OBS Streaming - CueButton Headphone Issue

Pfannenwender Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

I have the S2MK3 and i want to livestream and record audio with it. The tractor is connected to the laptop via USB, the Cinch outputs go into the amp. Current status is...with the standard WDM drivers, the audio recordings are perfect. However, in the livestream you can hear my headphone signal for previewing the tracks, which makes no sense to me. To use or test ASIO driver I have to install it extra so that my S2MK3 is recognized (the S2MK2 ASIO driver is pre-installed). But then I can't select ASIO input in OBS (OBS ASIO drivers are installed). It only finds the WDM devices. So I want that in the stream, you can't hear when I press the CueButton to preview tracks. Is there a solution for this? Many thanks


Best Answers

  • Pfannenwender
    Pfannenwender Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Hi peoples,

    i got it ;)

    I connect the Behringer UCA222 via USB. Cinch-Output from the S2 to Cinch-Input of this card. Cinch Output from this card to AMP (Monitor switched to headphones). I installed all ASIO Drivers but dont use it already. Traktor works also with WDM Drivers and in OBS i can only use/see these WDM Outputs, no ASIO Source available. On OBS stage you need a outputsource, the Traktor S2 WDM. Now you can stream without the CueHeadphoneSignal ;) I test it yesterday and have no stuttering and no "wrong" headphonesignal.

    Thank for all your help, have a good weekend and stay tuned.

  • Pfannenwender
    Pfannenwender Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    ok, long time ago ;)

    ...and i find a solution. i run only traktor on my laptop with asio drivers and OBS on my PC. The traktor output goes to the line-in of the behringer soundcard. line-out from this, to line-in from PC and this signal can i grab in the obs and all fine. only issue, i have no traktor window on stage in obs, but its ok for me.

    thx for all your help, stay healthy and friendly



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod
    edited January 2022



    Setup B could be an option for you


  • Pfannenwender
    Pfannenwender Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Hi Uwe,

    thanks for your fast response. The S2MK3 has no RCA Inputs, that is the problem.

    Maybe i should switch to the S3 Kontroller?

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    Check in the obs audio panel it might be using both your cue out and main out. If it’s using both you can mute the cue.

  • Pfannenwender
    Pfannenwender Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Hi Wiley,

    thx for your tipp. there is no option in obs audio panel to mute or split the signal from traktor. it's awesome, when i record my set with the internal mix recorder from traktor, there is no "CueButtonHeadphone" Signal, everything is fine. Only in stream you can here it, makes no sense. I have tried Virtual Audio Cable, like the "sunflower solution" on Mac ;) And it "works", the sound is disappeared. But the whole system, Dell XPS15 is stuttering. No fun. Any other ideas?

    wish a good start for monday morning ;)

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod
    edited January 2022

    Maybe his solution works for you. If you have an onboard soundcard you can use the line in and record from there, then you can use asio for traktor and will have better performance.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod


    if you have an onboard soundcard you can use it for method one from that site i linked, you also could buy a cheap behringer and use it as input in OBS. Unfortunately if you use desktop audio, i think you use it, it does not divide the channels.


  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro
    edited January 2022

    Obs works different on everybody's system and depends on version #, OS, Asio, ect.

    It works best if you have a dedicated computer just for handling Obs and another computer for your audio. Obs is ok but there are other alternatives like streaming directly from your iPhone (no android solutions yet) or even stream from your GoPro. Even these solutions are analogous to having 2 computers.

    Example of streaming iPad audio and video directly from a GoPro through the iPhone app (iPad = 1 computer and iPhone = second computer)

    And another Example with the iPad sending Traktor dj2 audio to my iPhone and the iPhone sending the audio and video wirelessly to Obs on my laptop which has another camera attached to it.

    See here for the setup pics #4

    I don't know if windows have analogous software that Macs have to do these things though. Getting something like an Atem mini pro, which simplified everything for me, is the easiest one computer $olution now.

