like NI are limited in what they can do about it.

    What Mac Pro do you have? The trash can or cheese grater?

  • Jo.
    Jo. Member Posts: 33 Advisor

    Thanks for your perspective @D-One .

    I still have Native Access 1, as NA2 needs Catalina or Big Sur to work? I can update MAS/KK through NA1 but it's obvious it will not work as it is supposed to only support macOS 11-12-13. It's funny that NA1 give me the option to update things even if my OS (10.14.6) is not on the compatibility list. If I hadn't read the patch notes I would have updated carelessly and : "Hello Problems".

    I'm really aware of the software compatibility side as I built and worked on multiples Hackintoshes over the past 10 years (not for my music stuff by the way), but I generally freeze a setup when the hardware can't support new OS anymore, and accept easily to live without the latest versions of softs when I know I'll have no benefits & only new problems to care of with new OS.

    I know the "risks" I take using macOs with the every-year-infinite-updates-loop, it's always been a concern for me but for "old" apple hardware it's always been tricky too... As you said, I gotta pick between using the latest SW with OS updates & risks, or stay with older SW forever.

    For my music stuff, I use the Mac Pro Trash Can late 2013, which is surprisingly as fast and efficient as the first day (almost 10 years) but running with Mojave, no problems by far. I would love to keep it like that but I want to keep NI materials updated too.

    What I'm afraid of is : Yeah it is supposed to handle Big Sur / Monterey (Ventura, don't think so), but I know these updates will slow down my beloved trash can and accelerate its end).. Monterey is the last OS my MacPro can handle, but I'm not sure I want to test it, but I have no choice now :)

    NI is for sure not responsible for the apple updates policy, but I think they could support OS for little more time, especially when they themselves take years to update their own stuff.

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