Status on m1/m2 update?



  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 287 Advisor
    edited August 2022

    But of course we have. When someone strays too close to talking about the real causes of many of these structural problems, its time to "go back on topic." I get it. ; )

    Frankly, if Apple had just stayed with Intel, they wouldnt have caused all this chaos for their loyal customers. But they chose this path, and so now customers waiting for content and fixes on ALL OS'es get to argue and complain about the lack of development resources available in each respective company to solve this 'crisis'.

  • Laureano Lopez
    Laureano Lopez Member Posts: 102 Advisor

    I don't disagree with any of this, I just think it was not so much inevitable as an accumulation of management choices that have actually been questioned by users for years without the company doing much of it. If Max can be sustainable for Cycling after 37 years, how come that Reaktor can't? Well, Max was never left rotting and has constantly been very much alive. Yes, it's pretty much their only product, but that doesn't make it less niche. What's "the mainstream" nowadays anyway? How is it smart to focus on things that everyone does, maybe better than you?

    I think the rotting started when Schmitt left. It was his product, in more than one sense. It may happen that lurking behind different naming conventions and conflicting usage of patterns and a fair amount of obfuscated duplication, there are dark corners where there's still code from v3 with hardcoded SSE calls and the like. This happens when a pet project grows into a flagship product of a fairly sized company, and sometimes it does require rewrites, like when MS merged NT into Windows or Steinberg merged Nuendo into Cubase. In a sense, Core may have allowed to dodge this: I can imagine Sync Modular being more consistent, so they only had to solve an interface to have the "clean" stuff quarantined. That's of course a huge band-aid, and still there it is. Without Schmitt, tackling the dirty stuff may require a CSI investigation that no investor is willing to back up. It's likely that no one at the decision-making levels has a vision for Reaktor, and it's become the prototyping tool that they still sell as-is, for the pennies it may yield.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,013 Guru

    Band aid or not, it's still an application that is similar in some ways to Reaktor, and even with way more time and way more resources, Apple couldn't get it right... and yet you still attack NI for taking time over something so difficult and defend Apple

    ...but hey, you pointed out that Apple made a better translator than Microsoft - yay Apple

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,013 Guru

    I think Max is different partly because they managed to corner academia. In Universities, at least where I live, Max is well known, but I talked to a couple of lecturers who were teaching multi-media degree modules, and using Max, they didn't even know what Reaktor was, that was maybe 9 years ago...

    I think the rotting started when Schmitt left

    That sounds plausible. It did seem like he wanted to start again and make a new Reaktor from the ground up. IIRC, they started something like that, but then nothing came of it, at least publicly.

    How is it smart to focus on things that everyone does, maybe better than you?

    Sometimes I wonder if this is the only reason Reaktor still exists. It can be used to differentiate NI from their competitors. It's a 'serious' tool that can be presented as something to aspire to. Like buying a book that's too advanced and just sits on the shelf, but you feel good about having that book... and maybe one day you will be able to understand past chapter 1.

    So NI don't want to spend resources on Reaktor because there not a huge return on that investment vs doing the minimum. But they benefit from keeping it alive, and would potentially lose a lot from it's demise. The result is the current situation. It's been 'ticking over' for a long time.

    I'm not sure that any of this is particularly relevant to the topic at hand though. Reaktor is what it is, and has been for many years. For folk to start publicly attacking NI because they don't have a huge team ready and waiting to immediately roll out partial rewrite of the compiler engine in response to an out of the blue platform swap by apple is... breathe... ridiculous, but unfortunately exactly what I would expect from some minority of Apple users. For them Apple can do no wrong, and so any problems must be blamed on other parties. Narratives are manufactured to support this process. And so it goes.

  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 141 Advisor

    I have no technical knowledge on all of this debate but about the expectations i feel most people are not aware that Reaktor has a small team...they just think NI and imagine this mega-company has the mean to do anything they focus on in a short time,and obviously they are not aware Reaktor is also a different beast.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 682 Guru

    Apple did it right. It is impossible to predict in real time what x86 code Reaktor's compiler will generate and translate it at the same time without huge delay. My guess is that Reaktor will not be made native M1 app because of that - they would have to rewrite the internal compiler completely, which might be financially not viable.

    I'm not "attacking" NI, but have it your way ;)

    And yes, Apple made better translator from x86 to ARM than Microsoft, the truth sometimes hurts :)

  • Laureano Lopez
    Laureano Lopez Member Posts: 102 Advisor

    Do you really think anyone here is a Microsoft fan? Does such a thing even exist? lol

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,383 Expert
    edited August 2022

    I mean... I like using Windows because it doesn't dictate me stuff - unlike Apple, who (apparently) thinks their customers are too airheaded to handle a computer right, hence they feel the need to put them on a leash (e.g. Catalina and its security changes). One would think that having common sense (e.g. not clicking on every link in an email, not downloading weird stuff, etc...) should be enough... in 2019 and beyond.

    Does it make me a "fan" of Windows? In the end, it all boils down to personal preference. What works best for oneself.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert

    Kubrak’s post implied that there is incompatibility between M1 processors when working with native apps, so I was relieved that it was just Rosetta problems. BECAUSE WHAT MATTERS ARE NATIVE M1 APPS, everything else is just temporary band-aid, as I said.

    Rosetta is native application and has problems with M1 vs. M1 Pro/Max/Ultra CPUs.

    Explain me, why the same program works on M1 and does not work well on M1 Pro/Max/Ultra? Rosetta translates the code of program to the same native code - and that code runs on M1 and has problems on M1 Pro//.

    And Memory leaks. That is brutal problem affecting time critical operations which audio SW is.

    The fact that AS code works OK on M1 - M1 Pro// does not prove, that there is not incompatibility. Programs may test what CPU is installed and use different code for M1 and different for M1 Pro//.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert

    Do you really think anyone here is a Microsoft fan? Does such a thing even exist?

    I guess there is not a single person in the World that would love MS. Beside Gates and few other fellows....

    But still, MS is way better than Apple.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 518 Pro

    Here we go again….. this is better than that. My toy is bigger than yours. My dad is stronger than yours. My fart smells worse than yours. And so on.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 492 Pro

    I hope Reaktor gets AS support and not becomes legacy product pr almost an alternative supplied by Soundwide is set in place at the right moment.

    But if not… what will be your position guys?

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 682 Guru

    I’ve pretty much eliminated all NI products from my setup, except for Kontakt and Maschine.

    Reaktor is really good, I’ve used some ensembles in my music, especially Razor. It would be a shame, for sure.

    But nothing (plugins, especially) lasts forever.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert
    edited August 2022

    Here we go again….. this is better than that. My toy is bigger than yours. My dad is stronger than yours. My fart smells worse than yours. And so on.

    What I wanted to point out is, there are almost no people that like/love MS, while there is quite lots of people who love Apple.... IMHO it says a lot about those companies and their userbase...

    And concerning Reaktor... I will use it at least 10-15 years even if NI makes it legacy. But I doubt it will happen.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 682 Guru

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t buy or use any products from companies I do not like. Why would I?

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