  • Pfannenwender
    Pfannenwender Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Hi peoples,

    i got it ;)

    I connect the Behringer UCA222 via USB. Cinch-Output from the S2 to Cinch-Input of this card. Cinch Output from this card to AMP (Monitor switched to headphones). I installed all ASIO Drivers but dont use it already. Traktor works also with WDM Drivers and in OBS i can only use/see these WDM Outputs, no ASIO Source available. On OBS stage you need a outputsource, the Traktor S2 WDM. Now you can stream without the CueHeadphoneSignal ;) I test it yesterday and have no stuttering and no "wrong" headphonesignal.

    Thank for all your help, have a good weekend and stay tuned.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod

    Happy to read this, but i would use asio with traktor and of course wdm for the software you record from the behringer. The routing and everything stays the same.


  • Pfannenwender
    Pfannenwender Member Posts: 6 Newcomer


    i'm back again ;) Because on longterm you have some little clicks and cuts sometimes and the sound feels not right. And yes Uwe, i tried to use ASIO for Traktor and you need to install a extra asio driver for the mk3. When i use this driver, the soundquality is much better. I have also installed the obs-ASIO driver, but i dont know how i can use ASIO with OBS?

    I make some screenshots, because i will find a solution with asio drivers. At first the audio setup from traktor.

    In OBS i can only use the Monitor or Master WDM Driver, can't find any ASIO source

    The same in the source on stage, OT i know ;) And the ASIO Panel, i have no clue what to do 😬

    I tried some different setups, but its more try and error i think, i'm not a specialist ;)

    Maybe anybody can help?

    Good night to all

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    I think the Asio panel has merged audio in/and outs.

    I gave you this advice because I'm on a Mac.

    The analog of this is the asio panel on windows. Try revisiting just the s2 and obs setup and see if you can disable cue via the asio panel.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,234 mod


    it's normal that you can't use asio with 2 different devices, there are only a few devices that can that. So you used asio with your traktor S2, then the cable to the behringer to audacity and it crackles?


  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro

    Try this plug in to see if it eliminates the need for the extra soundcard so you can just use your S2

    GitHub - Andersama/obs-asio: ASIO plugin for OBS-Studio

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,783 Expert

    FYI, the ASIO OBS plugin is only for ASIO inputs.

    I had the same issue today with my S4 and solved it with Voice Meeter. No in depth test done yet.

    • Install S4 ASIO driver
    • Install voice meeter
    • In traktor select voice meeter ASIO as output device.
    • In OBS select your normal Desktop audio as input device.
    • In Voice Meeter select audio output A1 your S4 audio ASIO device. And audio output A2 your Desktop speakers / normal output.

    Seems to work for me.

  • lazybadger
    lazybadger Member Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2022

    Hi there, I just recently went through the starting pain of setting everything up and here is what I did.

    Basically I followed this guide https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/209590369-How-Can-I-Configure-TRAKTOR-for-Two-Audio-Interfaces-

    Note that my setup is Traktor connected to PC via USB and everything else is connected to PC which is outputing sound where I setup with voicemeter aplication (my headphones, stereo speakers, stream etc...)

    1. Install voicemeter potato or banana (depending on your needs, I have potato version)
    2. Install ASIO4ALL driver so you can separate monitor and master to different virtual inputs (VAIO inputs in voicemeter)
    3. When you switch to ASIO4ALL in traktor it will load up and then you need to select/enable virtual inputs (VAIO inputs) so Traktor sees all possible inputs.
    4. After that restart traktor and on next load you will be able to send monitor and master to different inputs. I send master to VAIO and monitor to VAIO AUX while my desktop sounds are going to VAIO3.

    A little bit complicated but still simple when you understand what you are doing and for me worth it in the end to have complete control of inputs and outputs over voicemeter banana which also has Macro functions so you can make shortcuts for a lot of things.

    Hope that helps someone.

    Edit: Some grammar and just to note that I have Win 10 and Kontrol S2 MK3. Might be different for other hardware.

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