No refunds on Komplete 15

neilpt Member Posts: 13 Member
edited January 13 in Komplete General

I purchased Komplete Standard 15 when it was on the holiday sale and was also able to use a voucher but it was stuck on payment pending so I contacted support and opened a ticket. I asked them. Well apprently during the holidays they do not get back to you for weeks so I had to wait because my voucher code was not working anymore and the order didn't go through.

Once someone got back to me the sale was over so I asked them if I could get Komplete Standard 15 at the price I originally was offered because it wasnt me fault the didn't respond to my ticket for weeks. In the ticket someone specifcally said to purchase it at full price and they would personally refund me 50% plus 10% for the voucher, and so I did.

I then waited a few days and asked when I should expect the refund and they got back to me saying that I am not liable for a refund because of a voucher, which I didnt use. I was scammed into purchasing Komplete Standard 15 at full price.



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Do you still have the emails? If so, write them showing what you had been promised

  • neilpt
    neilpt Member Posts: 13 Member

    I do and I will try this and provide updates here. It just seems really odd that in the same exact ticket where all of the information is provided they still pull this.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 564 Pro

    "I just got scammed by Native Instruments"

    No, you weren't. Stop lying.

  • neilpt
    neilpt Member Posts: 13 Member

    lets break it down for you. They said to purchase the product at full price and they will refund me 50%. I do this. And then they say they can not give a refund for a reason that didnt happen. Are you just trying to be obtuse?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Man…don’t argue with him…if he says you are lying, you are lying 😂

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,364 Expert

    You managed to use a voucher on something that was already discounted? That's a first. 🤔

  • neilpt
    neilpt Member Posts: 13 Member

    yea I made a post asking about it and apparently that usually doesnt happen. I guess it was an oversight by them that one time

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    I also thought so…and wanted to ask him…

    But then my very bad memory recalled something: didn’t we receive an email, between the hundreds they sent us in these offers period (“if you missed”, “last day”,…) saying that they added an ulterior discount on Komplete bundles?

    Or am I mixing things with another advertising from another company? (during the period from Black Friday to Christmas the email box becomes like a darts target in a British pub in a rainy Friday evening)

  • neilpt
    neilpt Member Posts: 13 Member

    here is the conversation of them saying they will refund

  • neilpt
    neilpt Member Posts: 13 Member

    it was the last voucher code they sent in an email for the holiday season. I tried a previous voucher code and it didnt work but for some reason this one did

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Oh…look…he was not lying 😏

    Or…should we also tell to the NI employee that what he wrote doesn’t exist because one guy here in the forum said this is all a lie?

  • neilpt
    neilpt Member Posts: 13 Member

    I dont have a screenshot of the order with the voucher because when the payment pending went away the order went away, but I have the order number and I'm sure they can look it up on their end that I placed it

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited January 8

    Probably because this voucher was done exactly to add an ulterior discount and therefore followed different rules.

    I don’t think it was an oversight.

    Anyway…write them with this screenshot. I’m almost sure they didn’t try to scam you but something went wrong in one of the passages.

    Since you have proofs that you followed what one of the employees told you to do, I’m sure they will solve the issue

    Even if…I must say that one time I had a similar problem when I asked if I could wait until the last day to use my offer for 12 free expansions since I already owned most of them and I wanted to wait for some new ones to be released. An employee told me “Don’t worry. If the voucher will cause problem I will add a new one manually”. But…when the time came… “But this, but that…” and no voucher was added…

    Not trying to scare you: make your moves, show your proofs and I hope things will be sorted

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    And…before some “truth gatekeeper” user will think to say I’m lying too… here are the screenshots of the conversation:

    Guess how it ended?

    Yes…you got it right…no voucher…

  • neilpt
    neilpt Member Posts: 13 Member

    Wow it seems like they have issues with vouchers a lot. Yea I hope its just that someone misunderstood what was previously promised and they can help me in the end. I don't see why they wouldn't be able to help since I followed their exact insutructions. But we will see, I re-opened the ticket and am now waiting for a response.

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