Hi. Where do I see that which I added to Native Access

Tobi - I like Organs
Tobi - I like Organs Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited January 7 in Komplete Kontrol

I want to just play something, ok? I installed Native Access, within that I installed Komplete Kontrol and 8.5 gigabytes of previews. Now where can I find them? The factory library in Komplete Kontrol defaults to Analog Lab 4 Factory, which I never asked it to do. And I cant even change it. And you're not even showing me the complete path to the default location.

Right now I dont care about Analog Lab. Can you tell me how I can play something? I tried uninstalling the 20 folders you told me to uninstall if I want to remove something from Native Access but without success. The default folder defaulted to Analog Lab again. And whyare the things I install all over the place? Cant you just have one folder with all the stuff in it? You are messing up my beautiful file system. This is sucks … But the keybed is nice.

[Text edited and diverse profanities removed by Moderator]

Best Answer


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,893 mod
    edited January 7 Answer ✓

    Please try to do without the added profanities.

    It is kind of difficult to offer any substantial help when you do not tell very much about the setup and what it is that you expect Komplete Kontrol to find.

    Firstly then for stuff to work then please use latest version of Native Access for your OS ,

    Secondly then when using Mac then you must do all the Mac users must do when using N.I. software (please read and do) :

    ALL NI apps including NTKDaemon must have full disk access. : How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS and disks must be of correct format : Notes on Network Drives and Disk Formats

    Also then please check that iCloud Private Relay has been turned off : Native Access Error Message: "Download failed" (macOS)

    Also then do not use Clean My Mac.

    And quote Kymeia : if using Sequoia then N.I. apps must be added to the Local Network

    Then thirdly then Komplete Kontrol probably picks up some of it's information from Native Access so if necessary then first do the resetting the Native Access XML file , look at section 8 here : My Product is Missing in Native Access , then try Resetting the Komplete Kontrol Database

    Then also always use the Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt apps as standalone prior to using in a DAW.

    Then let us know if that helped or what problem is then and eventually give a screenshot of any problems and give us exact OS version info as well as versions of all N.I. apps and software tat you have a problem with.

  • Tobi - I like Organs
    Tobi - I like Organs Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Wow, thanks for giving info even if you dont work for Native Instruments. I got things to work but I am not satisfied with the initial setup.

    I think this experience is very frustrating for newjoiners. I think

    • things should be unified to a single UI. There is no reason to keep everything separate. Its confusing and as said it clutters my OS's folder structure.
    • Also if I hit delete on something, I want it to be gone without having to edit tons of folders. Thats just a bad user experience.
    • Make it possible to delete a license completely in Native Access. I got licenses for stuff I will never use, now it will stick around in my products and clutter my view. And I dont want to transfer the license to someone else, that is also bad user experience.
    • I expect to have a few high quality instruments right out of the box. This includes organs by the way. I want one high quality organ and one high quality piano. Is that too much to ask for? I checked out every single free library there is and the only thing that comes close to a good piano is the Felt Seiler, but its too much felt. The only good free organ is the one from Fracture Sounds. And now that I bought Komplete Standard, I still dont have a good, classic organ. I will not give five stars to this instrument, purely because the sound selection cannot compete with the standard stuff you get from Arturia.
  • Tobi - I like Organs
    Tobi - I like Organs Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Oh, also I want the preview to be within native access before I download something. Right now with Komplete 15 Standard I have tons of stuff but I need to access the website to listen to the demos. If I am connected to the internet I want to be able to listen to the previews without having to navigate to your website

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,893 mod
    edited January 21

    I got things to work

    Great that you got things to work and thank you for the kind feedback.

    but I am not satisfied with the initial setup.

    I think this experience is very frustrating for newjoiners. I think

    Most of this is not something that I can help with or do something about as a Moderator but I will comment on a few things:

    things should be unified to a single UI

    Not sure what you are referring to ?

    Also if I hit delete on something, I want it to be gone without having to edit tons of folders.

    I suppose that you are referring to the lack of uninstaller on Mac ? , following links does not mend that bu it's what I have.

    Howto Uninstall Native Instruments Software from a Mac Computer

    Uninstalling NI Software from a Mac Computer (VIDEO)

    How to Clean Uninstall Native Instrument Products under OS X.

    Make it possible to delete a license completely in Native Access.

    Yes. there should have been at very lest a 'hide' function , but alas there are not. For now then in Native Access you can use the 'Sort' function by selecting Library to the left and then select 'Install' st the top of interface.

    And now that I bought Komplete Standard, I still dont have a good, classic organ.

    What ? , At least try all the 'Vintage Organs' before that you say that 😁

    I want the preview to be within native access before I download something.

    I need to access the website to listen to the demos. If I am connected to the internet I want to be able to listen to the previews without having to navigate to your website

    Alas that is not something that I think is available. Do you know a lot of other brands that allows for 'previews' in their installer apps ? I personally do not know any at all 🤔

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,077 Guru

    I nominate @PoorFellow for combat pay for this one! Nice job sir!


