X1MK3: Community Performance MOD (qml coding)



  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member
    edited December 2024

    ok, yeah deleting mine worked..

    here's some more feedback based on other mapping I have too which is now conflicting..

    I see to enable STEMS I hold SHIFT and > right Arrow, I use these arrows for changing between single, 3x effects and pattern player (in effects mode and L or R A/B or C/D. So holding SHIFT and pressing the left or right arrows scrolls between effects functions as mentioned above, pressing arrows without shift scrolls through effects in that group or pattern Kits if in pattern player, for the channel Im on at the time (mirrored on each side A/B C/D)

    Maybe your mod has a better method for switching the effects?

    and yeah, I'd defo prefer to not need a second hand when adjusting EQ as Ill likely be adjusting two tracks together.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    STEMS mode via fx arrow button (right) in mixer mode.

    The answer to the next to last quesion:

    SHIFT+Button 1 switches unit type (single, group, pp).

    SHFIT+Button 1 switches fx type (and 2 and 3 for group).

  • mhollers
    mhollers Member Posts: 20 Member

    re my comment on not showing the FX unit # on the overlay screen, you are right, it was another case of mis copying the mod files and missing some unchanged image files!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    SHIFT+Button 2 switches fx type (and 3 and 4 for group). ^^

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member
    edited December 2024

    Sweet, yeah removed my own mapping and saved a new template to test yours properly now you have STEMS active.

    Everything is working really well for me mate, after a little play I've found having a single press to switch between effects A/B to Mixer A/B better than a double click ( as I had it previously) as it means I can access stems quickly and the chances are for most part I'll that'll work for my style of play.

    I like that you've kept the colour scheme for STEMS, makes it glaringly obvious which mode you're in.

    Everything you'd done previously for controlling stuff is awesome, I know somebody commented about holding vs not holding the dial down for BPM changes, I can't remember what was the original way vs suggested, but without looking back so as not to influence my own thoughts I like it - actually, it doesn't matter, so having the option to change it would be nice for some I guess, but I feel id get used to either way personally, but from a "safety" perspective of not wrecking a set by jumping 10 BPM instantly, I'd suggest having to press the button to increase the BPM faster would be better as a bit of a safety buffer, you're forced to think about the action a bit.

    Back to my other thoughts on the EQ's, I have a Xone96 at home, and genuinely hadn't even considered using the softwares EQs, but in fact, they sound very very close to the 96 (based on my own testing on my home system, I'm sure there's differences) and in fact, due to the fact I love using 4EQ id actually use this on a live set over the pioneers EQs, but I'd really love to see them single handed dials top to bottom like the 96 and hold shift to access gain or filters (which Id use on an external mixer normally but the option needs to be there of course for internal mixer) if the majority disagree or its too much work, I'm happy to overmap just this function if I need to as everything else is awesome so far!

    Keep up the great work mate, It is seriously appreciated!!!

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member
    edited December 2024

    maybe… yeah it might work, maybe the STEM button could be held whilst adjusting the dial to adjust stem volume? currently it operates STEM filter but simply holding the corresponding button simultaneously could do the volume (or switched if preferred?)

    Edit to add, maybe it isn't required at all? the filter almost isolates the individual stem tracks and holding the button instantly changes the sate currently so might be too tricky / not worth it.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    I thought the combination of filter+mute is enough. If you want to fade out a stem, turn the filter in one direction and, at the end, press mute. This way you have both volume and filter options in a manner of speaking. I come from using remix decks before i ever touched stems and found i seldom needed the volume faders and instead relied on filter and mute exclusively. Also, in combination with the Z1Mk2, there are no duplicate controls and the x1 (with this mod) can be considered a stem expansion.

    Regarding the current mixer controls: I agree having SHIFT function is not the best solution. Here, like with my experience with the Remix Decks, i found that the most important mixer controls i personally needed when mixing/gigging was direct control (without SHIFT) of LOW, HIGH and FILTER (as well as line fader). I estimated that most DJ would need those controls directly accessible, and anything on top of that can't be expected of a small controller like the X1. Hence i condemned MID and MIDLO controls the the SHIFT layer, keeping HIGH, LOW, FILTER and VOLUME (or GAIN) at my fingertips.

    Best you use the ISO Filter selection for the most dB-absorbing results at either knob end, or the Xone Filter if you want next to no resonance (in Preferences→Mixer).

    I may add a SHIFT layer to the STEM overlay, controlling FX SEND toggle and stem channel DRY/WET knob. But this could get confusing really fast and so far nobody has ever requested these controls.

    I hope i will be able to push another beta before christmas, with the STEM controls vs C/A B/D deck combination fixed. The solution already sits on my desktop but it's WIP on some setup functions and screen feedback so it will take some more coding and testing before i am done.

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 319 Pro

    No stress in the run-up to Christmas🙂, treat yourself to a break😜😂

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member

    Yeah, after having a play I soon realised and commented that in fact, volume control on STEMS isn't required and the combination works, I haven't used the filters much with Stems but it works fine, the reality is I won't use stems lots, just on occasion and I agree, too many button presses and layers gets confusing fast.

