Where can I download the Maschine app for iPad Pro M4 to use with my Mikro MK3 midi controller?

Thomasmcs Member Posts: 6 Member

I have used my Mashine Mikro MK3 with windows and the Native Access Maschine DAW and I love it. I cannot find the app for my new iPad Pro M4 13" which I use with my digital Grand Piano which is midi compatible and works perfect with the iPad using a USB powered hub. I want to also have the Maschine Mikro MK3 midi controller for adding drums bass and other tracks to produce music. I have the Logic Pro app for iPad installed and I understand it is compatible with the Maschine software but you have to install the Maschine software and that is where I have a problem. I am not super technical or midi savey but I got it working fine on my Windows 10 Pro laptop so if I can install Maschine using Native Access like the Windows laptop then I am sure I could make it work the way I want it to.

Help if you can :)

Thomas 😊

Best Answers

  • Thomasmcs
    Thomasmcs Member Posts: 6 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thank you Aldread for the information. Appreciate the quick reply.

    I have downloaded Logic Pro for iPad, I'm not sure how to connect the MK3 to the Logic Pro software in the iPad. I would prefer to use the MK3 instead of the software midi controllers. I have my Privia keyboard working fine with the ipad Pro using a powered USB hub and I plugged the MK3 in, it lights up but nothing happens and Logic Pro doesn't seem to see it either? Sorry, I'm not very technical but it worked great on my Windows laptop once I installed Maschine using Native Access. Any help is appreciated. I probably need to change something in the MIDI settings but not sure what to do.

    Thank you,


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro
    Answer ✓

    I’m not sure the mikro mk3 is class compliant, so it would need drivers to work as a midi controller .

    You can check , by putting it in midi mode, hold shift and press the maschine logo button


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro

    maschine or native access aren’t compatible with iPad os , only Mac OS and windows

  • Thomasmcs
    Thomasmcs Member Posts: 6 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thank you Aldread for the information. Appreciate the quick reply.

    I have downloaded Logic Pro for iPad, I'm not sure how to connect the MK3 to the Logic Pro software in the iPad. I would prefer to use the MK3 instead of the software midi controllers. I have my Privia keyboard working fine with the ipad Pro using a powered USB hub and I plugged the MK3 in, it lights up but nothing happens and Logic Pro doesn't seem to see it either? Sorry, I'm not very technical but it worked great on my Windows laptop once I installed Maschine using Native Access. Any help is appreciated. I probably need to change something in the MIDI settings but not sure what to do.

    Thank you,


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 355 Pro
    Answer ✓

    I’m not sure the mikro mk3 is class compliant, so it would need drivers to work as a midi controller .

    You can check , by putting it in midi mode, hold shift and press the maschine logo button

  • Thomasmcs
    Thomasmcs Member Posts: 6 Member

    Thank you again, your very helpful. I will try to do that!

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