Maschine piano roll upgrade

swingmix Member Posts: 152 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I want to use only MASCHINE, I want to get rid of other DAWs

But MASCHINE's PIANO ROLL, should it be upgraded?

Make it wider and have more shortcut keys, such as holding down ctrl to quickly move up and down an octave.

This update is a must, and it needs to be done right away.

Do it like STUDIO ONE, like FL STUDIO.

discuss together.

Say what you think.



  • Olihop
    Olihop Member Posts: 153 Advisor

    "and it needs to be done right away."

    lol this is not part of the maschine dictionary. In a version 3 can be and I'm willing to pay a lot for a version 3 now

  • swingmix
    swingmix Member Posts: 152 Member

    Do you actually see that this is automatically translated?

    Yes, I don't know English, this is a translation, haha

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    But MASCHINE's PIANO ROLL, should it be upgraded?

    In my opinion yes, absolutely! I've been dreaming about a Piano Roll update since I bought Maschine 7 years ago; I reckon that since there's is a standalone now this sort of request is even further down the priority list than it already was.

  • FaceGland
    FaceGland Member Posts: 2 Member

    Right Away the man said!

    Agreed, current piano roll slowing down my workflow more then anything else. Does anyone have any creative work-arounds? Other then using a different DAW. Like setting on macros on the OS level? Or something like that?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Buy Maschine Jam. Secondhand. ;-)

  • macchinista
    macchinista Member Posts: 52 Advisor

    I often dream that the Jam piano roll could work like the Synthstrom Deluge...

  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 179 Pro

    Haha I was about to say this. The Maschine Jam is a natural extension to the Maschine controller because of how it allows you to input notes into the sequencer and trigger pattern and scene changes.

    But on a more serious note OP, what specifically are some of the things slowing you down with the piano roll? I work primarily in standalone mode on the M+ and the primary workflow is to input some notes either by playing in real-time or using the step sequencer and then make minor adjustments using the piano roll in the events view.

    Are you creating complex midi patterns by just drawing in the notes manually from scratch? You can certainly do that but Maschine is built around the hardware-software duality in mind so it’s assumed that people are using the controller to generate notes and then tweaking them as needed in the piano roll. More shortcuts for the piano roll on the software would be nice, but doesn’t really mean anything for M+ users. You can certainly try use Maschine in whatever way makes sense to you but don’t gloss over the tools in place to help you work the Maschine way.

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 339 Pro

    Any news on this ? A piano roll like FL Studio would be amazing in Maschine.

  • Bunker
    Bunker Member Posts: 3 Member

    I just created a similar post (its under review)… Ghost notes & auditioning the piano roll as the user clicks in a note or drags it around.

    Honestly, I think Maschine’s ghost notes would be better if they based in on the producers ‘scale mode’ settings. Just highlight all the notes that are in scale notes of my G# minor (or whatever) and it actually improves on how FL does it. 🙏

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro
    edited December 2022

    A hint for NI's inevitable Maschine Double-Plus release in 2025: mouse/keyboard support for standalone mode & an HDMI and/or Displayport port for an external monitor. There was a sampler back in the 90's that was basically a computer specifically for music that you could remove the peripherals for and utilize as a standalone groovebox. I think Roland made it? I've been dreaming of a modernized version of this for ages. I know laptops/midi controllers exist, but it's not the same as something that's "Music Dominant" in function that allows you to expand its functionality/ease of use further. I would probably use the M+ in standalone mode more if it were compatible with a mouse, keyboard, and external monitor. "Songwriting & Arranging" for me is a very different process than rehearsing and performing, and I prefer to play an approximation of whatever it is I've got on the brain and then use technology to do the rest. I really cannot fathom a device that helps you move through this process quicker than the mouse/keyboard combo. It would be really great if NI just made a "Komplete Komputer" that was kompatible with more Komplete instruments/effects than the handful we have. (though they are great!).

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2022

    @Cretin Dilettante said: There was a sampler back in the 90's that was basically a computer specifically for music that you could remove the peripherals for and utilize as a standalone groovebox.

    Roland MV series, RZA used it lot.

    I would probably use the M+ in standalone mode more if it were compatible with a mouse, keyboard, and external monitor. "Songwriting & Arranging" for me is a very different process than rehearsing and performing, and I prefer to play an approximation of whatever it is I've got on the brain and then use technology to do the rest. I really cannot fathom a device that helps you move through this process quicker than the mouse/keyboard combo.

    Lot's of users are super against this, because they feel like the strength of Maschine is the tactile HW feel, and now M+ attracted a lot of new users who don't particularly like computers so I don't see such an extreme thing happening... They went thru a lot of trouble in removing the GUI/Screen part o Maschine SW so that the M+ would be more efficient so altho interesting that approach would mean backtracking a ton... M+'s CPU would get rekt if it had to render graphics. 😬

    I'd be happy with a tablet version of Jam that could connect to the M+, which could be a more modern approach of what you're talking about. Smaller steps like a modern piano roll and whatnot would have to happen before are a more realistic expectation IMO. I would agree nothing beats a mouse for certain things tho.

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    OK, but can we please at least appreciate the name "Komplete Komputer" for all of the absurdity it implies?

  • awol9000
    awol9000 Member Posts: 69 Advisor

    I thought I read somewhere that RZA wrote the Kill Bill soundtrack on the MV 8000.

  • Ab Saloj
    Ab Saloj Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    We have been asking for this since maschine daw first came out. So far we have waited 7+ years and frankly NI could careless about the daw users. They are only interested in selling us hardware, vsts, sound packs etc. we have been disappointed Year after year.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert

    Shouldn’t it be UPPER in the priority list EXACTLY because there is Maschine+ standalone now?

    Using the standalone now doesn’t allow for any 3rd party alternative solution (by exporting the midi to another best piano roll), so improving the Maschine one should be even more important now 😉

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