    As for EQ, I simply want the 4 band EQ matched to the dials to match my Xone96 when using a pioneer mixer.

    If I can over map it ill do that.

    Have a great Christmas and new year!!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod
    edited December 2024

    UPDATE: PerformanceMod 4 for TP 4.1.1 (BETA12)

    • Juggled around a few LED colours, particularly the SHIFT layer of FX/DrumKit for changing Unit Type/FX/Kit selection.
    • Stem Overlay (final), accessible in mixer overlay using the top arrow buttons.
    • Added setup toggle to switch Lo/MidLo SHIFT/NOT-SHIFT layers (use SHIFT to access the toggle in setup).
    • Added setup toggle for alternate FX Assignments (arrows) focussed on the FX Units below, instead of the decks.
    • Fixed some bugs related to code limitations of NI modules.

    The alternate FX Unit assignment is not final, but you can already try it out and compare it to the original. Feedback is particularly welcome, try out seldom used combos like decks B+D and FX Units 2+4. Please report any bugs you encounter.

    Most of all, enjoy!

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member

    No issues with Beta 12 that I have noticed and all functions appear to be working as designed.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod

    Great. Then i can start updating the page 1 instructions.

  • Pozzetti
    Pozzetti Member Posts: 42 Member

    I have to say mate, what you've done so far is bloody awesome!

    Thank you and have a great Christmas and New Years

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,146 mod
    edited December 2024

    UPDATE: Community Performance mod Version 4 for Traktor 4.1.1 :

    NEW Features:

    Alternate Mixer Overlay Features:

    • Knob/Button 2: LO eq controls
    • SHIFT+Knob/Button 2: MIDLO eq controls (optional)

    New Stem Controls:

    • When in Mixer Overlay, the top FX Unit Assignment (Arrow) buttons will let you switch between Mixer and Stem controls.
    • Knobs control Stem channel Filter
    • Buttons control Stem channel Mute

    Additional features:

    • Centre Mode Screen: In Mixer Overlay, the top line will show Main Levels and Limiter.
    • Screen Support: All new Mixer, FX and Setup function have Screen Feedback.

    Customizable features:

    • In the Preferences page of the X1MK3, the whole 'Browse Encoder' and 'Loop Encoder' sections are obsolete and don't change any functionality.
    • Instead, the Setup Overlay (when you start/load the X1 mapping) can be accessed by holding the MODE button for 1 second and provides the following custom toggles:
    • MODE SingleClick switches Decks: changes MODE Tap to switching Decks, and setting MODE Double-Tap to switching FX-Layers.
    • Xone:92 MidLo Control: adds MidLo controls to the Mixer Layer using SHIFT+Knob/Button 2.
    • Xone:92 Switch Low/MidLo (SHIFT+LeftButton 2 to access): switches SHIFT /NO-SHIFT layer for Lo/MidLo controls.
    • Switch Gain/Volume Control: switches Volume/Gain functions of Knob 4 in the Mixer Overlay to Gain (normal) and Volume (SHIFT).
    • Block MIXER Overlay: blocks the Mixer Overlay completely, jumping only between FX overlays when using the MODE button.
    • Link Browser Mode to GUI Browser Layout: connects BrowserView (X1) and FullscreenBrowser (Traktor GUI) states.
    • FX Assignment Arrows FX Unit Focus (instead of Deck Focus): when this is active, the FX Assignment arrows will focus on the FX Unit below it, selecting deck A (←), B (→), C (SHIFT+←) and D (SHIFT+→).
    • Link FX Overlay to Decks: FX Unit combination will aways correspond to Deck combination (for example decks C/A will correspond to FX Units 3/1) even when switching decks.
    • Block Secondary FX Overlay: blocks the secondary FX Overlay completely, jumping only between the primary FX Overlay and Mixer Overlay when using the MODE button.

    Custom Overmapping Support:

    • Switching Overlays (FX overlay 1, FX Overlay 2, Mixer/STEM overlay) will now also switch the value of Remix Deck B Page Selector.
    • Page 1 corresponds to primary FX Overlay, Page 2 to secondary FX Overlay, Page 3 to Mixer Overlay.
    • As long as Deck B is not actually a Remix Deck, this has no consequences whatsover for the deck. You can use the value of the page as a modifier condition (sample page selector) to override the FX controls separately for each X1 overlay using overmapping assignments.


    If you enjoy this mod as much as i do, please consider supporting me. 🦋🎧

  • Nyxsin
    Nyxsin Member Posts: 18 Member

    First of all, great job here, it seems like you've done a ton of flippin work!

    I wonder, (and I'm truly sorry if this has been addressed, I scanned through the 18 pages of the thread, but didn't see it) is it possible to modify the controller to have a command such as
    Shift + Play (left) = change from Deck A control to Deck C control; and likewise:
    Shift + Play (right) = change from Deck B control to Deck D control?

    I'm a brand new X1 user and I was devastated to find out you can not control 4 decks out of the box like you can with the Z1.

    Any input is greatly appreciated, and thanks for all the work you've put into these mods so far!

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