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,893 mod

    ⭐️Thank you very much⭐️ for the kind words of appreciation that was very kind of you indeed. 😀

  • Tobi - I like Organs
    Tobi - I like Organs Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    things should be unified to a single UI

    Not sure what you are referring to ?

    In my opinion having Native Access and some other UI with

    all the sampling and synth stuff would be better than having Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt as well as a bunch of other standalone UIs. No other application (apart from Arturia stuff, which I uninstalled) requires a folder with tons of different other sub-applications.

    I suppose that you are referring to the lack of uninstaller on Mac ? , following links does not mend that but it's what I have.

    I believe this was fixed, at least I was able to uninstall some collections without any issues.

    Yes. there should have been at very lest a 'hide' function , but alas there are not. For now then in Native Access you can use the 'Sort' function by selecting Library to the left and then select 'Install' st the top of interface.

    If NI is aware of this issue and has it planned for some upcoming iteration, I am ok with that.

    Alas that is not something that I think is available. Do you know a lot of other brands that allows for 'previews' in their installer apps ? I personally do not know any at all 🤔

    Doesn't matter. If It's an improvement, i think it should be integrated. And I dont think it would be hard to implement this one.

    Thanks for the discussion though. I really appreciate it. Especially if you dont work for NI.

    Regarding the vintage organs, I didn't see a pipe organ in there. I believe the Royal Albert Hall samples are like 200 Euros I think. I will pass. I will still give the Kontrol Mk3 4 stars on my product review. Because Una Corda is truly great. But they should give me at least one great option for a piano and an organ I think. After all thats exactly what keyboards are usually made for. Hiding the potential of the instrument behind an addon is not nice.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,893 mod
    edited January 27

    Thanks for the discussion though. I really appreciate it. Especially if you dont work for NI.

    Thank you for the kind words. (I am not a N.I. employee , I am only a Moderator on the N.I. forum)

    Regarding the vintage organs, I didn't see a pipe organ in there. I believe the Royal Albert Hall samples are like 200 Euros I think. I will pass.

    While sold at the N.I. site then the Royal Albert Hall Organ is a NKS partner product (it says NKS at the top right on the product page) and as far as I can see a product of Enigma Recordings. Price of product I believe is set by Enigma Recordings and the product is not N.I.'s to include anywhere especially not for free.

    I will still give the Kontrol Mk3 4 stars on my product review. Because Una Corda is truly great. But they should give me at least one great option for a piano and an organ I think. After all thats exactly what keyboards are usually made for.

    You have me rather confused here, both because that you mix-up the hardware and the software and because that in the above then your initial 'complaint' were with respect to organs included in the Komplete Standard (ref. : And now that I bought Komplete Standard, I still dont have a good, classic organ.) , and now suddenly then apparently then suddenly your "product review" of "Kontrol Mk3" depends on some software that is not included with the product itself other than if bought as a bundle offer (ref. : Because Una Corda is truly great)(Una Corda does not come with the keyboard it is part of the Komplete 15 Standard which is a separate product)

    The way you view this were more fitting for if you had bought a hardware synthesizer with built in sounds (or the kind of Synth they call a 'Workstation Home Keyboard' or Workstation here , which includes Korg Kronos and Yamaha Genos 2) as opposed to a Midi Master keyboard with no built-in sounds. (though what you can expect from a Synthesizer very much depend on how much you are willing to pay)(Prizes for midi controller keyboards typically is in the hundreds of Dollars/Euros where prizes for hardware Synthesizers typically is in the thousands of Dollars/Euros and cost of a good Synth or Workstation is typically costing 4-6 Thousands)

    Hiding the potential of the instrument behind an addon is not nice.

    This is how N.I. makes money, they sell you keyboards and then you can buy the sound expansions that fits your taste and invest either in upgrading your general N.I. collection by upgrading your Komplete bundle (which is mostly always the most economical way of expanding your N.I: software/sound collection).

    But you are free to choose if you would like to try something free such as the small free Church Organ 'Eiersheimer Orgel' or the FREE Sonuscore PIPE ORGAN , or try a Google search such as best free Kontakt pipe organ and on the subject of pianos then SpitfireAudio got the free Glass Piano (Select Continue without subscribing).

    Also then the really great thing about you having a nice N.I. midi controller is that you are not confined to buy things from N.I. E.g. then then the Royal Albert Hall Organ is really great but if you prefer then you can also try some other NKS products such as the Rathgar Pipe Organ or some of the stuff that is mostly (?) not NKS but midi only , check this out :

    List : Which organ VST do you like the most? , from list : Fredonia Grand Organ - Impact Soundworks (for Kontakt) , O: Forbes Pipe Organ (for Kontakt) , Spifire Symphonic Organ (for Kontakt)

    Hauptwerk , Paid and free add-on for Hauptwerk

    VSL organ offerings : Great Rieger Organ and Synchron Molzer Organ , free VSL - not Organs

    Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Sound Library

    Toontrack Pipe Organ EKX

    Anyway , the N.I. keyboards are advanced NKS compatible Midi controller keyboards / advanced NKS compatible Midi Master keyboards and the sounds are all add on and as such ought not reflect on how you view the keyboard itself. And while e.g. the S-series keyboards comes with a free Komplete 15 Select then even if it is a lot better better than Komplete Start then it is still only meant as fair intro into the world of NKS ready software and it is not meant to satisfy your every need.

