X1MK3: Community Performance MOD (qml coding)



  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    There is a command (double-tap MODE button) to flip both decks at once. A-B becomes C-D etc. It's on page 1 (it's a long text, i know). Single-tap MODE flips the FX/Mixer overlays. In setup is an option to exchange both assignments, so that single-tap flips both decks and double-tap flips the overlays.

    I just checked, it's the top left custom toggle in setup mode:

    'MODE SingleClick switches Decks: changes MODE Tap to switching Decks, and setting MODE Double-Tap to switching FX-Layers.'

  • Nyxsin
    Nyxsin Member Posts: 18 Member

    Well, I'm not sure what I'm missing here, but I've tried both methods (directly replacing the qml folder, and simply replacing the corresponding x1 mk3 folders) and either way I come up with the following:

    When I restore the original folders either way, the program runs fine again, but clearly, I'm missing something somewhere.

    Windows 12, Traktor 4.1.1, obvs X1MK3.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    You may have dropped the folder in the wrong place, leading to duplicate files in the wrong subfolders. To make sure everything gets dropped where it is supposed to be you should take every single mod file and drop it into the correct subfolder by hand, overwriting the original file. Do this for every duplicate file.

    There are a couple of new files in the 'screen' subfolder that i added which where not originally there (for FX screen gfx) but where only used for the z1Mk2, just so you know.

    The procedure i use personally goes like this:

    Open a window to the folder '…\Native Instruments\Traktor Pro 4\Resources64'

    Now drag and drop the qml-folder of the Performance Mod into this window:

    Once you dropped the folder (copy or move both work, but it is better to copy it), the OS will ask you to confirm several times overwriting the folder contents and the files.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    Also, i just read that you 'replaced' the folders. Don't replace the folders. You have to 'overwrite' the original folders with the mod folders. The mod folders don't contain everything Traktor needs to run, it contains only the files i modified. The rest of the original files are still necessary.

  • Nyxsin
    Nyxsin Member Posts: 18 Member

    Works now. Yeesh. That was an ordeal, lol. Vielen Dank!

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member

    I don't the same first time and soon worked out my mistake. Probably worth adding a note for install instructions.

  • TechnoKoot
    TechnoKoot Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thanks again for all your amazing work.

    I've combined your Mod with my own mapping, for which I override the mixer overlay using as I use an external mixer. Sadly my mappings don't work well when I'm using both my X1's, I just noticed your remark about this on the quoted Beta update.

    Is there anything I can do to resolve this? Would it work if I override the FX overlay one one of my controllers and the mixer overlay on the other for example?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    If you use the Deck B Remix Page as a modifier condition the answer is no (at least not yet). If you don't care which page the X1s are in you can make overmappings for the top control section without this modifier condition. Your overmapping will then override the controls no matter which overlay you are using, but you will be able to have two separate overmappings, one for each of your X1s.

    But i could modify the code to have two separate Remix Page counts for the overlays, one for Deck A, one for Deck B. I would have to differentiate between the two X1s, which are using the exact same code. I could make the differentiating condition be if the deck combination contains Deck A (so A-B or C-A) or if it doesn't contain Deck A (so C-D or B-D).

    I've packed the X1 and S4 for now, working on my personal D2 mod and some K2 stuff the next week so you will have to wait a bit until i get to it.

  • TechnoKoot
    TechnoKoot Member Posts: 13 Member

    That's a bummer, thanks for the quick reply though! Just to be sure I understand you correctly, disregarding the Remix deck B modifier would also make it impossible to use the FX pages right?

    My overmapping is not that complicated anyway, I might try to cram all functions into one of my X1's and use the other one for FX. I'll have a look into this when I have some more time.

    Your solution sounds like it would be perfect, if you would be able to customize this it would be amazing. Take all the time you need obviously!

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 319 Pro

    @Sûlherokhh: I think you'll never get bored. with all your devices😊

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod
  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 319 Pro

    Yes, programming keeps the mind fresh and young.☺️
    Aside from this mapping tool from Traktor, this little window with these little columns with this little selection box😝, it's amazing that some people map a whole controller to make it usable and keep track of it.🤗 that's why a forum has its advantage.😀

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    If the X1 controls decks A&B or decks C&A, the overlays will correspond to deck A sample pages, if the X1 controls decks C&D or decks B&D the overlays will correspond to deck B sample pages.

    Please test, as i have coded blindly.

  • TechnoKoot
    TechnoKoot Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!! I'll have some time to test it out in a bit, I'll let you know if it works as intended :)

  • TechnoKoot
    TechnoKoot Member Posts: 13 Member

    @Sûlherokhh pardon my potentially dumb question… :)
    In order to install the mod, do I overwrite the files in my current QML folder (performance mod version 4) or should I load the safety copy of the original QML folder first?

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