Suddenly I can no longer use the NI programs. No license?

FilmcomposerBerlin Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I work since many years as a professional Filmcomposer with many Plugins from Native Instruments. Today i wanted to open my Cubase Session and NI said i don´t have the License of NI Plugins. But i bought all licenses and worked every day with NI Products.

Native Access doesn't show me all the programs I actually have.

What can i do?

Best Answer


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert

    I’ll give you a very basic suggestion, but I’m afraid the issue is that NA (or the servers) have problems in these days (well…it happens now and then, in facts)

    Have you tried logging off and on again from NA with your account? If you are really lucky….maybe…

    Another case that is happening lately to some users (me included) is that the NI Agents stop working (or even switch to disabled). Have a check on Task Manager also about this (NIHostlntegrationAgent should be what you must look at, since NIHardwareService should be related only to hardware). Once again…if you are lucky… because I don’t think these should be related… but… since they caused issues lately…no arming and no big time investment in checking them

    In any case, open a ticket with support, so that when they come back from weekend, your case will already be there (since sometimes it take a while I would already make the first step…)

    Check also in NI website under your Account/My Products and Serials that your programs are still there…just to be sure the issue isn’t bigger than NA

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,975 mod

    Be sure that you are using latest version of Native Access for your OS

    Then try resetting the Native Access XML file ,look at section 8 here : My Product is Missing in Native Access

    Then If using Kontakt and have a problem with Kontakt libraries then try reinitialize the KONTAKT Database , remember to run Kontakt as standalone one time first after reset.

    Else if using Komplete Kontrol app and have a problem with libraries there then try Resetting the Komplete Kontrol Database , remember to run Komplete Kontrol as standalone one time first after reset.

    Else if that does not work then please contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support .

    In case that you need guidance contacting support : Please read : how to get support !

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I do not know, how that could happen. NI does not check licences dynamically, once installed on computer they are usable eternaly (unless there is major change in computer HW)…. Unless you had a temporary licence.

    Have a look at licences at your NI user account.

  • FilmcomposerBerlin
    FilmcomposerBerlin Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you so much. Yes is log off and log in several times. But same problem. I can see all my licenses on the NI Website. If i try to activate my serial number again at NI Access nothing happens…

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert
    edited February 8

    That’s what I thought too… but I also thought that, on my M+, the already installed on SD Expansions had nothing to do with being connected and NI verification system (they are installed on SD, right?)…

    Till this morning I had to spend almost 2 hours connecting, disconnecting, turning M+ on and off, rescanning… cause the first time I turned it on it was not connecting and no Expansion was available… and once I managed to make it connect, the experience was “now you have 12 expansions”, “ now that you turned M+ off and on again you have 4 (different)”,…

    Till after almost 2 hours and at least 15 times turning M+ back on I finally reached the “33 Expansions installed” state…

    So…something must be relevant in being connected or not and verification system recognizing your products or not…

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert


    So…check if the Agents are running and, as last resort, try the databases deleting suggested by PoorFellow

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,975 mod
    Answer ✓

    If you are logged into correct account as what you checked against (MYPRODUCTS, SERIALS, AND DOWNLOADS page) , and if the above suggested steps do not help either then it could also be a server side issue as already suggested by LiF. Problem with these types of issues is that we have no way of knowing what is a Narive Access client issue and what is a server side issue as long as the problem persists.

    Of course then you could also try and reinstall Native Access and the NTKDaemon to see if that makes any difference. But it is important that you check in the standalone apps to see if the issue is only in DAW or also when using standalone apps because if only in the DAW then it would most likely be a DAW problem.

    Else then if the problem persists then please contact N.I. Native Access and Installation Support .

    In case that you need guidance contacting support : Please read : how to get support !

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