Control Maschine Sampler with MIDI CC via USB

Foldyman Member Posts: 39 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine


Question in the title really - doea any one know if this is possible?

I'd like to use a MIDI footswitch to control the sampler (i.e. start/stop recording) on Maschine using MIDI CC, then I won't have to use a seperate foot switch.

Also wondering if it's possible to control transport generally from MIDI CC?

As a next best, if the sampler had ketstroke commands available, I could use those, but I don't see any anywhere. I've tried the general transport keysrokes, and while they work for that, the sampler doesn't respond to them.




  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod


    yes that´s possible, like shown in that video (31) Looper for Guitarists | Native Instruments - YouTube

  • Foldyman
    Foldyman Member Posts: 39 Member

    I think that might be a standard footpedal going into Maschine's pedal jack?

    I've got that happening already, but I also have a MIDI footswitch which I use for other things.

    If I could do away with the standard pedal and just use the MIDI one it would simplify things.

    Can't figure out a way to do it though 🤔

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    edited October 2022

    This works with a food switch or two or a dual food switch. Like a roland fs-6, it has a momentary mode. Just a momentary switch that shirts tip ring or sleeve ring if you press it. So the amp switches, for example, you would always have to push twice.

  • Foldyman
    Foldyman Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2022

    I mean a MIDI controller footswitch, not a momentary thing like an fs-6.

    A MIDI controller like a Morningstar, which sends out MIDI CC, so not a footswitch like the one in the video, but a MIDI controller that sends out MIDI CC.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    edited October 2022
  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited October 2022

    theres a method you could use as a work around....

    theres quite an involved setup, requiring autohotkey, and a program such as bomes miditranslator pro or a midi program that will execute a .exe file or a .ahk file upon pressing a midi button..

    heres a video of the initial method to automate mousemovements mouseclick and keypresses... it works but it is not foolproof

    the script is available by following the links in the video description

    as mentioned requires autohotkey(unsure if autohotkey is macos compatible *shrugs*)

    Reaper can do this with scripts and carry out the execution of a midi to exe(in background) of a compiled .ahk file that is basically the .ahk converted to .exe... but this is a very involved process(a whole lot of installing etc)

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited October 2022

    with such a simple request... it makes you wonder if its worth the effort of setting things up!! but that choice is up to you!!

    im sure others will find this useful once they understand what it gives you

    i personally use this workaround method when controlling a VST like Shaperbox2... where controls are not natively configurable in reaper... This becomes a last resort method of controlling VST or automating something that cannot be done natively

  • Foldyman
    Foldyman Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2022

    Amazing, thanks @6xes.

    So if I've understood, that would be converting a chosen incoming MIDI CC message into a keypress or mouse click, so that Maschine can understand it?

    Do you know what keypress starts/stops the sampler module in Maschine? The regular transport key presses don't seem to work on the sampler? 🤔

    The controller I have can send key presses anyway.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited October 2022

    the autohotkey script that is demonstrated... can do a series of mousemovements & mouse clicks... this gives you automation to carry out tasks that you would otherwise have to use a mouse ...

    you can add keypresses into the .ahk script that gets exported...

    there is no integration with maschine... other than mousemovement &mouse clicks occurring to automate what you would normally do...

    So essentially what happening... is you press a midi cc button... that executes the Ahk script... a series of mouse movements &clicks and keypresses occur. thus automating the process by pressing a midi button

    (but like i mentioned in my first reply... you need a program that can do a midi to .exe (bomes midi translator pro)

    now you would need to be aware that there is a delay in the execution of the script...whether that is a issue for you is another story

    as far as Keypresses within maschine software heres some

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited October 2022

    The controller I have can send key presses anyway.

    if your controller can send keypresses.. then i believe its possible to bypass the Bome miditranslator

    and run the .ahk file in the background which then waits for a keypress(your midi to keypress)

    the keypress would have to be added into the exported .ahk text to jumpstart the .ahk into action

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