Komplete Kontrol 3 - Slow previews (KBDSW-7936)



  • Voyageur
    Voyageur Member Posts: 2 Member

    Added my info to the spreadsheet (PC)

  • Kirderf-73
    Kirderf-73 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Should we add another column in the spreadsheet for KK-hardware?

    Could the preview lag/latency be related to old hardware and/or associated drivers?

    I have a S88 Mk2.

    Is there anyone having the preview lag/latency with MK3 or other new hardware?

    @Jeremy_NI do you test new komplet kontrol builds (before release) with old hardware? I find it confusing that you are not able to recreate the error.

  • moai
    moai Member Posts: 57 Member

    The issue, at least for me, happens even with the hardware disconnected

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Yeah it is not hardware dependant, the issue is most definitely the software.

    Overall the browser is terrible and even in the Beta I had reported not exactly this issue, but overall how much more unresponsive the scrolling was when using the keyboard to scroll sounds compared to the previous software which scrolled smooth as butter no matter how many presets you had in the list (even 850,000 in a single list, and all is fine still…

    The whole UI is a disaster and I would praise the day it is fixed, but have little faith.

    You cannot tell me this:

    Is in any way better to use than this:

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 112 Member
    edited January 28

    i too have slower loading times in komplete kontrol v3, i dont use the previews, i just click next/previous.

    switching presets in kkv2.9 it was pretty instant,especially non kontakt presets such as super8/massive x/reaktor. kkv3.33 is much slower. both in stand alone and in vst using either the keyboard or the mouse in software

    ive noticed loading presets directly in kontakt 8 is also slower than kk2.9

    maschine 2.18.4 still loads the presets quickly.

    unfortunately my new kontrol mk3 keyboard does not work with software kk 2.91

    it has become tedious to browse presets quickly, which is quite ironic considering kk software is designed to streamline the browsing experience.

    kk3 is now redundant, id rather have direct connect to massive/reaktor/etc

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Hey all, sorry for the long silence, there was a lot going on these last weeks, I didn't have much time to look into this. I've added a question in the sheet, asking if you also experience the slowness with Kontakt 7 or 8. That would help us to determine the source of the issue. Thanks everyone for the info you provided already and for your patience.

  • musicmanrdu
    musicmanrdu Member Posts: 7 Member
    edited January 29

    I updated my entry in the spreadsheet and the answer is "No", it doesn't affect Kontakt 7 or 8. Here's the link to the spreadsheet everyone for quick access: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d1DrgiPrxqa4OKEJez2KrXW_Cm276M3bwSCzjaIBm1Y/edit?usp=sharing

  • Voyageur
    Voyageur Member Posts: 2 Member

    Updated ! No for Kontakt 7/8 with S61 MKIII

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    I don't have KK V3 installed to test, I am looking to setup and make a detailed video soon of the comparisons of operation between V2 and V3 to highlight the workflow problems between the 2 from feedback I ave received.

    But just out of curiosity and unsure if this is of any effect, is it worth maybe checking to see if the audio settings within KK affect this issue at all? Maybe the issue is the audio side since it has to play the sample, maybe the config of the audio is an issue (tho this would technically not apply? May be worth just ruling out?

  • moai
    moai Member Posts: 57 Member

    thanks for the update Jeremy, I have added my Kontakt experience

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 87 Member

    Having the same issue here. Would contribute if I can help to fix it…

  • UdoBehm
    UdoBehm Member Posts: 87 Member
    edited February 14

    Interestingly: I just figure out that when I use Kontakt 8 and I open a patch what brings up the instrument list to the left side (the side pane) of Kontakt - the browsing works fine then. When I then open the library again and browse on the right side, everything is slow…

  • FilmCompos3r
    FilmCompos3r Member Posts: 38 Member
    edited February 14

    Not sure if its the same issue or not, but favoriting a preset using KONTAKT 8 causes everything to slow down to a crawl for a few seconds while browsing presets.

    And in general loading the library in Kontakt 8 seems to take 5-10 seconds every time I load (or duplicate) an instance. Real workflow killer, especially compared to duplicating an instance of a lightweight plugin like Musio that duplicates and instantiates basically instantly. I'm fairly certain its the library causing this sluggishness as I see the "Loading" circles struggling to move and the images of the libraries struggling to load in.

    That said, save times DO seem a little quicker in the new 8.2 update. Not "hold my beer" quicker, but it seems it might be at a place where it's tolerable in big complex sessions with lots of Kontakt 8 instances.

  • Thusis
    Thusis Member Posts: 42 Member
    edited February 15

    I realise exactly the same in Kontakt 8. @Jeremy_NI That should help the devs to check…And when the pane is on the left you can HOLD the arrow and it smoothly goes through the presets as in KK 2.9.6. To be honest to say that this occurs only for several users is wrong imo. Thats a different Software behaviour dependent on coding which i guess all users experience but just do not understand how it was once. Please check that with the Devs. The browsing behaviour is very different from Front Library View where pane is on the right to indepth where pane is on the left.

  • Kirderf-73
    Kirderf-73 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Any improvements in KK 3.4.0?

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