  • Tobi - I like Organs
    Tobi - I like Organs Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Prizes for midi controller keyboards typically is in the hundreds of Dollars/Euros where prizes for hardware Synthesizers typically is in the thousands of Dollars/Euros and cost of a good Synth or Workstation is typically costing 4-6 Thousands

    Yeah but then I also have a standalone device. With the MK3 I dont. With Arturia I got a Library with fantastic default sounds. With NI I was struggling to find free libraries that I like until I spent more money on Kontakt 15.
    This is how N.I. makes money, they sell you keyboards and then you can buy the sound expansions that fits your taste and invest either in upgrading your general N.I. collection by upgrading your Komplete bundle

    And I'm criticizing that. Just give me one or two great instruments that truly unlock the potential that I have in front of me. Piano Uno doesn't cut it for me.

    But you are free to choose if you would like to try something free such as the small free Church Organ 'Eiersheimer Orgel' or the FREE Sonuscore PIPE ORGAN , or try a Google search such as best free Kontakt pipe organ and on the subject of pianos then SpitfireAudio got the free Glass Piano (Select Continue without subscribing).

    Thanks for the Eiersheimer Orgel havent heard of that one before. I already had the one Spitfire one requires me to download even more software, so I passed on that. Regarding the Eiersheimer Orgel, I think it should be possible to load it in Native Access and keep it there. Its not intuitive that everything is added in Native Access with the exception of XYZ. And the UI of Kontakt could be nicer. Native Access looks better, has larger buttons, looks modern. But I am not sure if this criticism is heard here. I hope it is!

    List : Which organ VST do you like the most? , from list : Fredonia Grand Organ - Impact Soundworks (for Kontakt) , O: Forbes Pipe Organ (for Kontakt) , Spifire Symphonic Organ (for Kontakt)

    Its a large ecosystem. Thats truly great. But I will not spend any more money right now on instruments as I need to buy more hardware to have a great home studio.

    And while e.g. the S-series keyboards comes with a free Komplete 15 Select then even if it is a lot better better than Komplete Start then it is still only meant as fair intro into the world of NKS ready software and it is not meant to satisfy your every need.

    I am comparing it to Arturia. If someone wants my honest feedback on which Midi Controller has the better default library, I will say Arturia with Analog Lab. Still, 4 out of 5 stars is quite good. You will be able to read my feedback on Thomann as soon as they post it. Its the long one. And its in German, if that matters

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,893 mod

    And I'm criticizing that. Just give me one or two great instruments that truly unlock the potential that I have in front of me. Piano Uno doesn't cut it for me.

    I am comparing it to Arturia. If someone wants my honest feedback on which Midi Controller has the better default library,

    N.I. can not please everyone, it is as simple as that.

    While I am sure that you are personally much more happy with the initial Arturia offerings then that is maybe more an expression of your personal taste than what people in general thinks. Unlike you I know very little about Organs and while I like some of the Organs in the Arturia Analog Lab V then I would like maybe dozens of Organs that you wouldn't , including in my Komplete 14/15 Collectors Edition and my Total Studio 4 MAX, especially since you appear to be such an expert on Organ sounds 😁

    But I am not sure if this criticism is heard here. I hope it is!

    Not really no, I am reading it and other casual readers might , but don't count on any of this reaching anyone in N.I. that has any actual power over anything , and even if then unless what you want is sought for by many then do not expect it to be changed. Generally your best chance of being heard is to participate in the Update/Roadmap discussions that is made once in a while by N.I. officers. You can also try and contact support but I am not sure it that helps at all , also you have the opportunity to make a thread and use the tag Feature Request , again I don't know how much N.I. attention it gets or the level of impact if any.

    Otherwise then I am sorry but I can not do anything to help with your 'issues' with N.I. here than what I have already done.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,893 mod
    edited January 27


    @Jeremy_NI , I like the 'Vintage Organs' in Komplete Standard but do you know if there is any really good Organ library addition with the Komplete 15 Ultimate/Collectors Edition ? It appear to me that possibly the Komplete bundles are a tad lacking when it comes to great church/cathedral Organ sounds , or maybe I am just missing something here ? Tobi - I like Organs is not satisfied with the Organs sounds in the Komplete bundles , in particular with what comes with the keyboards per standard , it would be nice to be able to refer to something in at least the higher tier bundles 😁

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